42. The Fall from Grace

Yoongi squatted down next to Qemeul's face, "Lookie here, Q...can I call you Q?"


"Okay, Q. Look, life fucking sucks and then you die. I know it's fucked what's going on right now. Fuck, I can't even believe I'm fucking talking to you right now, but you really need to see the truth. Those assholes hated us. They wouldn't give us a chance to live, to love. We didn't even fucking ask for that much. We just wanted to be free to love. Azazel and Lucifer had both found their first loves and lived years loving them from afar. YEARS!

I never even had a fucking chance to do that – I was too busy fucking fighting for them. Torturing, maiming, murdering for them. All the bullshit they condemn us for now was okay then because it was FOR THEM!

Lucifer and Azazel asked Him for the ability to be with the people they loved and they were denied. Not only denied but punished. Sentenced to be tortured and brought within an inch of their lives. And guess who they tasked with doing the deed, Q. Guess. Yea, He didn't ask, he commanded me to torture, beat, and damn near kill my fellow angels, my fucking friends! Do you know how many times those two saved me from death?! And they had to suffer because they were in love?

Do you know what happened to those humans they fell in love with? Two humans who did nothing wrong – all they did was reciprocate their love. He fucking had them violated and slaughtered in front of them. Violated. Raped, Q. They were fucking raped then were split open on Lucifer's own sword because they were in loving, committed relationships with two very lonely beings.

And this was to Azazel and Lucifer – two of the highest-ranking angels in existence. Lucifer was His most beloved and beautiful angel. He never did a thing to cause any anyone to doubt his allegiance.

It broke them, Q. You didn't have to see it. After I refused to torture them, they made me watch. They made me see my friends watch their loved ones be raped, tortured, and killed. The way you could see their hearts crumble. It's some1thing I wish I could erase from my memory.

As I stood there, I knew I couldn't let it happen. I told the ones hurting them that I wanted to be the one to slaughter them. And when they let their guards down, I killed them. I killed them all. I freed my friends and I fucking helped them because they always helped me.

We didn't know there were others until we were in the middle of a fucking riot. So many were tired like us. So many had served and given everything and received only His wrath. And they fought with us, for us, for themselves.

And I'll admit, I went a little far. But you know what, fuck them. Yea, I killed a shit ton of motherfuckers and, sure, I may or may not have set the fucking throne and a good portion of the palace on fire, but at least I did what was right.

What did they do, Q? You weren't there. If you were, if it was you and those were your friends, what would you do?

You lay there and take all this pain and bullshit for those hypocritical sacks of shit. And what did they do in return? They let you take it. But you're right, we're the assholes. Fuck you."

Yoongi stood up, grabbed Taehyung's hand, and said, "You figure your own way out, douchbag."

And they left him there bound to the long metal spikes in the middle of the black sand.
