//small tw for the first half, mentions of blood and death lmao


"Schlatt!!" Ted shouted. "They're losing a lot of blood!! Get your ass in here!!"

We had managed to find the room both Y/N and Ted were locked in, but from the sound of things, it wasn't looking good. Charlie was trying his best to get the door open, but none of the keys we found seemed to work.

Finally growing aggravated, I huffed, grabbing Charlie and shoving him out of the way. "Forget the keys!" I shouted, before putting all of my strength into slamming my body into the door. Though it took a few tries and hurt like hell, I managed to bust it open.

Both of us rushed in but almost immediately paused, seeing the gruesome sight that awaited us.

Ted had Y/N in his lap, his hands shaking as he held them tight. They were covered in blood, their side had a violent gash that almost poured like a fountain. Tears were streaming down Ted's face as he looked up at the both of us. "About time you f-fuckers showed up!!"

Covering his mouth with his hands, Charlie soon rushed over, crouching down besides Ted, attempting to help put pressure on Y/N's wound.

And I just stood there.

For some reason, I couldn't move. Couldn't even feel my damn legs.

I felt sick.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to fucking help us, Schlatt?!" Ted practically shouted at me, his eyes red and puffy from tears. Though I felt numb, I headed over and crouched down, wanting to get a better look.

Y/N was pale as fuck. They were freezing, too. Checking their pulse, I felt my heart sink.

They were gone. Long gone.

How long had Ted been holding them like this? Did he not realize?

"No.." I muttered, sitting up as I carefully cupped Y/N's face in my hands. "Y/N wake the fuck up right now, this shit isn't funny.." I huffed.

Now I was starting to cry like a little bitch. My vision blurred as I tried my best to blink away the tears, but it honestly didn't help much. I gripped onto Y/N's shoulders and immediately began shaking them. "I said wake up, damnit! You can't fucking do this to us!" I shouted, my hands beginning to shake.

It seemed to click in Ted and Charlie's minds on what was happening now. Ted lowered his head as more tears flowed from his eyes, while Charlie stood up and began backing away slightly.

"You fucking bitch!!" I shouted, continuing to shake Y/N more and more, almost as if I was going mad. "Get the fuck up right now, Y/N! I'm being fucking serious!"

Swears just poured out of my mouth as I tried to resist crying at all. Even though Ted was just as distraught as I was, it was obvious my actions were even starting to scare him a bit. "Schlatt.." He frowned, looking up at me.

I ignored him. Just continuing to shake Y/N, eventually breaking down and letting the tears flow, cursing at the top of my lungs.

Their blood stained my shirt. Getting blood all over my clothes was always a pain in the ass. But now I didn't care. I didn't care at all.

No matter how much blood I could wash out of the shirt, it couldn't bring them back.

Even if I wanted it to.


Jolting awake, I sat up and panted, holding my hands over my head.

Thank fuck, it was a dream. I'd be damned if it didn't stay a dream.

"Well, look who's finally up." Techno chuckled, keeping his hands on the wheel. "Y'know, when I offered to drive, I didn't think I'd have to be left alone with Tommy."

Right. All of us had organized ourselves into the different vehicles just to stay with our teams. I was with Techno and Tommy, while Phil took another car with Wilbur and Noah, and Cooper, Tubbo, Alex, Travis, and Charlie took the van.

Rubbing my face, I huffed and sat up. "Right, sorry." I muttered.

Tommy snickered as he leaned into the front seat a bit. "Bad dream or something, big man? You were squirming like a little bitch."

"Tommy." Techno immediately huffed out, glaring over at him. "Seatbelt."

Rolling his eyes, Tommy slumped back into his seat, putting his seatbelt on. "Finnne." He groaned in annoyance.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. Techno glanced at me for a moment before looking back at the road. "Tommy's right, though. You were squirming around a lot."

"Just a bad dream, that's all." I muttered, adjusting my seatbelt. "How long have we been on the road?"

Glancing at the clock, Tommy snickered a bit. "About two hours. We've got like- what, another to go?"

Techno nodded before chuckling a bit. "Yeah, sounds about right. These fuckers sure do know how to pick a place it takes a bit to get to."

"Any updates from the others? How's Charlie doing, do you know?" I asked quickly as I sat up.

"Charlie fine, he's getting the rest he needs, that's all that matters." Techno sighed. "Phil called not too long ago just to check in with us. He's not too far behind, actually. Everything seems to be going well."

Though Techno seemed calm about everything, Tommy sat in the backseat grumbling a bit. "Yeah, only shit thing is Techno wouldn't let us stop for ice cream."

An annoyed groan immediately escaped Techno as he gripped onto the wheel. "For the last time, Tommy. They were closed. Trust me, I would've stopped if they were open."

"Fair enough." Tommy said with a shrug, before leaning back in his seat.

This was gonna be a long hour ride.


2nd Person POV (back to you wowza)

There wasn't really much you could do now. You would look around for a place to try and escape from, but with the condition Ted was in you couldn't even imagine leaving him on his own.

He had been up and down, one moment just laying in your lap, laughing away and cracking jokes, and the next he'd be passed out cold. It made you feel almost alone in a way, though he was there he also.. wasn't.

You hadn't slept at all, just staying awake in this random ass room, your fingers carefully running through Ted's hair as you just waited. You hated sitting around like this. Doing nothing. It made you feel useless, like you had just laid down and given up.

Giving up wasn't your thing. Ted would be fine if you just walked around the room to further inspect things, right? It's not like he'd shrivel up and die as soon as you got up. Well, you hoped not, at least.

Carefully you moved Ted's head out of your lap, removing your hoodie as a sort of cushion so he would still be comfortable. Surprisingly Steggi was still in your pocket, too, so he was a nice little comfort buddy for Ted as well.

Standing up, you slowly walked around the room, getting a better look than before. Sadly there were no vents in the room, and even if there were they took your knife, so it would be hard to unscrew any screws.

Running your fingers along the walls, you noticed there were some cracks here and there, but the structure still seemed really sturdy so there was really no point in trying to break it more.

The only place you could see that was even possibly to exit from was the door. And of course, that was locked.

Sighing in defeat, you walked over and sat back down next to Ted, thinking for a moment. He stirred slightly as you began rubbing his head, his eyes opening slightly and glancing up at you. "Y/N?.."

"Hey.." You said softly, smiling at him. "How are you feeling? You've been asleep for a while now.."

He blinked a bit before slowly sitting up, glancing around a bit. "L-Like shit.." He muttered tiredly.

Nodding, you scooted closer and rubbed his back slightly. "You look like it. I'm surprised you're even moving in the condition you're in."

Ted chuckled and even flexed a bit in a playful manner. "No d-douchebags.. can keep t-this hunk down.."

Rolling your eyes, you giggled a bit. "You're a dork." You smiled, before it died down into a small frown. "I tried looking around in here, I don't see any possible way that we could escape.." You sighed. You hated to feel so hopeless like this,

"Oh? Oh.." Ted said, biting his tongue a bit. "I-I blacked out b-before I gave it to y-you.." He muttered.

Heading that made you perk up a bit. "What do you mean, Ted?"

His face grew flustered as he dug around in his pocket, pulling out a set of keys. "I, uh.. m-managed to snatch these from one of the guys bringing me back here.. Though they beat me s-senseless, I still managed to think about i-it.. All those j-jokes I was telling were just distractions, but I guess I-I got a-a little.. carried away.."

"Definitely carried away." You huffed slightly, crossing your arms. "I wish I knew about this sooner." You said, before snatching the keys from him and quickly rushing over to the door. "Can you stand? I'll help you out of here."

Using the keys you used every single one on the lock until you found the right one, walking back over you helped Ted up, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He leaned against you but managed to keep most of his balance, before handing you your hoodie. "Y-You might need this.."

Thanking him, you took the hoodie and slipped it back on, luckily Steggi was safe and still secure in your pocket. Adjusted Ted's arm around you, you walked towards the doors, silently opening it and peaking out into the hallway.

Surprisingly, there was no one in the hallway. Not even guards to watch the door. You pushed the door open and walked out, locking it back behind you, just to make things seem normal.

"We're in the clear, lets go.." You whispered, quickly beginning to walk. You kept your pace pretty fast, practically dragging Ted along with you just so he could keep up.

As you rushed through the hallway, desperately looking around for something that could help out, Ted was beginning to slow a bit. He leaning against your slightly, his hand gripping onto your arm.

He didn't even have to say anything, but you knew what was going on. Grabbing onto him you shook your head, frowning a bit. "No no no.. come on, Ted.. please don't do this now.." You begged, trying to keep your strength as he began to put more and more of his weight onto you. "Not here.."

"Y/N.." Ted mumbled into your shoulder, struggling to keep his eyes open. "I don't.. I don't know if I feel too good.." He muttered quietly, nearly falling into you.

Hugging onto him you quickly looked around, opening a door that was luckily just some janitors closet. You pulled him inside, allowing him to lean against you as you slowly sunk to the ground. "Ted, please.. we're so close to getting somewhere, please don't give up now.."

At this point he was barely responding to you. His head just rested on your chest, his breathing slow and steady. You held him close to you, your hand steadily rubbing his back. He was already out of it, there was no point in begging anymore.

You didn't know how bad they had beaten him, but shit, you could tell they weren't easy. Not at all.

But as long as you wanted to just sit there and hold Ted in your arms, it didn't last long.

The door swung open.

"Thought it would be that easy, huh?" One of the guards snickered, grabbing Ted and yanking him off of you, allowing the other guard to grab ahold of you as well.

Screaming, you instantly began struggling. You kicked and punched, but the guard only held you tight, containing your arms pretty well. "Let us go! Let us go!!" You shouted in anger and fear.

Both guards just seemed to snicker at you screamed and struggled, the one holding Ted eventually throwing him to the ground. "I say we teach you fuckers a lesson for trying to break out." One guard snickered, holding you back as the other approached Ted.

This guard had the audacity to start beating Ted, kicking him as hard as he could, wherever he could. This caused you to struggle more, only to feel the restrains of the other guards arms grow tighter. "Don't touch him!! You son of a bitch!!" You practically screamed at him, tears forming in your eyes.

"Beat them down too." The other guard huffed out, before you were shoved to the ground as well. The guard holding you began doing the same, kicking and hitting you wherever he could. You immediately shielded your face with your arms, crying out in pain with each kick.

It was the end, you knew it was. There was no fighting back now. If you tried to it would only get worse. Not only for you, but for Ted as well. So you just took each blow, as painful as it was, all you could do was take it all.

Right when you thought your ribs were about to be kicked in, you heard a door swing open. Not even bothering to uncover your face with the fear that one of the kicks could be fatal. But then a familiar voice shouted. And once you heard it, you could feel the relief flood over you.

"Hey, assholes! How about you pick on someone your own size?!"
