You had arrive at the doctor's office nearly an hour early. Though you were nervous of going back by yourself, you didn't wake any of the boys to go with you. It was either none or all of them in this case, and you weren't sure if the doctors would allow three men to go back with you.

Sitting in the lobby, you filled out a paper or two explaining your visit. Though you were here about the whole pregnancy thing- it would be nice to get an actual check up, as well. Your father had rarely ever taken you to the doctor. Maybe this would be a good time to check up on other things?

After sitting in the waiting room for what felt like ages, you were finally called back into the office. After taking your height, weight, blood pressure, and a bit more, you were finally led back into a room, left alone to wait for the doctor.

Bouncing your leg impatiently, you pulled your phone out, sending a text in your group chat with the boys.

"They just took me back, waiting for the doctor now."

The first one to start typing was Ted. "Keep us updated Y/N, we want every detail."

Charlie was next to type, sending a simple, yet sweet message. "Stay safe, we're here for you <3"

Finally, Schlatt popped in, sending probably the simplest message he could've possibly sent. "K"

Rolling your eyes, you giggled softly before setting your phone down, seeing a doctor make his way into the room. "Ah, Y/N L/N, if I'm correct?"

"Yes sir." You said with a small smile. "That's me."

Nodding, the doctor pulled out his computer and sat it down. "Excellent. And you're here today for a.. pregnancy check, correct?"

Though it was embarrassing to admit, you gave a slow nod. "I came here alone because I didn't want to, I took a test earlier and it came back positive, so I just wanted to make sure."

The doctor chuckled as he typed a few things into his laptop. "Depending on what test you used, they can be pretty accurate. I don't blame you for wanting to double check."

After typing a few more things down, he let out a sigh. "Alright, so I'm gonna have you take another test in a bathroom down the hall. Depending on the result, we'll run a few more tests."

When the doctor handed you another test, you carefully took it, taking a deep breath. It was a lot fancier than the last one you took. Maybe that meant it would he better at getting the right result?

As you began walking towards the bathroom, you got lost in thought for a moment. You wanted a child. You've wanted one for- hell, a while now. Why were you so nervous?

Entering the bathroom, you shut the door and took the test. It took about five minutes, but finally, the result came back.


You smiled slightly remembering how the boys reacted when you broke the need to them the first time. How happy they were.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Heading back to the doctors office, you sat down and confidently handed him the test. He stared down at it for a moment, before nodding. "Alright. We'll run a few more examinations, just to confirm that the test is correct."


It took you about an hour to get home after the visit, yet as soon as you stepped out of the car, all three boys were already outside, showering you with hugs and kisses. You laughed softly and tried loving on all three of them as they practically carried you inside.

"So, how was it? What are the result??" Charlie asked as soon as you sat down on the couch.

Smiling, you carefully grabbed the pregnancy test from your pocket, as well as the written results of your other tests. "How about all of you see for yourself?"

The three boys scrambled to take a look at the results. Charlie and Ted had big goofy grins on their faces, while Schlatt just smiled normally.

"I can't believe it!" Charlie squealed like a little schoolgirl. "We're having a baby!!"

Ted laughed slightly as he immediately pulled you into a hug. "Holy shit! This is incredible!"

Still looking at the results of your tests, Schlatt smiled softly. "Well, this certainly isn't the way I thought we'd be spending our break.." He chuckled softly.

Charlie joined into the hug, smiling brightly as he looked at Schlatt. "Come on, Schlatt! Get in here!"

Perking up, Schlatt quickly shook his head. "Er- no. I'm not much of a hug-"

Before he could even finish, Ted grabbed ahold of Schlatt's shirt, yanking him into the group hug. He eventually just had to give in, melting into the touch of all three of you.

For some guys raised in the mafia, they sure were sweet and excited for a baby.

You were excited to see where this a went.


About a week had gone by when you all were rushing around the house, getting things cleaned up and tidy. The day after it was official, Charlie decided to text Noah about it all, instead of announcing it in person. But now all three of them wanted to stop by, claiming they had 'gifts' for you.

It was like a baby shower, except just super early.

Thankfully all of you had picked out a room that you'd turn into a nursery within the coming months, so you figured whatever they decided to give you could just stay in that room, to avoid any clutter.

Schlatt walked circles around the living room while he waited, a small huff escaping him as his brows furrowed. "I can't believe we're going to raise the kid around a strip club."

"You seem to forget were also raising the kid in a literal mafia." Ted scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Give the three of them a break, Schlatt. They seem to be good at what they're doing, anyway."

Huffing, Schlatt finally plopped down on the couch, glaring at Ted as he crossed his arms. "Are you saying we aren't?"

Snickering, Ted leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. "That's for me to know and you to figure out."

There was a small knock on the door before Schlatt could make a witty remark to that statement. Instead of running over to open it, though, the four of you quickly jumped up, grabbing the closest thing to use as a weapon.

But, before any of you actually grabbed anything, you all paused.

"Fucking hell, we need to get used to that. I nearly pulled a gun on some girl scouts the other day." Schlatt grumbled as he sat back down. "Bought their whole stock as an apology."

Charlie's eyes lit up as he let out a quiet gasp. "So that's where those cookies came from!"

Giggling slightly, you headed over to the door before opening it. "Come on in, guys. Make yourselves comfortable."

Travis was the first one through the door, about three gift bags in each of his hands. He smiled brightly and quickly pulled you into a hug. "Congratulations, Y/N!!"

Laughing a bit, Cooper stepped in next. He held a few gift boxes, but nothing too overkill. "Relax, Travis. They're having a baby, not winning the lottery."

Noah elbowed Cooper as he carried a few more gifts inside, huffing quietly. "You never know, Cooper. It could be the same feeling to some people."

You couldn't help but laugh slightly at the three. "It's fine, really. We're excited." You said with a smile. "But, what I should be saying- you guys didn't have to bring all of this stuff-"

"Believe me, we didn't want to. But as soon as Travis heard about the baby- he went right to the store." Noah said with a laugh as he sat a few of the things down.

When the three got settled in you sat down, all of them practically surrounding you with all of the gifts. There were bags, boxes, and even wrapped items with little bows on top. Jeez, if Travis did this all on his own, he could make some big bucks in the gift giving industry.

It felt like a little kids birthday party. You in the center, while everyone else gathered around, ready to watch you open your gifts.

Grabbing one bag, you took a deep breath, before carefully pulling the paper out, neatly setting it aside.

Inside were a few little education toys, such as building blocks with numbers and letters, even a few little books with the same teachings. You couldn't help but smile, you never really got a proper school education because of your father's job, this could help out a lot.

"Aww, how sweet.." You said softly as you pulled out each item. "These will definitely be used. Hopefully it'll be able to learn the basics with these."

Not wanting to lose them you carefully placed them back into the bag, before setting in inside. To make a small pattern you grabbed one of the boxes, opening it up.

There was a onesie inside with a little matching hat, the hat had a little duck  face sewn into it while the rest of the onesie was white, the little feet colored orange to represent little flippers.

Your eyes lit up as you stared at the little outfit, a gasp escaping you as you held it up to show the others. "Oh my gosh!! Look at it it's soo cute-" You cooed to the others.

Laughing a bit, Ted carefully scooted in, getting a better look at it. "Well, someone sure is a sucker for baby clothes, huh?"

Rolling your eyes, you neatly folded the outfit back into the box, before lightly punching his arm. "Maybe I am, Theodore. Got a problem with that?" You said with a quiet giggle.

Time flew by as you opened more and more gifts, most of them being things like toys, blankets, clothes, and even a few diapers and bottles as well. But finally, when it all seemed like it was over, Noah cleared his throat, holding up one last wrapped gift.

It wasn't wrapped as good as Travis's gifts were, but still, you appreciated every single thought that went into it. Noah carefully placed it in your hands, smiling softly. "I know this one isn't as fancy, but- I wanted to save it for last."

Giving him a small nod, you carefully tore the paper back, only to reveal a large book, which looked to be filled with bedtime stories of different types.

Unlike all the other gifts, it was obvious this one wasn't new. Though it was in a good condition, the cover was slightly scratched and torn, but luckily the inside was fine.

Rubbing the back of his neck with embarrassment, Noah finally let out a sigh. "This was a book my mom would read me when I was younger. A story for every night. And when we finished the book, we'd read the whole thing again." He said with a small smile. "I don't plan on having kids of my own, so- I figured it should be put to good use." He said softly, before clearing his throat. "Now I know it's not as useful as all of the other gifts, but-"

Before he finished you stood up and pulled him into a hug, a smile plastering across your face. "It's perfect, Noah. Thank you so much. I promise you it'll be put to good use." You whispered quietly.

Noah's arms soon wrapped around you as well, the smile on his face now growing slightly. "Thanks, Y/N. I hope the kid enjoys it as much as I did."

When you finally pulled away, you carefully sat the book on top of all of the other gifts.

Though all of them were sweet and thoughtful, you felt that book meant the most. It came straight from the heart, and no less. Of course the other gifts were amazing, too.

This baby seemed like it would be in good hands.
