Chapter 02

All the final rituals are done.

Almost a month has passed since Jagjeevan's death. Jiya is still in a depressed condition, but she is trying her best to calm down because she has to take care of her son as well.

But the situation is going to take one more difficult turn for her. About which she doesn't have any idea that this is going to happen.

**Jiya's pov**

I am sitting on my bed beside my baby.

He is a baby; how is he able to handle his father's death? It's become hard for me to handle myself, my kid, and Jeevan's business all together. I miss him. But Jeevan's brother, Jeet, and his wife, Sapna, are both really helping me with the business. I am glad they are helping me. I know that in this condition I will not have the sound mind to handle everything.

I hear my phone ringing. Jeevan's secretary, Prem Bhatt, is calling me. I picked up the call.

**On the phone**

Secretary Prem: Hello

Jiya: Hello

Secretary Prem: Good afternoon, mam.

Jiya: Good afternoon, Secretary Prem Bhatt.

Secretary Prem: Mam, can you come to the office now? I want to tell you something important. We need to talk about this here in the office.

Jiya: If you are saying that, then it must be really important. Okay, I will come in half an hour. Please wait for me.

Secretary Prem: Okay, mam.

**Call end**

What is it now? In business, ups and downs happen; maybe it is related to this issue.

I called our maid, Diksha, who is 55 years old. I told her to take care of Kabir; I was going to the office. Something important came up.

I reached our company's building and went towards my office. When I reached there, Secretary Prem greeted me. We exchanged greetings. He is looking very serious. Now I started feeling that something really bad had happened.

"What do you want to say? What happened."

"Mam, do you know that shares represent ownership in a company? When you own shares, you own a portion of the company and may have voting rights and receive dividends. The more shares you own, the larger your ownership stake in the company. To remain the owner of the company, you need a majority of shares."

"Yes, I know that."

"So why did you sell so many shares?"

I was shocked by listening to his words. When the hell did I do that?

"What! I never did that."

"What. Are you sure? Are you sure that you didn't do that? You can check your shares."

It shook me to the core when I quickly went through it. How did it happen?

"I think you are handling your shares and didn't delegate this authority to someone else. So how did that happen?" Secretary Prem said.

"So previously, Jeevan handled these shares, but now it's my turn, and I'm handling them."

"Well... Hmmm... Actually, Jagjeevan Sir's brother Jeet Sir bought those shares. So now he is the owner of the company."


Now I remember that, after a week since Jeevan's death, Sapna came to my house.


In my home.

" Jiya I know how you're feeling now. But we have to look after the company as well. Actually, I checked out that you haven't paid allotment fees for some of your shares." Sapna said with a concerned face.

(Jiya in a slow and faint voice with pale eyes) "Really.... I must have forgotten about it. Let me pay....."

"Oh, you are not feeling well. Right. Don't worry about it. You need to take a rest. If you want, I can handle it on your behalf. I just need authentication and authorization to handle your shares. Seriously, you need to take a rest. I am sorry to say, but now you're not in the right state to handle everything. So me and Jeet are just helping you with this."

"No. No. There is no need to apologize. I understand. I will give you or Jeet the authentication and authorization of my shares."


She stood up and hugged me.

**Flashback ends**

As soon as I realized who it was, my heart shattered. I am feeling angry as well, and I also want to burst into tears.

The betrayal....
