A couple of months had passed.

That was it, just a couple of months.

Charlie was doing well, once he managed to get out of the hospital the four of you traveled for a while, finally reaching the hotel Schlatt had found previously and settling down there.

Today you sat in a graveyard that remained in your hometown. Both you and Schlatt had drove back to grab what you could from the old houses. Anything that was left, anyway.

But you asked Schlatt to drop you off by the graveyard, while he ran to the other house to gather all of the things you guys would need.

You sat in the grass as the sky cried with rain, with only a hood covering your head to shield it from the drops.

There were two tombstones sitting in front of you. The first one belonged to your mother. It had grown fairly old and dirty, but thankfully you could still see the details on the stone. Her name, date of birth, date of death.. all of it was still clear and readable.

On the other hand, the stone that sat beside it was pretty new. It was your father's. The dirt in front of it was still a bit fresh.

Apparently there was a funeral, but you didn't attend it. And though you tried not to care too much, it still hurt a lot.

He was your father. All of those years of mistreating you made you grow to hate him, yet when he was finally gone it hit you harder than you had expected.

All you felt like doing was just sitting there, starting at both stones as rain poured down. It had been a while since you had visited your mother's grave, but now that your father was buried next to her, it honestly just gave you an eerie feeling.

So many words wanted to escape you at that moment. You wanted to talk to your mother as if she was still there. And possibly do the same with your father, too. Maybe now that he was dead he'd finally listen to what you had to say for once.

Tears began to stream down your face as you thought quietly to yourself. The rain pouring down on you honestly didn't make it any better.

But suddenly, the rain stopped. Around you, anyway. It was still pouring, but now all of a sudden the area around you had grown still. A slight shadow was over you, as well.

A hand reached down and placed itself on your shoulder, causing you to tense up a bit. As you quickly looked back, though, you relaxed a bit, seeing the figure that towered over you.

"The hell do you think you're doing out here?" Schlatt said with a huff. He held an umbrella in his right hand, while his left remained on your shoulder. "Sitting out here in the rain like that. You're gonna get sick, Y/N." He huffed, grabbing your arm and pulling you to your feet.

Immediately you stood, slowly reaching your hand up and grabbing his. ".. I'm sorry. I didn't think it would rain this hard.."

Though he was a bit angry with you, Schlatt's tone softened. He slowly moved his hand up, wiping the tears off of your face with his thumbs. "Don't apologize. Just promise that next time if you wanna sit in the rain for 30 minutes, you'll wear something besides a hoodie to keep you warm." He sighed and glanced at the tombstones for a moment, before wrapping his arm around you. "C'mon, I left the car running."

He pulled you close as he held the umbrella over the two of you, beginning to walk up the path of the graveyard. You shivered and slowly got closer to him, your clothes were soaking wet.

Once the two of you reached the car, Schlatt still kept you close, guiding you to the passenger side. He opened the door for you, making sure to keep the umbrella hovering over you as you stepped in.

Thankfully the inside of the car was warm, but your wet clothes honestly didn't help you any. Once Schlatt got in on the driver's side, he looked over at you and sighed. "Take that hoodie off." He muttered as he closed the umbrella, tossing it into the back seat.

You were honestly too cold and wet to respond at first, so you just did as he said, slowly removing the hoodie and setting in in the floorboard of the passenger seat. The shirt you had on underneath it was a bit wet as well, but not as soaked as your hoodie was.

Schlatt watched you quietly, before letting out a sigh and removing his own hoodie, handing it to you. "Put this on, okay? It should keep you warm."

Staring at the hoodie in his hands, you hesitated for a moment before slowly taking it from him. "Are.. you sure? Won't you be cold?"

"We're sitting in a car with the heater on, Y/N. I think I'll survive." He said with a small chuckle. "I didn't go out and sit in the rain for 30 minutes like someone I know."

Rolling your eyes you took the hoodie and slowly put it on. Schlatt was right, it would keep you warm. Not only was it comfortable and dry, but the heat from Schlatt's body practically already warmed it up for you.

It made you feel cozy, really. As soon as you buckled up you could feel your eyelids growing heavy. Schlatt seemed to notice this and let out a small chuckle. "Get some sleep, Y/N. It'll be about a 30 minute drive."

That offer was hard to pass up. You curled up as best as you could and pulled the hood over your head, almost immediately drifting off to sleep.

When your eyes opened again, you were laying in your bed. In all honesty you still felt exhausted, but now you didn't feel like going back to sleep.

Looking down, you noticed your shoes and socks were off, and that your pants had been changed. You rubbed your eyes and slowly stood up, heading into the living room.

"Well, look who's awake." Ted said with a chuckle, slowly sitting up on the couch. "You okay, Y/N? Schlatt told us what happened."

Giving a tired nod, you walked over and sat down in between Charlie and Ted. The two of them almost instantly wrapped their arms around you, which caused them both to glance at each other.

As you looked around the room, you realized that Schlatt wasn't in the room with the others. You sat up a bit, resting your hands on your lap. "Where's Schlatt?"

"In the shower. Said he's got a date to go to or something." Ted said with a shrug.

You almost shrugged that comment off, but immediately you paused. A date?

Sitting up, you quickly looked over at Ted. "A date? What do you mean he's going on a date? With who??

"We don't know. He doesn't tell us much. He does this a lot, though." He shrugged. "Usually it's to get information or something he wants. And he seems to miss the thrill of crime, so he's been slowly nudging his way back into it. He's gone on tons of dates with women. Some men, too."

Charlie gave a slow nod. "That night when you first met him, he was on a date with the guy he killed. He said he noticed him walk off into a different room and found that the perfect time to strike. And that's when he met you."

Wow. That honestly surprised you.

"Huh. I never.. took Schlatt as the type of guy to do something like... that." You said softly, before hearing the shower switch off.

After about 15 minutes Schlatt stepped into the living room, adjusting the collar of his shirt. He didn't put on anything too fancy, but it definitely wasn't anywhere near what he wore around the house.

Looking over at him, Ted snickered. "Well, you look nice. Who's the lucky guy tonight?"

Rolling his eyes, Schlatt grabbed his jacket and huffed. "Oh, shut up, Ted. You know I only do this for missions and shit." He said, sliding his arms through the sleeves of his jacket. "I'm most likely gonna kill this guy tonight. I'm heading to a bar so I'll just dump him in a dumpster in the back. And like I say all the time, I'll call you if anything goes wrong."

"Does that mean we can order a pizza?" Charlie asked with a small smile, quickly sitting up. "We'll save you some, of course."

Shrugging, Schlatt slipped his shoes on and stretched. "Do whatever. Just don't wreck the place. I'd prefer not to get kicked out before we find an actual house to stay in."

Ted snickered and leaned back a bit. "So we can do anything as long as we don't mess the place up. Got it."

Letting out an annoyed sigh, Schlatt got down on one knee, tying his shoe. "You know what I mean. I find out you guys did some dumb shit and I'll toss you in the dumpster with the soon-to-be dead guy."

"Message received. We'll just order some pizza and watch a movie or some shit." Ted said with a small disappointed frown.

"Glad I made that clear." Schlatt said with a small chuckle, before grabbing his keys. "I'll be home by midnight. If I'm not and I haven't called you, assume the worst." He muttered, before opening the door and stepping out, closing it behind him.

After a few minutes Charlie finally stood up and grabbed his phone, heading into the kitchen to find the number for the nearest pizza place.

While Charlie was off doing that, Ted grabbed the remote and began looking through different movies that were offered.

"You know, Y/N. I've heard Charlie tell me before that you said you haven't really watched many movies." Ted said with a small chuckle. "How about you pick what we watch tonight?"

You slowly looked at Ted, then at the remote. "I'm not sure.. I don't really have any specific tastes-"

"Oh, come on, Y/N! I'm sure nothing you pick will be too bad." Ted said with a reassuring smile, before handing you the remote. "Go on, I'll give feedback if you want it."


Soon the three of you were sitting on the couch, eating pizza and watching a random movie Charlie chose since you were too nervous to find a movie though Ted kept giving different suggestions.

Everything was honestly going well. The pizza was good, the movie was fine from what you understood..

But then, your phone started buzzing.

Welcome to the beginning of the plot, everyone.

Quickly you pulled it out and sat up, seeing the call was from Schlatt.

"Pause the movie." You said as you stood up, immediately answering the call. "Hello? Schlatt? Is everything okay?" You asked quickly.

There was silence for a moment, only a faint sound of heavy breathing. "Y/N..?" Schlatt finally muttered out. "I need your guy's help. Now. Tell the others it's a code blue.. the bar down the street.."

His words were becoming more and more scattered as he talked, his breathing only getting heavier. "Code blue? What the hell do you mean? What happened, Schlatt?"

Hearing the words 'Code Blue' made both Ted and Charlie to quickly look at each other and stand up off of the couch, rushing to get their shoes on. Schlatt went silent on his end, which only worried you more.

You muted yourself on the call and quickly rushed to the others, sliding your shoes on as well. "What's going on?! What the hell is a code blue?!"

"We have certain codes for certain missions.. basically this situation means Schlatt's so called 'date' figured out what he was there to do. And they aren't too happy about it." Ted said softly, slipping his jacket on. "This isn't the first time something like this has happened. But it's scary as hell when it does."

Grabbing your phone once again, there was still silence on Schlatt's end of the call. You gave a small gulp. "He's not saying anything else.."

Slipping his coat on, Ted grabbed his keys. "Come on, we'll take my car. When we get there, all of us look for him. And keep an eye out for his 'date', too. If he can't put that asshole in their place, then we'll do it for him."

Honestly that answer didn't reassure you at all, but all you could really do at this point was hope nothing too bad was going on.


(Welcome to book 2! If things go well, I plan to try do way more with this book ;)

Also I post regular updates for things on my wall, so if you ever want to keep track with different questions, polls, or other things then you should totally follow or keep up with my wall 👀

Anyway hope you enjoyed, the suspense grows more from here ;) )
