8. Too Good to be a Bad Guy

"You know for a demon, you're kinda terrible at being mean," Yoongi mused.

"Uh, sorry? I'll try harder to live up to your expectations," Hoseok sighed, as they began walking back toward the Kim household from the bowling alley.

"I'm just saying. How are you gonna be a literal god of death when you help old ladies cross streets and shit. Have you ever even been in a fight?"

"Not really. I don't have any reason to usually," Hoseok looked at the shorter demon.

"Are you shitting me? Everyone has a reason to fight. You're a fucking demon god. Pretty sure that means your life has been sucky more than once," Yoongi replied. "We should start a fight with someone. You know to practice."

"Oooh, a fight! I love it! Let's go punch some bitches!" Taehyung exclaimed throwing his fists up in mock defense.

"I'm up for a fight. Whose ass are we kicking, Yoon?" Yujun asked.

The four continued walking down the darkened streets, looking for a worthy opponent. Soon enough, they hear a commotion coming from a long alleyway. Yoongi looks at the other three and motions for them to follow. They head down the alleyway, hearing screams and sounds of a scuffle.

They come upon a group of four who had cornered a smaller teenager and were holding him down while stripping him of his clothing. The boy whimpered beneath them as they pummeled him, laughing.

"You sure are pretty for a boy," the tallest one said, "Maybe we can make him ours!" he said. He grabbed the boy's legs and opening them, positioning himself between them. With that, he sealed his fate.

Hoseok could feel his anger grow at the sight. He hated people who preyed upon the weak. And these assholes were about to do the unthinkable to someone who was obviously completely defenseless. His rage continued to build until he could no longer control it. He felt his entire being become engulfed in flames, his eyes began to change, and his teeth grew sharp. His skin began to change into a deep black with horns emerging from his head. In the blink of an eye, Hoseok was gone and the beast within him came out to play.

With a large burst of flames, he appeared behind the main antagonist, grabbing him by his neck and holding him in the air. The man began to gasp for air, while Hoseok simply grinned, showing his sharpened teeth.

With a deep guttural voice, he said, "I think I'm feeling hungry, and you, little bitch, are looking like one tasty morsel."

The victim ran away at the sight while the three other perpetrators stood frozen in place.

With one swift motion, Hoseok pulled the man close to him, opening his mouth and deeply inhaling the man's soul. He then dropped the withered, lifeless body, looking at the other three with a horrific grin. "Who else wants to play?"

The three began to run but were unable to as Hoseok was able to easily overpower them and slice them to shreds with his long black claws. He then consumed each of their souls as he did with the first man, savoring the fear within them.

The three stared at him, eyes about to fall out of their heads.

"That was so fucking cool! You are the man! Dude, my friend's a badass! Take that bitches!" Taehyung said excitedly, kicking one of the corpses in the head.

"Hobi, you good, bro?" Yujun asked, placing his hand on Hoseok's shoulder.

"I think...I...I don't know. I mean, I just ate their souls, Yu. What am I becoming?"

"Pft. Don't worry about it, those dudes weren't worth a nun's tit. They won't be missed," Yoongi said, snapping his fingers and making the bodies disappear.

"Whoa, Yoongi, how'd you do that?!" Taehyung shouted.

"Sweetness, I'm a demon. I can do all sorts of things," he said, winking.

Taehyung gulped.

Hoseok stood, questioning his existence while Taehyung and Yoongi stared at each other. Yoongi licked his lips then turned to Hoseok. "Let's go check on Namjoon, ok?"

Hoseok nodded.

"Actually, I think I'll just go home from here. See you guys later," Yujun said.

The remaining three waved goodbye and then disappeared at the sound of Yoongi's finger snap.

Their eyes grew large at what they saw before them in the living room.
