Coffee date?:)

a/n: i didn't think anybody would read this but this actually got 35 reads lmao. so here is the next chap :) please leave some love if you'd like thank you!

Namjoon scanned the wide park, and shouting for rapmon's name but there was no sign of his dog. He cursed himself while running around and looking under every bush because how could he let his most precious dog disappear? Rapmon was not the type of dog to run far away but Namjoon was starting to get worried because he can't find him anywhere. Where can that dog be? 

Namjoon was starting to get frustrated and was about to call the authorities to report his missing dog when he heard a familiar bark. He ran straight to where the bark was coming from and there was his precious dog, jumping up and down around a guy who was clearly having so much fun playing with him "Rapmonie!!! Come here boy! You scared me! why did you run away?" Namjoon immediately brought the dog to his arms the moment it leaped right to him. "this is your dog? I'm sorry. I found him wandering around here so I thought he was lost and I fed him" the stranger explained and faced Namjoon "Wait, Noh? It's you! Oh gosh! Thank you so much. I was worried sick for my boy" Namjoon couldn't explain the little leap of joy he felt inside. Was it because he found rapmon? Or was it because the universe probably heard his thoughts earlier and decided that he and Noh crossed paths again? Either way, Namjoon was glad. "No problem. I'm kinda fond of dogs. If I hadn't known he belonged to someone, I have probably brought him home hehehe"

"but seriously. Thank you, Noh. How about we go get some coffee? My treat as a way of thanking you for keeping my rapmon safe." Namjoon had no idea why he invited Noh for coffee. In fact, he thinks it's probably not a good idea because cafes were crowded and sure enough there will be fans and paparazzi following them. Noh had no idea who Namjoon was, it was clear enough now. He still thinks Namjoon is just some ordinary Korean who happens to always come across his way and Namjoon doesn't want to expose himself either. 

Luckily, the café they chose was quiet and there were only about 3 people inside. Great! Namjoon thought. They grabbed a seat by the window where it had the perfect view of the park. Namjoon set Rapmonie on his lap, making sure he doesn't lose him again. Noh kept looking around and was smiling to himself, feeling warm. Namjoon couldn't help but stare at him of how cute he looked in his all white get up, and his lips were really getting very red. He had that huggable aura because he was not skinny, but not too muscular too. He was just the right amount of meaty and he was really really adorable that Namjoon had the urge to hug him because he still looked sad. Noh probably noticed Namjoon was staring long enough so he decided to break the awkwardness "Yes? Is there something wrong with my face?"

"Uhm, no. but uh, your lips are really red. You almost look like a doll"

"I get that a lot" Noh chuckled. Remembering the times Earn told him he looked like a china doll, and all the other times some boys would confess their love for the adorable Noh. They both ordered Machiato because Namjoon suggested that the weather was perfect for it. "So Noh, What brings you to Korea?"

Noh hesitated for a moment but answered anyway, "I'm here to fulfill a life-long dream", but Namjoon noticed that he looked sadder the moment he said those words. What was making him so sad? Namjoon was dying to know. "what dream?" 

"well for one, to see BIGBANG live, and second, to see the beauty of Korea" Namjoon knew BIGBANG was going to have their concert tomorrow, in fact, he already bought tickets because he was also a VIP. "Really? I'm going to watch their concert too!" Noh's face lit up the moment Namjoon said those words. "wow. Another VIP. I mean i'm not even surprised." They laughed for a while and Namjoon's heart began racing as he saw the way Noh's face when he smiled and his cheeks were full. Okay, so maybe Namjoon already had a little crush on him but It's completely normal right? To admire someone of the same sex? "So which seat did you buy?" "oh just the lowerbox. That's the only ticket I could afford" Namjoon frowned, because he had a VVIP ticket, so that he could avoid the fans and the paparazzis but he really wanted to see it with Noh now that he knows it is one of the reason's he's in korea. 

"Great! We can watch it together! I have the same seat!" Namjoon lied. But he always had his ways. He can always call someone to get him a lower box ticket anyway. Noh smiled widely at the thought of him going to the concert with a friend and it made him all the more excited. They both exchanged numbers and parted ways. It was a happy day, Namjoon thought to himself. He was trying hard not to think about Noh's smile because now he was entirely sure that the universe was listening.

Namjoon: Had a great time. Thx for saving rapmon ;)

Chinadoll: it was an honor to watch over your noble stead

Namjoon: so, ill see you 2mrw?

Chinadoll: see ya

thanks for reading. 

please support BTS' new album! 
