The next morning you woke up in a bed, embraced in Ted's arms. Despite being asleep he held you pretty close to him, tightly too.

It took a little bit but you managed to wiggle away, stretching and yawning a bit. As you stepped out of your room, to your surprise the club wasn't up and open yet. You must have woken up really early, huh?

You decided to walk around a bit, just to see if anyone else was up. But as you headed into the main area, you froze in shock, seeing Cooper laying on the ground.

Rushing over you quickly crouched down, the first thing you did was check his pulse. Luckily he was still alive, which caused you to sigh in relief. Carefully rolling him onto his back, you gently began patting his face. "Cooper? Hey, wake up.." You said softly, beginning to worry.

No response. As you inspected him a bit more you noticed his jaw was slightly bruised, you gulped before wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling him to his feet. This definitely wasn't an accident, a clean hit to the jaw wasn't easy to make on accident.

Though, before you got far, you turned only to see a hooded figure leaning against a wall. Though you couldn't see his face well, you knew exactly who it was.

"Well, what a perfect time for you to be up." Carson snickered. "You guys thought I wouldn't be able to find you at the big building with the glowy and flashy lights, huh?"

Taking a small step back, you held onto Cooper, a huff escaping you. "Take one step closer and I'll scream."

Carson rolled his eyes and took a step towards you. "Oh, please. Do you think I feel threatened by-"

Just like you had warned, as soon as he took that step you screamed as loud as you could, wanting to make sure everyone heard it. Carson cursed before grabbing a walkie talkie, whispering something into it before charging at you.

Quickly you moved out of the way, pulling Cooper with you too, watching Carson run right past you. You sat him down carefully before looking around, smashing an empty beer bottle at the bar halfway, before running at Carson with the sharp glass.

He tried to shield you off but you managed to stab him in the arm, as he cried out in pain Noah and Schlatt rushed into the room.

"Grab Cooper and run! They found us!" You shouted to them, shoving Carson back and rushing over, doing your best to grab Cooper and trying to drag him over to the others.

Noah rushed over to help you with Cooper, eventually getting him over his shoulder. "Make sure the others get up! You know what to do!" He shouted quickly before rushing off.

Before you could say anything else, Schlatt rushed over and grabbed your arm. "Go get Charlie up, okay?! I'll get Ted!" He shouted, before pulling his shirt up, grabbing a gun he had tucked into the waistband of his pants. You didn't hesitate to quickly rush off, immediately heading to Charlie's room.

Luckily it wasn't too far from the main area, without warning you rushed into the room, shaking Charlie as quickly as you could. "Charlie.. Charlie, get up.. They found us.." You said quickly.

It didn't take long before Charlie quickly sat up, grabbing his glasses and putting them on. "W-What?!"

"We need to go!" You grabbed his arm, but as you turned towards the door, two of Carson's men pushed theirselves into the room. Both had guns, which were directly aimed at the two of you.

Both of you quickly put your hands in the air, taking a deep breath you gulped. "Stay still." You whispered, watching as both men began to approach the two of you, one even whispering into a walkie talkie.

Though, once they got close enough, you grabbed one of their arms, pulling your knife from your pocket and going right for the throat. The other aimed his gun at you, but Charlie quickly tackled him down, bashing his head against the floor.

Watching both men hit the ground, you took a deep breath before taking one of the guns. "Grab the other gun. The more armed we are the better." You said softly.

"Y/N.." Charlie gulped, grabbing the other gun, his hands shaking a bit. "I'm scared.. what if we get caught..?"

Shaking your head, you quickly pulled him into a hug. "Hey, don't worry about that.. we'll get through this together, okay? We've got each other's backs.." You said softly, before grabbing his hand and rushing out of the room.

The building was really big, it sucked ass that the basement entrance was all the way across the place. You and Charlie stayed close together as you ran, his hand squeezing tightly to yours.

A few more of Carson's guys attempted to stop you on the way there, but luckily the guns both of you had obtained came in handy. Though it was loud, you both just shot and kept going, making sure to get every one of them down.

Soon you both made it to the closet, making sure no one saw you both of you crammed inside, closing the door. Looking around the room you panted a bit. It just looked like an ordinary janitors closet.

"Shit.. I thought they said there was a door here..!" You said quickly as you looked around, beginning to panic. Did those guys lie to you? Was this even the right closet?

While you had your little panic session, though, Charlie was inspected the shelves. He moved a bottle of window cleaner and found a button underneath, pressing it and causing a decent sized part of the wall to slide up.

You stared at it quietly feeling relief flood over you, letting out a shakey sigh as you quickly climbed into it. "You're a genius, Charlie! Come on!"

It was slightly small and cramped, you even had to crawl your way down, but eventually both of you made it into the basement, where Noah, Travis, and Cooper were waiting for you all.

"There you guys are!" Travis said quickly. "Where are Schlatt and Ted??"

Panting quietly, you sat the gun down and rubbed your face. "I don't know.. Schlatt said he was going to grab Ted.." You said softly, before looking over at Cooper. "How's he doing..?"

Sighing, Noah shrugged slightly. "I'm guessing he got up and caught Carson, so he punched him. Clean hit to the jaw. He'll be out for a while, but overall he should be okay.."

He was right- the bruise on Cooper's jaw had darkened, but luckily he was still breathing. Now you were just worried about Schlatt and Ted.

Time passed pretty quickly. It was about 10 or 15 minutes later when all of you heard the door open, causing every single one of you to perk up and watch the entrance in horror and curiosity.

After a moment you heard a few coughs, Schlatt crawled into the room and fell onto the ground, a pained groan escaping him. You rushed over and immediately helped him sit up, placing your hand on his back. "What happened, Schlatt?! Are you okay?! Where's Ted?!"

"T-They fucking got him.." Schlatt spat out, breathing heavily before leaning against you slightly. "I tried to go b-back for him.. but all of those fuckers already gathered together.." He had tears in his eyes but was obviously trying to hold them back.

A frown grew on your face as you held him close to you, your fingers carefully threading through his hair. "Calm down, calm down.." You said softly. "What do you mean that got him..? Is he..?" You trailed off as you thought about it. Ted couldn't be dead. He couldn't be.

Shaking his head, Schlatt gripped onto your shirt, his breathing heavy. "N-No.. Carson wants us alive.." He muttered. "B-But they got him.. and who knows what he'll do.."

"We need to go." Noah said, standing up, lifting Cooper over his shoulder again. "We can take one of the tunnels to the garage. We should have some cars in there.

You helped Schlatt stand, he wasn't too injured luckily, just beaten up a bit. You wrapped your arm around his waist and gulped quietly. "But Ted-"

Noah shook his head quickly. "We don't have time, Y/N. We go back up there, and they'll find us without a doubt. It's better for Ted to take it than all of us. We'll get him back eventually."

Schlatt's hand gripped tightly to your arm, you could tell he was about to argue so you quickly cut him off. "He's right.. Carson will most likely stay after us.. we'll hopefullt have a way to get him back.."

Huffing, Schlatt rested his head on your shoulder for a moment. "If he fucking dies, Noah, you're following him."

"Relax. I'm trying to keep things somewhat stable." He muttered. "Now come on, let's go." He said, before turning and beginning to walk. Charlie had walked over to help you with Schlatt, and Travis followed close to the three of you as well.

Charlie was shaking a bit. You wanted to comfort him, but now wasn't the time. You figured you'd try in the car, at least.

For now, all you could do was talk to him. "Breathe, Charlie." You said softly. "Everything will be okay. We'll get Ted back and kick Carson's ass. I know it seems bad now but we can do it.."

On the other hand, Schlatt was the one almost in tears. You had to start reassuring him the same things, too.

It didn't take long before all of you made it to the car, it was a van-like vehicle so there were enough seats for all of you. Noah sat Cooper in the passenger seat, while Charlie and Travis took the middle and you and Schlatt took the back.

Your heart was racing. You guys had lost Ted for now, who knew what else could happen.

"Where are we gonna go?" Charlie asked quietly as he buckled himself in. "They'll most likely find us everywhere we go.."

Thinking for a moment, Noah soon sighed and rubbed his face. "We'll get a hotel. Maybe an hour or two away from here. Nothing too fancy, just so we have enough time to make plans and rest for a bit before heading out again."

"We've got contacts." Schlatt muttered quietly, leaning against you. "We can get anything we need. Weapons, ammo, even backup. I say we wait until we make it to the hotel, though." He huffed, closing his eyes for a moment. "Wilbur wouldn't definitely be willing to help. He doesn't have the best past with Carson either."

That name sounded familiar to you, you definitely remembered it. "Those are the guys who helped us with Swagger.. right?" You asked softly, carefully rubbing his shoulder.

He gave a slow nod for a moment. "Hell yeah. If Carson has an army, we can have one too."

Chuckling quietly, Noah nodded as he started the car. "I actually like the sound of that plan. He wants to play dirty, so we'll be dirty, too."

Travis sat up a bit. "We won't be dirty, we'll be clean! Cleaner than him!"

Silence filled the car for a moment before Noah laughed a bit. "Hell yeah, Travis. We'll be the cleanest motherfuckers out there."
