41. An Eye for an Eye

Waves of molten lava hit the rocks on the seaside. The deep black sand of the beach was warm from the surrounding fires. The usual wails and cries of agonized souls were now being drowned out by the sounds coming from under the boardwalk.

Grunts and groans filled the air. Taehyung watched Yoongi wipe the sweat from his brow as his hands continued their w0ork. He licked his lips as Yoongi's brows furrowed.

"You're so hot right now," Taehyung moaned.

Smirking, Yoongi looked up at his mate.

Looking back down at the angel who lay bound to the deeply imbedded metal spikes in the ground, Yoongi ran the blade of his khopesh along the other's face.

"Now, listen here, little one. This won't kill you, but it will sure fucking hurt. You'll feel you're dying. Hell, even this little body of yours will die but, guess what?! Down here, you'll come back again and again and again – just in time for me to do this once more. And you know what, Angel Baby? I love every fucking second of it, so you bet your hypocritical holy ass I will make this last as long as I can."

The angel spat in Yoongi's face, "Fuck you, traitor! I'll never give in to your..."

He was cut off by Taehyung grabbing his mouth and pulling until a snap could be heard. The angel's jaw lay limply, cocked to the left. The demon tried talking but his jaw would not move so the words were slurred.

Taehyung then ran his dark blue claws along the angel's face, puncturing his right eye and plucking it out whole. Dangling it by the long frayed nerve, he swung it back and forth before the remaining eye.

"You think you can come onto my turf, lie to my friends' faces, and spit in my MATES face, you pathetic sorry excuse for an angel!?! You think those dirty motherfuckers up there give a shit about you?! You think your suffering will affect a single damned thing in this fight?! You lie here in Hell itself standing up for a power that threw you out for what?! For love! Your woman was a secret was she not?! You think a place that won't let you be with your woman is actually a place worth defending?! Pathetic."

Taehyung then licked the empty eye socket, clotting the blood and healing the wound. He then lightly grabbed the demon's jaw and let a soft teal light emanate from his glowing eyes. The light danced along the other's lower face, resetting his jaw slowly. The angel's remaining eye grew wide, looking at Taehyung directly.

"Why'd you do that?"

"We're not always assholes, asshole," he said, walking over and caressing Yoongi's face and pecking his lips delicately. "Love – it's a beautiful thing, angel," he said, turning back to the bound fallen angel.

The angel looked away. "Just kill me. Call the one you call Yujun and take my soul. I have nothing left without my Gwen. She was the only thing that ever brought me happiness. If you're not going to kill me then do what you want. I no longer care, demons."

"Number one – you've fallen, angel. You're now a demon, too. Two – I'm Vizaresh, defender of death, daeva of the fallen. NOT a demon. And three – I'm offering you a chance, baby demon."

"A chance at what – misery?" the other scoffed.

"What are you doing, Baby Blue?" Yoongi asked, observing the scene from a short distance.

"He's not a bad soul, Kitten. Can't you smell it?"

"Smell what?" the other two asked in unison.

"Your soul, duh. Wait, you guys really can't smell souls?" Taehyung asked, a look of confusion upon his face.

"Uh, no, Baby Blue. That's weird," Yoongi replied.

"I've never heard of such frivalry. Honestly, what do souls smell like?" the angel questioned.

"Depends on the soul. Bad souls have a sour almost rotten odor while good souls are more pleasing and warm. But what each scent is varies from soul to soul. Your soul smells like baked apples and wine."

The newly fallen demon closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. "That was Gwen's favorite snack combo."

"I'm sure you were," Yoongi mumbled.

The two glared back at him.

"Anyhoo, you've never told us your name, baby demon."

The other's gaze shifted from him to Yoongi and back again. "Qemeul."

"Well, Qemeul. It's a fucked up situation you've found yourself in, I know. But you really need to think about this. Those assholes up there threw everyone of you guys out for, honestly, trivial shit. Down here in Hell, we do some fucked up shit, yes. We torture, we murder, and, yes, on occasion, we have been known to be vengeful, wrathful pieces of shit. But I'll tell you one thing. A demon never kicked anyone out for loving someone."

"Your asshole Queen ate my Gwen! He fucking ate her!"

"Look, no one's perfect," Taehyung huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
