Fancy meeting you :)

It was a sunny day but the weather was perfect. Autumn just started in Seoul and It was perfect for Noh. Not hot, and definitely not too cold and he loved being cozy under his sweaters; he loved watching the leaves fall from the trees as they turn into burgundy. He loved everything about Seoul, the weather, the people, the coffee shops, the park. 

It was his second day around Seoul, and it would have been perfect if only for that one person being the main reason he was even here. He missed Phun so much. It has been 2 years since he passed away after that car crash. He missed him dearly that he could already feel tears welling up as he sat by a bench at a park and watched the people walking around him. If only you were still here with me, this could've been the happiest day of our life. It has always been their dream to visit korea and watch bigbang's concert. 

They've been saving up for this trip. Phun was not much of a kpop fan, Noh was. But Phun was so drawn to korea because of its culture and its weather. Two years, and the pain is still there. Noh buried his face with his gloves, trying to hold back the tears. God, I miss you Phun. He wanted to cry his heart out but he couldn't. it was hurting him so much that he is alone in fulfilling this life-long dream of him and Phun. Noh was so lost in his sadness that he didn't notice the stranger who was now sitting beside him.

"Aiisssh. Autumn is so pretty! I wish I could see this everyday"

Noh wasn't sure whether the stranger was talking to him or to himself. Confused, he turned his head to look at the stranger who was now facing him.

"oh hello. Im sorry for the outburst. I just don't get to enjoy autumn as much as I want to"

"No need to be sorry. I don't get to see this often too because I live in a tropical country"

The stranger was now smiling, showing off his dimples, and for some reason, Noh realized he looked very familiar, like he saw him somewhere but he couldn't remember where and when.

"Welcome to korea! I understand you're a tourist. Im Namjoon" Noh took the strangers hand and shook it gently. "thank you. And im Noh"

"Nice meeting you Noh. I better get going now. I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit in our country." And with that, the stranger left. Noh waved the stranger goodbye and started heading off to a nearby café. Little did he know that acquaintance was about to change his life forever. Or will it?

(welps, that was fast hehehe)
