The four of you were absolutely exhausted the next morning, almost sleeping in until the afternoon. Sadly, the relaxing slumber was interrupted when Schlatt's phone began to ring.

Groaning, Schlatt slowly sat up, rubbing his face before answering and holding his phone up to his ear. "What?.." He grumbled tiredly.

".. Mmm.. mhm.. yep, I heard ya.." He muttered drowsily. "Yeah, thanks.. we'll be out in a bit.." He yawned, before ending the call and setting his phone down.

Rubbing his face, Charlie slowly sat up and yawned. "Who was that?.."

Schlatt huffed and slowly stood up, before grabbing the rest of his clothes, beginning to put the back on. "It was Travis. Apparently he, Cooper, and Noah found us a house nearby."

Ted sat up, wrapping his arms around you to keep you from having to slide off. "Near the fucking strip club?"

"Looks like it. It's a pretty good looking place, though. We'd get it for free." Schlatt muttered as he scrolled through his phone for a moment. "Fucking hell, two floors, a basement, even a fucking patio with a pool.."

Yawning, you rubbing your eyes slightly as you glanced at the boys drowsily. "Doesn't sound too bad.. plus if they bought it for us, it'd be rude to not take the offer.."

After looking at his phone for another minute or two, Schlatt stood up and stretched. "Well, it's official. Get your clothes on. Noah's gonna pick us up in 15 minutes to drop us off."

It honestly took longer than expected before all of you got dressed. Of course, all of you were still exhausted, but at the pace you guys moved it couldn't even be excused.

Noah had been waiting outside for almost 10 minutes before the four of you left the hotel. Seeing all of you walk out like sloths caused Noah to laugh a bit, before rolling down the window. "Rough night?"

"You have no idea." Charlie muttered, before opening the door and climbing into the backseat.

The rest of you followed, Schlatt taking the front while you and Ted joined Charlie in the back. It didn't take long before Charlie leaned against you and continued sleeping, while Ted just wrapped his arm around you quietly.

Schlatt stretched a bit and buckled up, before glancing at Noah. "So, how'd you guys even find this place?"

Humming, Noah put the car in drive, keeping his eyes on the road. "Easy. We looked at houses for sale nearby. That one was probably the nicest one we could find. Enough bedrooms for all of you, two stories, a pool.. shit like that. Perfect place to settle down and relax for a while in."

"How much did you guys pay?" Ted asked as he sat up a bit, keeping his arm around you. "We can pay you guys back if-"

Shaking his head, Noah chuckled slightly. "Nah, don't worry about it. Like before, we all have more money than we need. You guys can just owe us a favor or some shit."

Slumping down into his seat, Schlatt snickered a bit. "As long as none of us gotta fuck anyone, deal."

"Trust me, Schlatt. We wouldn't take it thar far. It's just a house." Noah joked, gripping onto the wheel.

It was about a 25 minute drive, but when all of you pulled into the house, you almost could've sworn you pulled right into heavens gates.

The house was huge for only having two stories. There were nice shrubs and trees planted around, while the whole thing rests on a hill. You smiled and sat up, being careful not to disturb Charlie. "Holy shit.. this is the house?"

"Yep. I would give you a tour, but I haven't even been inside this bitch." Noah said with a laugh. "If you guys need anything feel free to call, alright?"

Ted and Schlatt slowly climbed out of the car, while your nudged Charlie awake and helped him out. He drowsily leaned against you as you shut the door of Noah's car, before giving him a small wave as he drove off.

Looking up, Charlie's eyes widened slowly. "Woah."

A small giggle escaped your lips. "I know, right? I couldn't believe it either."

As you and Charlie stood there taking it all in, Ted smirked before pushing past Schlatt. "Dibs on the master bedroom!"

"What?! Hell no! That's mine, asshole!" Schlatt quickly huffed, running after the other.

You couldn't help but laugh at the two goofballs. "I sometimes feel like we're the only sane ones here."

Chuckling, Charlie leaned against you, his cheek squishing against your shoulder as his eyes shut drowsily. "I thought we were.."

"Probably." You said with a hum, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead before heading towards the house as well, practically dragging Charlie along with you.

The inside was more eye catching than the outside. You first stepped into a huge living room, with two couches and a comfy-looking chair off to the side. A large TV was mounted to the wall, with a nice wooden stand underneath it to hold the remotes.

It took you by surprise, really. You knew the house would be nice, but you didn't think it would come with all of the furniture straight away, either.

Glancing over into the kitchen, the dark, wooden floor transition to a smooth, light tile as the two rooms met. A counter that acted like a bar of some sorts extended out in front of the counters against the wall, which gave a nice little kitchen area with a stove. The  fridge was located right where the counters ended, and the nice dining table sat there empty with a total of 6 chairs neatly tucked into it.

"I think I can get used to this." Charlie joked, before walking over and flopping down on one of the couches.

Rolling your eyes, you giggled a bit before heading over to the stairs. "Well, you stay there. I'll be upstairs if you need me. I'm gonna check the rest of this place out."

Charlie didn't even bother to give you a response, his face already buried in the couch cushion as he drifted off to sleep once again.

Humming, you grabbed onto the railing and began making your way up the steps. Not even halfway up there, you could already hear Ted and Schlatt shouting and arguing.

Sighing, you sped up and rushing into the master bedroom, only to see Ted on top of Schlatt, pinning him down with his arm behind his back. Ted snickered as he held him there, Schlatt squirming and trying to break away. "Who gets the master bedroom now, huh?!"

"Fuck you! You're gonna break my damn arm!!" Schlatt hissed out, attempting to kick the taller one off.

Giggling, you walked over and flopped down on the bed, sitting next to the two of them. "Ted, get off of him. I think you won this battle."

Ted gave a victorious smile, before pulling away from Schlatt and sitting down on the bed. "Suck it!" He snickered.

Schlatt quickly sat up and grumbled, rubbing his arm with his hand. "You're a fucking bitch, you know that, Ted?"

You gave a small hum, before leaning over and gently kissing Schlatt's cheek. "I mean hey, you could share a room with me if that makes you feel better."

Immediately Schlatt perked up and smirked slightly, immediately looked at Ted and giving him the finger. "Ha! In your face!"

"What?!" Ted huffed, immediately crossing his arms. "Hold on, I changed my mind! Schlatt can have this room!"

Teasing him, you wrapped your arm around Schlatt and stuck your tongue out at Ted. "Nah, you made your choice, Teddy." You hummed.

Frowning, Ted immediately fell forward and wrapped his arms around you, hugging close to you and rested his head against your stomach. "Come onn!!! The bed is big enough for all four of us!!"

"Should've thought about that before you acted stubborn and tried hogging the whole room." You teased again, carefully running your fingers through his hair.

He just let out an aggravated huffed as he hugged you closer, Schlatt snickering and cuddling up to you as well. "Where is ol' Charles, anyway? He got out of the car, right?"

Smiling, you leaned against Schlatt, while your hands continued playing with Ted's hair. "He went back to sleep on one of the couches downstairs. Guess he'll get his tour later." You said with hum.

"Guess we basically killed him last night then, huh? I'm surprised you're up and walking around." Schlatt teased, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

Shaking your head, you smiled and sighed. "I'm just a little sore, but I've been in worse pain. I can handle it."

Moving his hand up to caress your cheek, Ted chuckled. "Good. We wouldn't want to have to carry you everywhere. I mean- we would it we really had to-"

"I wouldn't." Schlatt joked.

Rolling his eyes, Ted sat up. "Sure, sure. Says the jealous ass."

Schlatt grumbled a bit, glaring at Ted. "I'm not jealous."

Shrugging, Ted climbed off the bed with a slight smirk. "Whatever you say, then." He said, before wrapping his arms around you, immediately lifting you up.

You let out a small yelp of surprise as you quickly wrapped your arms and legs around him, just hoping he wouldn't drop you.

Both of you immediately saw Schlatt's face glow a bit red, though you couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or angry.

"See? Jealous." Ted snickered, gently placing a kiss on your cheek.

Humming, you pulled away from Ted, before walking over and grabbing Schlatt, dragging him over and hugging both of them. "Jealous or not, you know I love both of you all the same."

Schlatt smiled and nudged Ted. "Yeah, Ted. All of us."

Ted just laughed a bit before pulling the two of you into a hug. "Whatever."
