71. The Golden Answer

Jimin, Namjoon, and Hyunjin decided to split from Hoseok and Seokjin to increase the likelihood of their leaders' survival.

Now that they stood with twenty angels surrounding them, Jimin was glad they did.

The angels slowly inched closer and closer, forcing the three to stand almost back-to-back. Jimin and Hyunjin whispered a brief plan between them but before they could enact a single part, Namjoon reached into his pocket, pulled out a wet brick and began bashing the angel in front of him on the head repeatedly.

The angel, red with anger, lifted his sword to strike Namjoon across the face but before he could make contact, he exploded into thousands of little pieces.

"Holy shit, what the fuck was that?" Jimin asked.

"I pissed on the brick," Namjoon said, whopping another angel upside the head, causing it to explode in a similar fashion.

"What?! Why?!" Hyunjin yelled, fighting off an angel's attack.

"If holy water is a thing, then demon water should be, but obviously, since bleeding on them did nothing, I tried the next best thing," Namjoon added, continuing his pee-covered brick attacks on their foes.

"But holy water doesn't even work," Jimin added, continuing their fight.

"Because they are ignorant! Think of the covenant! If they use his flesh and drink his blood, then why would they need mere water to battle their enemies?"

"Wait, they could've killed us this whole time with their urine?!" Jimin asked before cackling wildly. "Fucking legendary!"

With a final blow to the side of the last angel's noggin, Namjoon looked triumphantly over at his teammates.
