36. Muppet Babies

Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook stood staring at their mates in their new forms. The two newly designated daeva were currently fighting over the last twinkie in the box. The two were scratching, biting, and clawing each other in hopes of eating the last treat.

"You two do know we could just buy more snacks...like they're not even that expensive," Jimin said flatly.

"Are they always like this?" Jungkook inquired, "It seems futile to risk injury for such a trivial reward."

"They're brothers. They fight over dumb shit all the time. One time, they fought over who was the best at blow jobs. Azazel and I were kinda hopeful for that one until they argued over who would judge and decided it should be a neutral party. Neither of us were willing to let some random fucktwat get sucked off by our mates so they called it a draw," Yoongi said.

"They also fought over the chicken crossing the road, who was the hottest Rice Krispies elf, if the Loch Ness Monster swung both ways, if Bigfoot was circumcised, if aliens were all gay or just had a butt fetish, who looked better in a thong, and whether Scooby Doo was really a show about bestiality and orgies. It literally never ends with them," Jimin added.

Growing frustrated, Yoongi stepped forward and grabbed the twinkie. He hurriedly opened and shoved it into his mouth in one bite.

"You dirty bitch!" Namjoon exclaimed, earning a slap from Taehyung.

"How dare you call my kitten that!" he argued.

"You've called him that! Multiple times! Hypocrite!"

"Only when we're naked! You're such a bitch!" Taehyung shoved Namjoon.

"You're a slut!" Namjoon shoved back.

"At least I'm not a frigid bitch!" Taehyung yelled, grabbing Namjoon in a headlock.

"Should they not be stopped? One of them could get hurt," Jungkook worried.

"It's better to let them get tired or they'll hurt you instead," Yoongi sighed, sitting down on the couch. The other two joined him.

Biting his brother on his fuzzy blue arm, Namjoon grabbed Taehyung by the left horn and body slammed him into the coffee table.

"You stupid blue fuzz bitch! I'm not frigid! Sorry I haven't sucked off the population of a large country, hoe!" he yelled, kicking his brother in the throat.

Taehyung coughed, stumbled, then charged at his pink furred brother. Knocking him down onto a nearby side table, he grabbed the lamp. He used the cord to begin to strangle Namjoon.

"You stupid, Pepto Bismol slimeball! You call me a hoe but your slutty ass has two mates! Fuck you, you overly judgmental pussy lover!"

Namjoon gasped, "That's just cruel! I'm just as gay as you, maybe even gayer!"

Taehyung stopped, frowning quietly, "I'm sorry. I know. You want some pretzels?"

"Sure! Love you, brother!" he replied, wrapping his pink arms around Taehyung's waist.

"Love you, too, punkin butt," Taehyung said, returning the hug.

The two headed to the kitchen and began sharing a bag of pretzels.

The three demons sat squished on the sofa, looking at the brothers awkwardly.
