25. Queen of the Damned

Whispers could be heard throughout the crowd now forming in order to witness something that hasn't been seen in many millennia. The Conjunctio Duorem Animarum was not just a big deal because demons were sadomasochistic voyeuristic perverts, but also because it meant a new ruler. There had not been a Queen of Hell since the previous Satan.

The current Satan was full of sex appeal, violence, ill-temper, and the need for pain. He was a perfect leader. Seeing the being that would hold the honor of being Queen to such a bloodthirsty monarch would truly be a sight to behold. Would the being be able to pass such a rigorous and brutal trial in order to truly be the second in command of all demon kind?

A cloud of black smoke appeared atop the golden stage at the center of the crowd. Slowly, the fumes began to rise and form the shadow of a male. Lucifer emerged from the shadow in his human form. Dressed in all black, he bore a crown made of black gold and black diamonds. His sharp features accented by his aura of power and strength. His ebony eyes scanned the crowd before holding up one finger to his mouth. The crowd fell silent immediately.

"Hello, my hellions. I stand before you with the intent to claim my soulmate as our Queen. I have no doubt this will be the most powerful Queen we have ever known," he said.

With that, the crowd began to whisper again. Saying such a thing was arrogant, disrespectful of all previous Queens (including the Overlord's own mother), and was truly considered a vile thing to say, even for demons. The gathered demons would now know to expect a Queen unlike all other previous Queens. One who would truly push what it meant to be Queen. And those expectations would not be unfounded.

Hoseok would be the first male Queen after all. He'd also be the first Queen to be a full god. And to be a god of death and judgment. Now that was unseen.

"Once my soulmate's trials are complete and the title of Queen is bestowed, you will all revel in the kind brutality within. My fellow demons, I present to you my soulmate and your future Queen, Iku," he said holding his hands out toward a golden shimmering mist that appeared beside him.

The name Iku was well known by all demon kind. It was a name of the one who was destined to become the most powerful god of death the Underworld had ever known. The fear of what would appear before them was tangible. Iku was said to be ruthless, heartless, full of rage and a chaos that the god of disorder could envy. Iku was also known to be a male. Most gods of death were female. Only one clan ever had male gods of death, and they were truly terrifying.

The golden mist began to swirl upward, revealing a golden shadow. Hoseok emerged, a heart shaped smile on his face, waving to the crowd enthusiastically, "Hey, guys!"

Silence fell over the confused demon crowd, while Seokjin smiled broadly at his mate. No monarch of Hell ever looked so...friendly and happy. It was truly unnerving. The demons stared at Hoseok, not knowing what to expect.

Loud drums began playing around the stage. The two soulmates walked to the center of the stage, which held a large golden bed. Black chains with clawed ends sprung from the bed, stabbing into Hoseok's arms and legs. He was pulled onto the bed, his clothes falling away in one quick motion.

Lucifer's eyes glowed a dark crimson as he turned to face the beautiful male in front of him. "This is going to be so much fun," he said, licking his lips.
