30. Technically Still a Virgin

~ Warning: Torture and General Fucked-upness ~

Lucifer stood on the stage filing his claws, whistling. The crowd stood motionless. It had been five and a half minutes since Hoseok's soul flew from his corpse into the demon realm.

A light breeze began to blow. Lucifer quickly threw down the file, standing straight, knowing what it meant. He removed his clothes while still whistling. He lightly danced in place to the sounds of his own whistling.

A large golden orb with lights behind it, resembling a comet, suddenly came hurling at him. The winds were becoming fierce and by the time, the comet reached the stage, it was enough to throw a few demons here and there.

With a loud crash, it flew into Hoseok's corpse which still lie bloody on the golden bed center stage. As Hoseok's body and soul reunited, a large blast emitted from within him, sending a shock wave outward.

Hoseok sat up dramatically, gasping for a breath, his wounds healing at once, leaving only the scars behind. He looked down at his feet, seeing the Ankusha before them. Grabbing it, he stood quickly, looking at Lucifer who finally stopped whistling.

He walked up to his mate, grabbed him by the neck, and threw him unto the bed. Bouncing a few times, he looked at Hoseok, "Welcome back, my love!"

Holding his arm out and turning it rapidly in a circular motion, a golden mist began to appear.

"Whatcha doing there, sweetheart?" Lucifer asked.

Hoseok withdrew his hand, letting the mist dissipate, leaving a large device that consisted of two poles with chains hanging from them.

Looking at Lucifer with a broad but disturbing smile, Hoseok transformed into Iku. His golden horns and fangs shone brightly with mischief and evil. He wore his golden sherwani, pants, and slippers. Spreading out his golden wings, he approached Lucifer.

"Come here, mate," he spat, voice deep with spite.

"Yes, my love," Lucifer obeyed, walking around the poles to stand before his soulmate. "How I've missed..."

Before he could finish his thought, Iku brought the Ankusha down across his back. And once Lucifer fell to his knees, Iku continued the onslaught, bringing the Ankusha down over and over and over again, stopping only to throw his head back and laugh maniacally.

Hanging Lucifer upside down from the poles by his legs, Iku moved toward the trunk, finding a golden box. Setting in front of his bleeding soulmate, along with the black sword that killed his father.

Lifting the Ankusha above himself as he levitated above the Demon Overlord, he came down in one quick motion, crushing Lucifer's testicles. Lucifer's screams could be heard throughout Hell. Seeing it wasn't going to fit easily, Iku held out his hand, drawing his sword to him. Puncturing the flesh around Lucifer's asshole, he slowly and deeply cut in order to make room for the Ankusha.

So much for virginity and the special meaning of your first time. Ignoring the screaming of his soulmate, Iku once again lifted the Ankusha high above his head, bringing it down with force, and piercing deep into Lucifer's cavity.

Leaving it inside of his soulmate, he slowly descended walking over to his mate and cutting away the chains. Lucifer's barely living body fell to the ground with a resounding thud. Straddling him, Iku used the ebony sword to cut open his chest. Placing the golden box next to his dying mate, he opened it, revealing the golden Chalice of Fate. Grabbing the chalice, he filled it with blood from his lover's chest cavity.

Setting the full chalice aside, he plunged his entire forearm into Lucifer's chest, ripping out his still-beating blackened heart in one motion. Holding it before him, he licked it, tasting his soulmate's life essence and reveling in its beauty. Slowly, he rubbed the heart over his face as the life pumped out of it, covering him in his mate's delectable blood. No longer able to restrain his desire to become one with his lover, he revealed his golden fangs.

With deeply sensual moans, he slowly began devouring Lucifer's heart. Running it along his lips and face, he began to feel his arousal grow heavy between his legs. The need to fuck grew more and more as he continued eating his soulmate's heart, until he finally finished his meal.

Standing up, he looked out toward the crowd who stared back speechless. Slowly, he began to palm his manhood until he was unable to withstand the pain. Exposing himself in front of the entirety of Hell, he began rubbing his dick with his blood-soaked hands. Moaning loudly, his strokes became rougher, harder, and faster.

Feeling himself nearing his peak, he opened his golden eyes. And looking at the horde of demons before him, he came loudly, spraying his seed all over the demons fortunate enough to get a front row seat.

Clapping could be heard behind him. Turning, he saw his soulmate, sitting on top of the closed trunk, giving him a resounding round of applause.

"Pretty sure, that was the single hottest thing I have ever seen," Lucifer said, running his tongue across his lower lip. "Pull your pants up, dear," he whispered in Hoseok's ear.

Lucifer approached the crowd, careful to not slip on the mess Hoseok just left. "I will now crown my soulmate as Queen of Hell. Do any of you pathetic wastes of existence have any objection to such?"

The crowd stood still, the front rows covered in blood and...other fluids.

"Good. Iku, here."

Hoseok walked to the spot Lucifer indicated, looking up at him.


As he knelt, he felt a crown being set upon his head. Grabbing his hand, Seokjin helped Hoseok stand.

Facing the crowd, Lucifer announced, "From this day forth, he will be known as Iku, Queen of Hell and God of Death and Justice."

The crowd cheered, reveling in the sheer perversion, horror, and downright friendliness their new leader had already shown. Hoseok was definitely special.
