Chapter 11


Jagjeevan's pov

I am working in my office, and I got a call from my mother. Since my childhood, I have really respected my parents, especially my mom. I love her. She is my role model and taught me to work hard and achieve my dreams. I always listen to her.

But this time, she told me to marry. She informed me that she had set up a meeting with the girl and her family, and of course I couldn't say no to her. 

On the next day, we reached a restaurant, and there I met her. As soon as I saw her, I was disappointed. How can my mother like her for me? She is wearing a boring, outfit. I like modern-type girls, not this. She is totally not my type. She is wearing such boring accessories. No makeup, no fashion, no hairstyles—nothing. What is this?

My mother introduced each other: "This is my son Jagjeevan, the owner of JEEVAN JEWELLERY, and Jeevan; she is Jiya, the girl I chose for you; she is her mother; this is her father; and he is her brother.

We sat together, and our conversation began. Then I got to know that she didn't even complete her graduation. WHAT THE HELL? Here I completed my post-graduation, started my own company, and made myself a billionaire, and she didn't even complete her graduation. It's very disappointing. Now it's making me crazy, and now I am getting angry. I don't want to marry her.

A successful entrepreneur like me will marry this lower class. Not at all. But what about my mother? Uff....

Now they told us to talk alone for a while to get to know each other. I obeyed them, and we went outside to talk. There is a beautiful lake near the restaurant. We went there and sat on the bench to talk. 

Jiya's pov

As we sat here, I was thinking about what to talk about. Then he suddenly said, "See, don't get offended, but you are not at all my type. I don't want to marry you. If at all I end up marrying you, then it's because of my mother. I never disobeyed her. So, it's better if you reject this marriage proposal."

Oh my God, this is so sudden. I thought that we were going to talk about each other. Like our past, our likes and dislikes, our hobbies, etc. But what is this? I never expected that he was going to say this. I am totally shocked at how rude he is.

But am I able to reject this proposal? His mother, Samyukta, said that he is going to help us financially for my brother's studies because we will become relatives and relatives will help each other. I can't even reject this proposal. Otherwise, I would have already been going to reject it as soon as he saw me with judgmental eyes. The way he saw me, I understood that he didn't like me. 

"No, I can't." 

"Are you sure? So let me tell you one thing: don't expect anything from me. I am not going to give you any attention or any affection. I am making you clear. Don't complain about my behavior later. I am very rigid; I don't like to listen to anyone else. So, accept this proposal at your own risk and at your own responsibility."

He is making me feel nervous. I didn't like his behavior. If he is behaving like this now, then what will he do after marriage? But I don't have any other options. My family has gone through a lot; if my brother is able to complete his studies properly and get a good job, then it will solve everything. 

"Okay, I will not complain, I promise."

"Huh, are you serious? Even after listening to these things from me, you are still ready to marry me. Then you must be a gold digger who has a golden chance now."

"Don't say that. Please."

I feel like crying, and tears are forming in my eyes. 

"Now don't cry; I don't want this drama. Don't you dare to do this in front of my mother."

"O... okay."

We went to our parents and told them that we were ready for this marriage.

They are all happy now, except me and Jagjeevan.

Samyukta (Jagjeevan's mother) pov:

I am really happy for them. I thought about this marriage because of Jiya's character. Jeevan is really rigid and stubborn; he has anger issues. I think after marrying a girl like Jiya, he will change. I am doing this for the sake of Jeevan.

I even offered to cover the financial requirements for his brother's studies.

So that she will not say no. I hope you both will lead a happy married life.

Jiya's pov

Finally, we got married. Throughout the marriage, he was giving me cold looks. I just lower myself. What can I even do? I can't blame anyone; this is my decision, and I will bear it. Even if he shouts at me daily or even beats me, I have to bear it.

But now what will happen to me and my life with Jagjeevan.....
