Chapter 12

Jiya's pov

Now it's been one month since our marriage. We didn't have any proper conversation with each other. He always goes to his office in the morning and then comes back late at night, and then he will have dinner and then sleep. 

As he said, he is not going to give me attention or affection. But he is very rude to me. Even if I ask a simple thing, he will  give me cold answers. I don't know what wrong I did to him. But for how long will this continue? We will live our whole lives together. We can't be like this; we have to settle things between us. 

Today, he came late as usual and had dinner. When he was going to sleep, I finally talked about this with him. 

"We can't be like this; we have to settle things between us." 

He smirked and turned toward me. Now he will again say anything rude. I took a back, as I was ready for it. 

He said, "Don't you see, it's too late, and I want to sleep. Can't you talk about this any other time?"

(in a low voice) "But you are not available throughout the day, and you will be there only at night. So, when will I get the time to talk to you?"

"Okay, so what do you want to say? "You want a good relationship with me, for which I have already warned you that it will never happen."

"I...I know that. I know it's my fault. I will try my best build a good relationship with you. You don't. You don't have to do anything."

"What you can even do."

"Why...why don't like me?"

I get really nervous whenever I talk to him. I'm not even able to make eye contact with him. I lower my eyes whenever I talk to him. 

"I don't like you because you are not my type. I like fashionable, stylish girls."

"Okay, I will try change my.... myself. Please, please give me a chance."

"Okay, but don't do any experiments tomorrow. Tomorrow, mom is going back to her home town. Now she will live there. So I don't want any drama tomorrow. Did you understand?"

"Ye....yes....yes. I understood "

In the mornings, we see off my mother-in-law. Jeevan is looking very sad. It's the first time he will stay away from its mother. So he is feeling low. We came back home from the airport, and he went to the balcony. I prepared tea for us and went there to give him tea. Then I saw that he was crying. What! This man can even cry. I came close to him and put the tea on the table. I tried to console him.

"I know it's the first time you are staying away from your mom. I can understand even though I also left my family, right? So, don't worry; everything will be fine. If you need any help, you can ask me. I am there for you."

"And why will you even do that?"

Now he started again. Now I am again getting nervous.

"I....I will do it because... because I am your wife. Now, drink this tea. I...I hope you will feel good."

He took a sip, and then he threw it on the plant next to him. I was shocked that he did that.

"Wha...what happened."

"I didn't like it, so I threw it. That's all."

Then he got up and went towards his room. Why he is like that. I took a sip, and it's totally fine with me. He always makes me sad. But I can't blame him. He already warned me about this. 

The next day, he, as usual, went to his office. Yesterday, he took a day off because of his mother. After he went to the office, I got ready for shopping. I will try to become a fashionable and stylish girl. But as I went shopping, I got totally confused. But somehow I purchased the dress and other things and came back home. I learned many kinds of hairstyles and tried to do makeup. I will surprise Jeevan. I hope he will like it.

Now, in an hour, he will come back. I wore that dress, did makeup, used accessories, etc.

When he came back, I went to him. As soon as he saw me, he was totally shocked, and he said,


My smile drops. I understood that he didn't like it.

"Did you even look yourself in the mirror? Look at your make-up; you look more like a joker. Your accessories are totally different from your outfit. Even your outfit is weird. just go and change. Don't even consider going out like this. You idiot. JUST GO!

"I... am so sorry."

I ran towards my room and closed the door. I am crying. What can I do? I can only cry about my situation.

Like this, many months have passed. Many failed attempts of mine to impress him. There were many cold things he said to me and many cold behaviors he did with me. Now that it's enough, I can't do it anymore. I will not try to impress him. I fulfilled my duty as a wife; what can I do more than that? I will stay away from him. Of course, I can't give him a divorce, but I will not bother him. If he wants divorce, I will obey him. After all, it was my decision.

But today is our first wedding anniversary. I know he will not like to celebrate it. Why will he? The day went like usual, and he came back home at night. 

He went to our room, and I followed him. When I went close to him, I realized that he was drunk. Why is he drunk? For the first time, I saw him drunk. He is looking upset.

Now what will happen? How do I have to handle him in this situation?
