Waking up the next morning was honestly one of the toughest things you had ever done. Not to mention it was extremely early, and Schlatt was the only one who didn't really do anything to mess up his sleep schedule. Ted was hungover, and both you and Charlie were exhausted, so it was honestly a task to even leave the hotel room.

Luckily as soon as you all made it to the van you were able to go back to sleep, though it wasn't as comfortable as the hotel bed, it wasn't horrible.

You got a good few more hours of asleep before finally waking up while still on the road. The sun had began to rise, and from what you could tell everyone was still mostly asleep.

Since there weren't enough seats, poor Wilbur was sitting in the floor of the van. He looked pretty comfortable, though, so you didn't want to bother him.

Looking around you saw Steggi sitting in a little cup holder, which caused you to smile and carefully grab him. You were both surprised and glad you managed not to lose him in all of the chaos, it felt nice to have something to hold onto, something to relieve all of your stress.

Charlie was sitting next to you still sound asleep, while Ted was on the other side of him. He seemed to be asleep, though he constantly stirred a bit. You couldn't help but smile as you looked at the two for a moment.

"Well, somebody's finally awake." You heard Schlatt mutter, before looking forward and seeing him sitting in one of the seats in front of you. "Sleep good last night? I'd assume you'd be pretty tired after the night you had."

Rolling your eyes, you leaned back a bit and hugged Steggi in your arms. "Please, Schlatt.."

Schlatt just snickered a bit as he turned to look at you better. "Please what? The hotel walls weren't as thick as you think. Besides, I'm not one to judge. We're all attractive, I get that. Buuttt you did it with me first, so-"

Holding your hand over your face, you let out a long sigh. "We are not having this conversation right now, Schlatt." You huffed, before glancing out of the window for a moment. "How long have we been on the road?"

"A few hours at best." Schlatt sighed, before turning around to face forward once again. "We planned on stopping somewhere up the road, just so Noah can rest and so we can get some snacks or some shit. I'd kill for some fuckin' redbull or something.."

Smiling a bit, you giggled and carefully hugged Steggi closer. "I'd say we refrain from killing anyone for now. We need to lay low. Not only is Carson on our trail, but it would be worse to have police after us, too."

Snickering, Schlatt leaned back and slowly placed a cigarette in his mouth, pulling a lighter out of his pocket. "Relax, babe. The police are already after us. We just haven't given them any new leads in a while."

A small groan could be heard from the front of the car. "Schlatt, you light that cigarette and I'm duct taping you to the roof." Noah grumbled, gripping onto the wheel.

You, on the other hand, crossed your arms and frowned in disappointment. "And I thought I told you no more smoking, Schlatt."

"Hey, you can't just tell an addict to stop and expect them too, Y/N. What do you think this is? A work of fiction?" Schlatt roller his eyes, before removing the cigarette. "But fine. I won't smoke. Not in here, at least."

After a few minutes Noah pulled into a small gas station, barely anyone was around so it was pretty much free reign for all of you.

While the others stepped out of the van, though, you worried about getting Charlie and Ted up. Charlie seemed to get up okay, but Ted just muttered some sort of gibberish and fell back asleep. There was no doubt there was most likely still some alcohol in his system, but you were just grateful he hadn't thrown up everywhere yet.

Cooper offered to sit in the car to make sure nothing happened to Ted, while the rest of you stood outside getting a plan together. "Alright, Travis and I will focus on getting some snacks. None of you have any allergies, right?"

"Well, no, not really. Though Ted has an allergy to peaches and some sort of shellfish from what I remember." You spoke up, nodding a bit.

Charlie smiled a bit before looking at you. "Wow, you really remember what he's allergic to? How long have you held onto that?"

Your hand immediately began rubbing the back of your neck as you though for a moment. "Of course I'd keep that in mind, when we were younger dad took us out to some fancy restaurant. He ate something with that type of shellfish in it and almost had to go to the hospital. Thankfully a lady there was a certified nurse."

"Huh. You think he'd tell us something like that, right?" Schlatt chuckled. "We'll get drinks while you guys get snacks. Meet you guys at the cash register?"

Both Noah and Travis nodded before heading inside, the three of you following behind. "So.." Charlie began, before looking over at you. "Got any more Ted stories he most likely wouldn't have told us?"

Giggling, you walked towards the back towards the drink coolers, the two boys following behind you. "That's a bit specific, don't you think?" You said with a small hum. "You guys just want me to embarrass Ted while he's hung over, huh?"

"Whatttt? Psh, noo.." Schlatt chuckled a bit. ".. Okay maybe a little. But come on, Y/N. It'll be funny!"

Thinking for a moment, you hummed a bit. "Fine. But you guys make fun of him for it, and I'll start telling embarrassing things about you guys."

Humming, you began to look around the coolers for some drinks. "When both of us were really little, Ted kept having a recurring nightmare that the Easter Bunny was going to eat him, so he'd constantly slept in my bed until my dad convinced him the Easter Bunny isn't real."

"He's not?!" You heard Travis perk up from one of the snack aisles. "Then who brings me the basket full of treats every Easter?!" He frown a bit.

Quickly you thought of something to recover from that. "Of course he's actually real, Travis. My dad was just a big jerk who wanted Ted to shut up."

Though he had to think about it for a moment, Travis soon nodded and smiled. "Ohh, makes sense!" He chuckled, before slowly walking off.

Sighing in relief, you looked back at Schlatt and Charlie. Schlatt was trying to hold back his laughter, while Charlie just smiled. "Aww, that's not embarrassing at all! That's actually kinda sweet." Charlie chuckled. "No wonder he's so iffy when I mention the Easter Bunny.."

You couldn't help but giggle at the comment, smiling as you began to grab a few drinks. "Oh! Another time, we were on a mission with dad, and he left us in a reception room while he went to finish some 'business'. The receptionist was really nice, she even gave us some cards to play with. We ended up making our own game with them, and when Ted lost he threw his shirt off and threw a big fit." You laughed a bit just thinking about the whole thing.

"Man, I miss times like those.. yet it only got tougher when dad started to put a bunch of pressure on Ted." You said with a small sigh. "He was miserable there, what made it all worse was dad wasn't afraid to get physically violent if he felt the need.." You muttered, grabbing a couple of more drinks before shoving the door closed.

Both Schlatt and Charlie glanced at each other before frowning a bit. "Hey, uhm.. Y/N, we can talk about something else if you want.." Charlie said softly.

The tone of his voice caused you to perk up and glance over at the two. "Hm?- oh, no, no, sorry.. I was rambling." You said with a sigh. "Y'know, I never hear you guys talk about your families much.. got any good memories?"

Silence filled both boys for a moment as they thought, Charlie smiling a bit as he helped you with the drinks. "Man, me and my brothers would joke around all the time.. play pranks on my mom and things like that. Once we got this rubber tarantula and glued it to her bedroom wall, and man the look on her face was priceless!' He laughed a bit, beginning to walk towards the front with you.

Smiling, you let out a small laugh before looking back at Schlatt, noticing he seemed a bit more gloomy now. Frowning a bit, you sat the drinks you had down on the counter, before walking over and placing your hand on his shoulder. "Something wrong, Schlatt? I didn't put too much pressure on you when asking for a family story, did I..?"

"What? Nah, no, you didn't." Schlatt muttered, before shaking his head. "It just.. standing here and thinking about it made me realize that.. well, I didn't really have a functioning 'family'. Yeah, we all lived in the same house n' shit, but.. we never spent time together. My dad slept in his office while my mom got a bed to herself, my siblings and I had separate rooms. We never played together, rarely even chatted much.."

Your frown remained as you carefully began to rub his back. "Oh, shit.. come on, Schlatt. There has to be at least one good memory you have from when you were younger." You said with a small smile. "It doesn't have to be family related.."

Schlatt sighed and rubbed his face a bit. "Hmm.. well, when we were really young, I remember fighting my brother with foam swords.." He chuckled. "He'd always let me win, even though he could've easily taken me down.."

A smile formed on your face as you carefully kissed his cheek. "See? That's a good memory." You hummed, before carefully taking his hand. "Not everything is so bad."

He looked down at your hands for a moment, before letting out a lighthearted chuckle. "Yeah, I guess you're right, Y/N."

"Why wouldn't I be?" You teased, watching as the cashier scanned all the drinks. Once he finished you grabbed your wallet and paid for it all, humming and grabbing one of the bags. "Hey, could you guys take these bags to the van? I'm gonna run to the bathroom really quick." You said softly, carefully releasing Schlatt's hand and handing him one of the bags.

Both boys nodded and began gathering the rest of the bags, allowing you to turn and head towards the back, where both bathrooms were located.

It didn't take long before you finished your business and washed your hands, you didn't want to take too long just in case the boys got impatient. Though, as soon as you opened the door, you were immediately shoved back by a guy you had never seen before. You let out a small yelp, stumbling backwards as this man stepped towards you.

"Boss, we got one." He muttered into his walkie talkie, a small smirk on his face. Immediately you knew what was going on, your eyes widening as you immediately began to dash towards the door. Unfortunately for you, the man grabbed your arm and immediately threw you back once again, snickering to himself. "Where do you think you're going, Y/N? It's not gonna be that easy."

Huffing, you tightened your fists, puffing your chest out attempting to seem stronger than you really were. "I wouldn't try anything." You spat out, biting down on your tongue slightly.

Tracing your hands over your pocket you felt the outline of your knife. You knew you could easily whip it out and attack this guy, but what could happen as a result is what worried you.

"I know you're thinking you can easily get out of this, but trust me, there's way more of us here. So I suggest just peacefully walking out of here with me and nothing bad will happen. Got it?"

"Fuck you." You spat out once again. "And you can tell Carson to suck my dick, too."

The man snickered as he took another step closer to you. "You've been spending too much time with those boys, I think." He smirked as he cracked his knuckles. He wanted to take another step towards you to be intimidating, but before he could a gun clicked right behind his head.

Noah huffed and gripped tightly onto the gun, a scowl on his face. "I suggest you back away from them before this place has to call security on me."


(Cliffhanger suck my nuts

