Chapter 05 (Second part)

I went out in our garden and saw this uncle and nephew walking around the garden. Then Diksha Aunty came and took Rahul's beloved nephew with her for evening snacks. After that, Rahul noticed me and came toward me.

"Four hours," Rahul said.

"What four hours?" I asked.

"For four hours, you have been in your room. This is the second time you have done this since I came here. You are there in your room for long hours, leaving Kabir."

"Sorry. Actually, I finally got the chance for myself when you three came here. Previously, it was only me and Diksha Aunty to look after Kabir, and I don't like to look weak in front of Kabir because I need to give her strength to overcome, but now two more are there to take care of him. So without any tension, I can give myself time. Sorry for all these."

"Okay, I understand. I am sorry."
"It's Ok. But I have decided what to do next."


"I will start my business."

"What? You want to start a business, but it can be risky. It needs a lot of hard work, and it... Okay, as I told you, I will always be there, so you can count on me."

A very big smile came to my face.

"Thank you so much."

"Okay, okay, but did you have an idea for startup, by the way?" He asked.

"Yes. Creating a brand new company that will provide an environmentally responsible fuel that can be distributed throughout the country. The fuel is highly concentrated, non-toxic, and produced in a highly secret process that is conducted with thermal heat, so there is almost no environmental impact in producing this fuel."

(Rahul is in his mind.) Is this going to work?
