The next morning was honestly a bit of a daze, you woke up a bit sore and drowsy, and not to mention you were still butt-ass naked under the covers.

Schlatt was still sound asleep next to you, so carefully you pulled away, immediately standing up and getting dressed. Checking the time you figured the others were still asleep, so a shower would probably be the best.

Before you walked out of the room you carefully tucked Schlatt in, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek before you headed to the bathroom.

Everything was so quiet, that's usually how it was when the guys had a night of drinking. Ted would usually stay asleep until 12, and Schlatt usually woke up an hour before then to throw up and get the whole hangover experience.

Charlie thankfully wasn't a drinker, but he normally just slept in a lot. He usually stayed up really late, so it was normal to usually see him up around 11 or 12 every morning.

Walking into the bathroom, you quietly closed the door and locked it, before undressing yourself once again. It was a bit weird to dress and undress again in such a short period of time, but you'd rather do that than bump into the others while naked.

As you turned the shower on and waited for the temperature to match your liking, you stared in the mirror for a moment. Your 'special marks' from last night had grown darker, and a lot of them covered the left side of your neck, some leading down to your chest.

"Shit.." You cursed to yourself, carefully running your hand over a few of the marks. You definitely didn't want any of those showing, after your shower you could probably throw some makeup over it and call it a day.

Soon after you shower you dried off and got dressed again, slowly heading back to your room. As soon as you opened the door, though, Schlatt immediately pushed past you, heading straight for the bathroom. Thankfully he at least put his boxers back on before leaving the room.

It didn't take long until you heard the sound of vomiting, you let a sigh before slowly walking back, leaning against the door. "Well, good morning to you too, Schlatt."

He honestly ignored you at first, gripping onto the side of the toilet tightly as he panted a bit. "Fuck off.." He muttered, soon throwing up again.

Sighing, you walked over and began to slick his hair back with your fingers, getting it out of his face. You then carefully rubbed his back with your free hand. "Hey, at least you didn't drink almost a whole thing of conditioner. Ted was fucked up last night."

Schlatt coughed a bit as he wiped his mouth with his arm. "That dumbass drank conditioner?" He said with a slight smile.

"To be fair, you were the one who gave it to him. You thought it was yogurt." You said with a small hum, continuing to rub his back.

Scoffing a bit, he slowly sat up, rubbing his hands over his face. "Fucking hell, what happened last night? All I remember was going into your room, and then we.." He paused, his eyes widening as everything came back to him. "Holy shit, we-!"

Quickly you shushed him and sighed. "I know, I know.. I'm aware.." You said softly, continuing to rub his back. "I say we keep that to ourselves from now."

Though he was hesitant, he nodded slowly. "Yeah, I doubt the others would be too happy.." He snickered a bit, before gagging again.

"You finish up here then shower. I'll get you some new clothes." You said softly, carefully pulling your hand away from his back. "You're also free to use some makeup to cover up your neck, by the way." You hummed, before heading out of the bathroom.

Since you had already picked out a pair of clothes for Schlatt the night before you just grabbed that since he never really used it. Gently opening the bathroom door you sat them on the counter, before closing it again. The shower was already running so you figured Schlatt was already in.

While he shower you decided to pick up the clothes the two of you left all over the floor, walking around naked was one thing but if the others saw both yours and Schlatt's clothes on the floor they would definitely get suspicious.

You hummed quietly as you tidied up your room, fixing covers of your bed, throwing the clothes on the floor into the hamper, and throwing away spare tissues that were laying around from last night's.. 'fun'.

Once things were nice and clean you sat on your bed letting out a soft sigh. Everything from last night was so chaotic, it was hard to get off of your mind.

Eventually you got bored of just sitting in your room and decided to get up and make some breakfast. The others would most likely be up soon, and Schlatt would most likely be hungry considering he pretty much just emptied his stomach.

Humming quietly you walked into the kitchen, just Googling a basic recipe and scraping together what ingredients you could find. Pancakes seemed to be the best option, since Ted ended up breaking the waffle maker last week, thinking he could somehow cook a meatloaf in it.

The dangers of alcohol, my friends.

Grabbing a bowl you mixed all the ingredients together, before oiling up a pan and placing it on the stove. You hummed softly as you began to pour a little bit of batter into the pan, waiting for it to cook, before flipping it.

This process went on for a while. Pouring, cooking, flipping, cooking, plating. Pouring, cooking, flipping, cooking, plating.

Finally after what felt like forever you used up all of the batter, turning the stove off and placing the pan in the sink. You decided to go ahead and eat some, not really feeling like waiting for the boys.

As you sat down to eat, Charlie walked into the kitchen. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, drowsily looking around. "I smell pancakes.."

Smiling, you couldn't help but laugh a bit as you heard him. "Grab a plate and help yourself. Leave some though, Ted and Schlatt haven't eaten yet."

"Of course. They're probably hung over.." He said with a quiet yawn, heading over and grabbing a plate. "Well, I heard someone in the shower, anyway."

You nodded as you took another bite of your food, humming softly. "Yep, that's Schlatt. He woke up and got sick so I made him shower."

Charlie sat next to you and grabbed the syrup, dumping a bunch of it over his pancakes before digging in. "Good, I wouldn't want the whole place smelling like vomit.." He muttered, before glancing over at you. "At least you were up to.." He lowered his fork slightly as he stared at you, his whole expression changing.

Seeing the sudden change worried you a bit, you stared at him for a moment before clearing your throat. ".. Something wrong, Charlie?"

He stared hard at you for a moment before a sly grin grew on his face. "Oh, nothing. How was your night, Y/N? Seems like you had fun."


Quickly you lifted your hand up and covered your neck, gulping quietly. "Are they that noticiable..?" You asked softly, now a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah. They're very noticeable. Don't worry, I'm not judging." He said with a small laugh. "I'd definitely cover those up before we go anywhere in public, though. Someone sees those while you're walking around with three guys, it'll get kinda weird."

Your face went red as you quickly shoved his arm. "And I thought Schlatt and Ted were the most dirty minded, watch your mouth.." You joked softly.

Lifting his fork again, he took a big bite of his pancakes, before smiling. "We're a group full of boys, we're all dirty minded." He laughed a bit. "Anyway, I'll forget about it if you don't want to talk about it."

"Thanks, Charlie.." You said softly, a smile growing on your face.

Before you could say anything else Ted walked into the kitchen, stretching and yawning as he walked over without a word, immediately grabbing a plate and a few pancakes, before sitting down.

Both you and Charlie stared at him for a moment. "Uhh.. sleep well, Ted?" Charlie finally asked.

Ted immediately began stuffing his mouth, a few grumbles escaping him. "Pancakes."

"Glad you're enjoying it." You giggled slightly.

He looked up at you for a moment, his eyes almost immediately focusing on your neck. "Y/N, you-"

You immediately held your hand up to cut him off. "Save it, I'm aware."

"Schlatt finally fucked someone who wasn't a victim, I'm surprised." Ted chuckled a bit. "Trust me, I know a Schlatt hickey when I see one."

Hearing that made your face go red, you sat up a bit looking at him. "The hell do you mean by that?"

Charlie and Ted both started laughing a bit as you sat there in confusion, but it soon died down when Schlatt stepped into the kitchen. "What are you fuckers laughing at, huh?" He muttered, crossing his arms slightly.

All three of you stared at him in silence for a moment, before Ted and Charlie began laughing again. "Guess we know what a Y/N hickey looks like, too!" Charlie snickered.

Rubbing his neck, Schlatt let out an annoyed sigh as he walked over and grabbed a plate. "Fuck off, you guys are just jealous I can get more pussy than both of you."

"You get more dick, too." Ted said with a small smirk.

Schlatt turned and glared at him as he place some pancakes on his plate. "For my job. I don't enjoy doing any of that shit."

Setting his fork down, Ted gave a shrug. "I have the same job as you, and you don't see me running around sucking dick."

"Great idea, Ted. I'll definitely include that in our next mission." Schlatt replied with a smirk, sitting down besides Charlie and beginning to eat.

Ted's face went bright red, he honestly didn't know how to respond to that. He huffed and crossed his arms, leaning back a bit. "Fuck you."

Laughing a bit, Schlatt continued to eat. "Speaking of jobs, I plan on going out to take out another target tonight. Some big crime guy visiting the town, he could possibly damage us so I'm gonna take him out when I have the chance."

"You sure? Your last little plan like this didn't go too well." Charlie said as he looked at him.

You couldn't help but nod in agreement. "Charlie's right. Why go alone? We're a team, aren't we? Besides, if this guy is big he could have backup. We never know."

Nodding, Schlatt let out a sigh. "You've got a point there. You guys are only allowed to come as long as you stay undercover and only attack the people we're there to attack. Got it?"

A small scoff escaped Ted as he rolled his eyes. "Schlatt, this is our whole job. Sneaking around and doing shit like this. You think we wouldn't be able to handle this?"

"It's not that. It's just.. it's been a while." Schlatt said softly. "I'm sure we're all still rusty. Hell, even I am. But no matter what we need to be careful."

Honestly, you could understand where Schlatt was coming from. He couldn't even handle one guy on his own, if all of you were taken out that would only lead to disaster.

Grabbing your empty plate, you slowly stood up and placed it in the sink. "Well, no matter what happens, all of us need to be careful. We've seen what can happen if we lose one another. We can't go through that, or the whole team crumbles."

Schlatt nodded and huffed, soon standing up and putting his plate in the sink as well. "We're all in it together, I doubt we'll let anything happen to each other."
