Chapter 03

I rushed to meet Jeevan's lawyer. I realized that they also took my signatures on the necessary agreement papers to claim ownership.

In a lawyer's office

"These are all legal papers. You should have gone through the papers before signing." He said.

"I am sorry I wasn't able to think properly at that time. (in a low voice) Even now, too. What can I do now?"

"I don't think signing a lawsuit against them will be helpful. Because all are legal papers and procedures. You can try to pursue them. I hope they will change their minds." He advised.

(in a sad, and low voice) "Hah, okay.
"I went back to our company's building to meet the Secretary Prem again.

As I reached there, I saw Jeet and Sapna entering the building. They are looking very happy and joyful, and here I am with a broken heart. I went inside the building, following them. I shouted out their name to call them.


They turned around. Now we are standing near each other.

"Oh wait. By seeing your condition, I think you came to know everything. Right?" Jeet said.

He is saying this with lots of happiness. By seeing him, I understood he didn't have any regrets.


"So you came to congratulate me because now I am the owner of this billion-dollar company. Wow, so thoughtful of you."

Laughing. He is laughing. He

"Why did you do that to me? What wrong did I do to you?"

(in a sad voice)Tears are forming in my eyes, but I am controlling it.

"Actually, we have been trying to do this for a long time. When Jeevan was also alive and admitted to the hospital, Sapna said.

"So that's why you both used to visit him because you both were looking for a chance."

"Yes of course. I think now your brain has started working." Jeet said.
Sapna and Jeet are both laughing.

"Only one month has gone by since the death of your brother, and you did this. You didn't even bother to wait."

"Oh, we have to wait? So do you think we will wait more until you heal from this pain? Then you will have a sound mind, and then it will become difficult to trick you. You know, time heals the pain. One day you will also heal from this pain, and then you will start working with a sound mind. So basically, we used your condition. In this condition, there are high chances that you can trick anyone. Especially the fool like you." He said.

"But I am your late elder brother's wife; he has a young child. Didn't you think for a minute about what would happen to them? Why did you do all this?"

"You have known Jiya since our childhood. Jeevan has brilliant skills. Everyone used to say that he would become an entrepreneur. He has a great interest in jewelry. He likes its design, color, shining material, etc. I used to wonder why he was born with those skills, not me. I am jealous. I always wanted to be like him. He grew up and really became a successful entrepreneur. On the other hand, I am just an employee at a company. So I started my business, and I failed. Why does he have such good fortune, not me? I also wanted to become a billionaire."

"It's not only about luck. He spent his time, put in hard work, polished his knowledge and skills, and then he reached this success. He even invested in your startup, but you failed. Not only you, but he also faced a 50,00,000 rupee loss. But he never complained about it. Even now, you've fulfilled your dream, but you're still not comparable to Jeevan. He gained everything from hard work, and here you are, a cheater."

"Okay, I understand about Jeevan. But what about you? You were born and grew up in a small, backward village with a poor family. You didn't even complete your graduation perfectly, and here I am studying for an MBA in finance at a well-reputed University. Sapna has an MBA in international business from the same University as mine. But still, you became the owner of the company. How are you even capable of becoming the owner of the company? It's your luck. It was your luck that my mother's eyes captured you, and she thought that you were the best for Jeevan, and Jeevan always did as his mother said and married you. Otherwise, you would be living in that same low-class village. You don't have any knowledge or skills, but you became the owner. It's purely because of your luck. So, if we talk about your personal situation and your family connections, would I be right in assuming that your dad worked for a small fuel company at some point? Go and do the same work as your father."

"(sad laugh) Okay, I agree. I may not have knowledge and skills, but I do have morals and ethics, which you both don't have. My morals and ethics captured the eyes of your mother, and she decided on this marriage. Yes, I didn't complete my graduation either, but I left my studies so that my brother could complete his engineering degree and pursue his dream, and you were always feeling jealous of your brother's success. I am sorry to say, but I think the employees of this company should start looking for another job because, in the future, if they continue to work here, they are going to become unemployed because you cannot run the business even if you have a ready-made business. In the future, this company is going to be shut down because of your ownership. Good luck."

"HEY YOU BRAINLESS BRAT!!" Sapna shouted.

"DON'T SHOUT. YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT. I wish your child didn't learn anything from you."

Now I can't stand them anymore. They gave me an aggressive look. What the hell? Both are at fault, and they are staring at me like this. Crazy. I went inside my car and drove towards my home. Anger and sadness—both feelings are hitting me.

But what am I going to do next?
