The universe loves me (and maybe even god does)

a/n: wow two updates in a day (because i got my laptop back) ! i'm sorry if i won't be able to update in a long while. i am going through so many things right now that sometimes i wish i just never woke up. but life is great and it should be lived and some of you are actually reading this and it gives me hope, it makes me feel like i have a purpose. so please, don't hesitate to leave comments, or anything. it would mean the world to me, and perhaps inspire me to write more even though i know this is a shitty piece.  but please let me know your thoughts, i want to talk to you guys! please listen to the song while reading Namjoon's POV :)

see you soon, and enjoy!

Namjoon's POV

I lean in and he flinches and scrunches his nose at this sudden gesture, and then he calms down and stares at me. The stare is long and penetrating, like he's trying to read my soul and it takes all of me not to kiss him right fucking now, but then he closes his eyes.

I kiss him. I hold him closer, hands gripping on his waist as he clings to me, arms around my neck, and he kisses me back just as hard. I kiss him fondly as I open my eyes, watching him. He still has his eyes closed as our mouths are still sealed against each other. His face glowed under the low-lit lamp, and his breathing makes me calm, makes me feel alive. Oh god, he's so fucking beautiful. I never believed in any supreme being but right now, I want to thank whoever this god is for creating this wonderful creature right before me, breathing in sync as I kiss him. He stops, breaking away from the kiss, and he smiles at me like he almost wants to cry. I want to cry. I don't want this to end.

 But it ends just as fast as how I fell for him and as I close the door behind me, I feel him slowly fading away, like quick sand beneath my fingers that I try to grasp but I fail anyway. 


Noh was greeted by his loud friends at the airport. All of them shouting and yelling like crazy upon Noh's arrival. "wtf you guys are so loud! Will you please tone it down a little!"

"Noh! where are my gifts?" Ohm pouted at Noh who was now punching his bestfriend. "I just arrived and that's all you care about? You're not even gonna bother how I was in korea the whole time? You fucking bastard!"

"why would i? I don't have to. I'm pretty sure that Namjoon guy took very good care of you" Ohm responded while wiggling his brows. It stung a little to Noh now that Ohm brought that up. It stung him because he knew he would never see Namjoon again and it hurt. He will never understand what he felt when they kissed. It's as if something inside of him changed. But he was back in Thailand now and there was no more Namjoon. That was it for them. A short-lived fairy tale.

"dude! Don't tell me you miss Namjoon? You just fucking zoned out, man!" I do miss him.

"wtf of course not! He was just a friend. Let's go home! Your gifts are waiting" Noh was happy that he was home with his friends, but half of him was sad that it's finally over and that he was now far away on the other side of the world without Namjoon in it.

Namjoon was living his idol life on the other side of the world. Something has changed in him since he met Noh and he felt lonelier than ever now despite the fact that it had been a month since that day they kissed. He simply couldn't forget Noh. Maybe he was really meant to pass in my lifetime to make me feel something? Even the members noticed the changes in Namjoon. How sad he would get at random times. How he'd zone out every now and then but he never told them about Noh. He never told them that he had fallen so hopelessly in love with a guy he just met. Namjoon could only feel the emptiness growing inside of him as the days went by. He wanted to call him so badly but he couldn't. He didn't want to impose himself in Noh's life even though he missed him so damn much. One day, he just couldn't take it anymore that he decided to write a song with Taehyung entitled 4 o' clock. Tae publicly announced that the song was about his friendship with Jimin but little did he know, Namjoon really meant that song for Noh because of all the things that happened on that day at exactly 4 in the morning. Namjoon never really realized Noh would have such an impact on him. There was not a day that he didn't miss his smile. But there was nothing he could do now. It was all just a short-lived fairy tale after all, right? Maybe he should just stop hoping that one day he'd stumble across Noh again.

It was there third day in Japan, after having a concert the other day, Namjoon and the members finally had a day off. Namjoon really wanted to roam around Japan and buy his favorite Kaws toy so he went to the shop. When he went inside the shop, Namjoon felt like it was Christmas and he was smiling like an idiot because geees this was his most favorite place on earth after all! If I could just buy all of these and take them back with me to Korea but he couldn't even if he could afford all of it because for one, he really didn't feel like carrying so many things back home, and two, he was too lazy to do that. Namjoon was too busy choosing from the collections he liked when he heard a familiar voice.

"wtf? $1000 for this one?? Even if I sell everything that I'm wearing right now, I'm never gonna afford it. Why does Ohm like these toys anyway? They're so weird!"

Namjoon chuckles, seemingly amused at the frustrated and extremely loud Noh as he makes his way towards him.

"I'll pay for you. Choose whatever you want, Noh."

Noh turns around, in shock and jumps straight into Namjoon's arms.


Namjoon couldn't believe it! Of all the people and of all the places, who would've thought he'd meet Noh there?

Noh pulled Namjoon into a tight hug and yelled "Namjoonieeeee! It's so good to see you!"

Again, Namjoon never believed in gods, but perhaps, the universe, and maybe even the gods were fond of him. Thank you, universe.
