Alone again, naturally

Noh rolled around his bed, staring at the ceiling, consumed by his thoughts. He remembers Phun's smile and it hurt him. He remembers Ohm, and all the rest of his classmates and the guys at the music club who were also fans of BIGBANG, how they all told him to make sure to record the concert. He remembers how Phun would stay at his house and watch Korean dramas just because the sceneries were pretty, and still, it hurt him. He remembers, Namjoon. Namjoon, who looked awfully familiar. The stranger whose smile has been haunting him the moment he met him at the park the other day. Namjoon whose voice was so calm that it made him calm on the inside as well. It was weird that Noh suddenly feels a little attracted to this guy because why not? He was tall, and had hooded eyes, and his smile was so full that his perfectly aligned teeth showed, and his dimples were to die for. WTF, Noh? You can't be crushing on this dude? He shook his head as to shake away his thoughts about Namjoon. He feels like he is betraying Phun and he did not want that. And he was sure that he was only gay for Phun and no one else. But Phun is gone and you need to move on! You need to be happy! Do you think he'd be glad to see you like this? He could already hear Ohm's words. He knows that it has already been 2 years but he just couldn't simply forget his great love. Why was it so hard to forget? He wanted to be happy too but he just can't bring himself to love someone else. Or so he thought. He hugged his comforter and smiled when he remembers what tomorrow's events will be. He will finally see BIGBANG live! He can finally tick that off his bucket list, and for one, he was going to see Namjoon again. He smiled as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Today was a good day. The universe was kind enough to let him see Namjoon again.

Noh woke up to the sound if his phone ringing. It was Ohm, facetiming him at 7 in the morning. Noh had no choice but to get up and answer it or else Ohm wouldn't stop calling him

"yah, what is it? You bastard! I was still sleeping!"

"Noh! Today is the day right? You can finally see BIGBANG AYYYY!" the background was loud and Noh can see the rest of his friends waving and yelling at him. They obviously spent the night at Ohm's place again and were probably all drunk still

"yeah yeah. I'm not sure i'm gonna be able to record though. You know how strict concerts are. But I will try"

"Noh! Don't forget to say I love you to GD for me please!" Film yelled from behind Ohm and Noh couldn't help but laugh at the faces of his friends he so much missed. How he wished they were all here to see the concert.

"you probably feel awful going alone. I mean it sucks not to have your awesome friends around at this awesome day" Noh rolled his eyes at Ohm's words. Clearly this bastard is always so annoying but Noh loved him anyways.

"actually, I am going with someone"

"Wait what? Did I hear that right? You're going with someone? AYYYYYYY!" Everyone was so loud in the back ground that Noh mentally face palmed himself and questioned the gods why is he even friends with these guys.

"yes, I am. but I just met him so don't get your hopes up you bastards. This is not a date. He just happens to be going too so he thought maybe we could go together."

The other end became silent and Ohm put on a serious face and started talking "Seriously, i'm glad you're going out with someone. I mean this is already a little step forward to forgetting Phun and maybe starting a new life" Noh knows that Ohm was always annoying but despite that, Ohm can also be deep and serious just like this one. "C'mon you guys. I'm just going to watch a concert. But thank you anyways. I wish you were all here. Don't worry, i'll buy gifts for you. I need to go now, I need to meet Namjoon"

"Oh, so the name is Namjoon. Ayiiiiiiii!!" the other end was now loud again and everyone was howling again and Noh was just happy he got to talk to his friends on this special day. "whatever you guys. I need to go. I'll call you when I come back from the concert"

The concert starts at 5PM but they needed to be early so that they could still buy some merch. Noh needed to buy some for his friends and he also wanted to check out the booths the fans made outside of the concert venue. It was already 10 AM when Noh arrived at the venue. There were already a lot of people lining up for the merchandise.

Chinadoll: im here at the venue. Wer r u?

Sent 10:15 AM

However, there was no response from Namjoon so Noh decided he would just line up and buy some merch.

Chinadoll: srsly dude, wer r u?

Sent 11:30 AM

Still no response from Namjoon. Noh was getting frustrated because he really thought he was not gonna enjoy this day alone but to his dismay, there was no sign of Namjoon. Maybe he changed his mind and didn't want to go with me? he sighed. Just when he thought he was already starting to take a little leap forward, he was alone again. 

a/n: BTS made it to Billboard hot 100!!! They also got a perfect score at the music show with over 10,000 points!!! our guys are really out there and achieving big things! this is enough to inspire me to be a better version of myself too. :)

Did you see my bag? 

keep streaming and keep voting for BTS please!! links and tutorials are all over twitter! thanks for reading! 
