Shatter me

Everything was perfect. Namjoon and Noh had been skyping each other nonstop since then. Noh had been promoted at work, and Namjoon was currently on a world tour for their Wings trilogy. Everything was falling into place, or so Noh thought.

One day Namjoon just...disappeared. Noh never got any responses for his texts, his calls were always left on voicemail. A day became a week and a week became two weeks, until two weeks became a month and a half. Noh would be lying if he said it didn't bother him because as a matter of fact, it did. He found himself drunk on Friday nights after work, throwing up on strangers and cursing Namjoon's name every time. His friends saw all of this and argued that they needed to do something, to find out what happened, to demand for answers from Namjoon but Noh was quick to dismiss that. He always defended Namjoon thinking that he was just too busy with the world tour to which Ohm would answer "yeah right. Like he never updates their twitter account and post a selfie. How can he even manage to tweet and not text you back? I love namjoon but he is really an asshole"

It was foolish. Of course Noh knew. He saw every single tweet coming from Namjoon but no text, no call, nothing. It devastated him but he fought the urge to curse Namjoon on their social media.

Two months later and Noh was a mess. He got demoted for always showing up late at work and everyone knew why. He drowned himself in liquor every night to forget Namjoon, but most of the time, he drank just so he could curse him and not feel guilty after, or because the pain was becoming unbearable that he had to numb himself by drinking. He was a shattering mess. He would cry at work on random times, he would cry at coffee shops that played BTS' songs, he would cry every time he sees Namjoon's tweets, he would cry at his rooftop. It was impossible to move on even if he wanted to. He wanted to forget Namjoon and just pretend everything about them never happened but how could he? Every corner of Tokyo had BTS in it. Billboards, posters, malls, coffee shops, television, spotify ads, youtube, he would see Namjoon's face printed in a mug, a pillow, a shirt, he was literally fucking everywhere! He would ask himself every night what he did wrong. Was I too much? was he just playing on me? what did i do wrong? Why did he leave me? why does every body leave? Why do I always get left behind? He would ask himself the same thing over and over to no avail. The more he wondered, the more it was painful to sleep.

It was on a Saturday morning that Noh completely lost it. Noh is woken up by Ohm and Film bickering over something.

"stop it, Ohm. Don't you see what a mess Noh has been? This will kill him literally!"

"but he needs to know! It will hurt but he needs to know! He has the right to know!"

"need to know what?"

Ohm and Film turned their heads wearing their shocked and panicked faces at the now fully awake Noh who clearly heard them the entire time.

"look what you did! Now your loud mouth woke him up!" Film says this with glaring eyes at Ohm who raised his hands in defense.

"so what do I need to know?" Noh crosses his arms over his chest and urges the two to speak up.

"well.." Ohm begins "it's now or never. I think you need to see this" Ohm almost reluctantly hands his phone to Noh.

Kim Namjoon of BTS reported to have reunited with his first love Park Yoona. Although Bighit and Namjoon himself does not admit to this claim, photos have been going around the internet. Apparently, the two had been caught being sweet while dating somewhere in Gangnam. We are still waiting for an official statement from Bighit and Kim Namjoon.

Noh was empty. Every word felt like knife stabbing him right at the heart, at his bones, at his neck, literally everywhere hurts, and if only Ohm and Film could see Noh from the inside, they would see that he was bleeding, and crumbling into pieces but much to their surprise, Noh just.....smiled and gently returned Ohm's phone to him.

"what? You're not gonna say anything? Not even gonna cry or curse?" Film stood up, looking at Noh seemingly puzzled at his cold reaction. But of course Film knew this was just a mask. He knew too well that Noh only wanted to wait until he was alone so he could cry his balls out, and maybe curse, and maybe drink until his lungs burn.

"I'm fine. You guys, this is not a big deal!" Noh says this with a mixture of a fake chuckle, trying to sound brave as if what happened was just like having your 100th knee scar from running around on your 9th birthday and telling your mom you can handle it, you're a big guy now, and this is not a big deal! "So? He has a girlfriend. Which means, I no longer exist in his life and neither does he in mine. Let's just move along with our lives." Noh continues, trying his best not to crack up as he speaks or else he will be nothing but a crying mess again and he didn't want them to worry about him anymore, he didn't want to admit that this broke him. He wanted to convince himself that he was strong, that he can manage to say these words and wear his biggest fake-ass smile in front of his best friends who absolutely knows he is faking it.

The next day, he decides, that he would run away, he would run far away until not a single trace of him or Namjoon or their memories and everything completely vanishes in the distant end of the road. The next day, he would drive away from this place, the ride would be long and lonely and scary but he would be free. The next day, something very unexpected would come to him, something he have never, and would never imagine of happening. The next day, he would come face to face with someone he had been missing out all this time. Who could it be?

(p.s Noh tweeted this after seeing the news)

a/n: happy new years! my apologies for slacking on the updates. i've been studying Hangeul for a few weeks now and im trying to focus on my goals too for this year and everything is just overwhelming at the moment. my bday is coming up next week! and im making a big plot twist for you guys! ^^, also, to make up for the slack updates, i will post a Q & A for the characters so please leave your comments/questions for them, ya? i love you all! i promise i won't abandon this story :)

Please leave your questions for:







>Phun??? ;)

ok, see you on the next chap!ย 
