17. Third Time's the Charm?

Hoseok had had enough. His "soulmate" was starting to royally piss him off in a way that frightened the people around him.

"Uh, Hobi, you sure about this?" Yujun asked wearily. "I mean I'm all for you getting laid, but how many people have to die for you to get your dick sucked, dude? Like this has to be a record or something."

"I'd hate to say this, but Yujun's right, Hobi," Yoongi added. "He's not gonna give in that easy, you know."

"Maybe you can just buy a vibrator or a pocket pussy or something. Nobody will die then, right?" Taehyung added. "Not that it's ideal but, you know, death."

Jimin looked sympathetically at his friend, "Are you even listening to us, Hobi? This is a really bad idea. Seriously, he's gonna..."

"I don't give a flying fuck what he's gonna do!" Hoseok yelled, no longer giving a shit about anything. "It's my body and I'm a damn god of fucking death. This shouldn't matter – me wanting a piece of ass shouldn't be an issue! But no, your friend has to be a petty territorial bitch! You motherfuckers try and stop me and see what happens! I do what I want!" he said growling, his eyes glowing a bright amber.

He licked his sharp teeth, looking at his friends before adding in a menacing growl, "If the big bad wolf doesn't like it, tell him to suck my dick." He left, leaving his friends awkwardly looking at each other.

"What do we do?" Namjoon asked.

"What can we do? This is between the two princesses not us. Does anyone even know where his 'date' is anyway?" Yoongi asked.

Everyone shook their head 'no'.

"I guess we just wait and watch the news and find out that way," Jimin sighed.

Hoseok walked toward a nearby restaurant, trying to calm himself before reaching his destination. He had met this person online a few days before and decided he would be the one. He was handsome, dressed well, and was very manly – he was perfect for Hoseok to top.

Hoseok began thinking about the man as he neared the restaurant. He saw him sitting on an outside table drinking water. He was just as handsome as his pictures. Hoseok was ready, all he had to do was cross the main street.

He walked to the crosswalk, pushing the "walk" button. As he waited, he looked over at the man. They made eye contact, the man waving at him excitedly. Hoseok waved back when suddenly a loud crash could be heard. They both looked around, then realized it was coming from the sky.

Hoseok could only watch as half of a plane plummeted directly into the man waiting for him. The other half followed shortly afterward, also landing directly on the spot the where the man once stood, almost eradicating the restaurant and the neighboring buildings.

Chaos ensued, with people crying, screaming, and running around in fear. Sirens could be heard in the distance coming closer. Wails of pain and cries echoed in the air. People were everywhere – neighbors came flooding into the streets, pushing each other, trying to see what happened and if they knew anyone involved.

Hoseok stood in the middle of the chaos, staring blankly at the spot where the man once stood. He sighed, walking away from the scene toward a nearby park. He ignored the countless screaming people running the other way. He walked to the swing set, sitting on one and pushing himself in place. He continued to stare blankly as time passed. After what seemed like an eternity, he once again heard the disembodied voice.

"Why do you like angering me, little one? You know you're mine, but you insist on acting out like a teenager in heat. Do you think I'm just going to let someone else fuck what is mine? You are MY soulmate...that is my ass, my dick, my hands, my mouth. I warned you, Hoseok, but you just don't listen. Do you want Master to punish you?"

Hoseok ignored the voice, swinging himself higher instead.

"I know you hear me, Hoseok," the voice continued. "Don't ignore me."

"Fuck you," Hoseok said calmly.

"Now, now, my love, no need for such behavior. Be a good boy and wait for Master."

"Kiss my ass, bitch. You're the absolute worst soulmate in existence. Every single day I waited, believing your bullshit. But that was then. I'm tired of waiting for you. Is this even worth it?"

"Don't push me, Hoseok. I've been more than generous with you."

"Generous," Hoseok laughed. "You genuinely think you can control me? Maybe you're just too much of a pussy to let me touch you. You're probably hung like a mouse and can't even get hard. That must be why you keep pushing me away. You know you could never make me cum. You think you could ever make me want you? Ha."

"This is your last warning, Hoseok. I am not someone to be played with, by any means."

"Whatever you say, limp dick. Keep telling yourself that and maybe one day it'll be true. Until then, I'll keep looking for someone who actually isn't afraid of sex. Someone who would love to let me do every dirty thing they can imagine. You, on the other hand, Lucifer, can suck my dick."

And with that, he disappeared, leaving the swing he was in to keep swinging.
