"Zee." Barry's voice is quiet, as we laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.

I turned my head and looked at him, "Yes?"

"Run off-" Barry suggests, "You could- change your appearance- and stay in Star City- never look back- move on-"

"Are you trying to divorce me before we even get married?" I stare at him, trying to lighten the mood, and to my success, he laughs lightly.

"Barry." I shot him a look, "Savitar probably remembers this conversation. He's going to tell Reign- and I'm still dead."

Barry sighs quietly, his tone going soft as he pulled me into his side, "I don't want you to die."

"I have a plan, honey." I kiss his cheek, "Focus on Iris."

"Twenty four hours." Barry stares at the clock. "Just stay with me, okay? The whole teams working on this- we're going to save you and Iris. I can't lose both my best friend and my fiancée."

"You won't, Barry." I smile up lightly at him, "I have faith."

"I wish I was as hopeful as you are." Barry kisses my head.

"You know what I'd love right now?" I look up at him.

Barry looks down at me, "Anything you want."

"Well, first of all, keep your hair like this. I love it." My hand touches his hair, ruffling it lightly, it become more of a floppy mess, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"And second?" questioned Barry Allen, knowing that there was something else.

"I want to dance." I whisper, excitement threaded in my tone unintentionally.

"You want to dance?" Barry scoffs lightly.

"Yes." I slip out of bed, grabbing my phone, connecting it to the Bluetooth speaker that sat on my nightstand, blasting music.

"We're going to get a noise complaint." Barry complained lightly.

"Well, you'll take care of that won't you?" I smile at him, grabbing his hands, pulling him out of bed.

"I will." Barry shoots me a soft smile, the music blasting through the speaker. I sang along, dancing around the loft like an idiot, Barry joined with me. It looked as if we were drunk, but we weren't. We were just being idiots.

On what could be the last day I lived.

Barry and I sang along to the pop music, dancing around, falling into each other's arms, catching each other, laughing every time we did.

My hand goes to my phone after a while, turning off the music, looking up at him, placing my hands on his chest, "You know what I could really go for right now?"

"Anything you want." Barry repeated from before, already accepting to my next request.

"Big Belly Burger." I answer simply and in a whisper.

"Big Belly Burger?" Barry questions.

I hum, "That's what I said."

"Okay, but it's a little late and it might be hard for me to find an open place." Barry looks down at me, his hands on my waist.

A pout falls onto my lips, as he inhaled deeply, "But, I will find an assortment for you."

"I love you." I break into a bubbly smile, kissing his cheek.

"I love you-" Barry kisses my head, walking over to his nightstand, grabbing his watch, giving me one last looking before disappearing through the door.

I drop my phone onto our bed, my hand grabbing a small notebook from my nightstand, grabbing a pen. I open to a fresh new page, date and timing the paper at the top right corner. I began to write down everything I had to say to Barry.

Just in case everything goes wrong.


"Okay-" Cisco said to me quietly as we stood in his workshop at Star Labs once he had gotten back from talking to Lyla with Barry, "Julian and I managed to create a enhancing serum when come in contact with your meta human dna, will decrease how long it will take you to heal for at least twenty-four hours."

"By how much?" I question.

"95%." Cisco smiles at me, excitement practically oozing through his words, "So when Reign does try to kill you- and she disappears- the serum will be able to give you enough time to regenerate-"

"You're going to give it to me before everything happens- good." I mumble, "And you're going to breach Reign right into a cell in the pipeline, right?"

Cisco nods, "We're going to save you, Zee."

"Let's hope." I exhale.

We eventually go to the cortex, where Barry and everyone else stood. I walk over to Barry, wrapping my arms around him, shoving my face into his chest.

"You okay?" Barry runs a hand through my hair, tilting my head back so he could see my face.

I nod lightly, giving him a weak smile, "I'm fine."

"Are you serious?" the words slipped out of Iris' mouth once Cisco told us all about what happened at Argus.

"Yeah." Cisco nods.

"Yeah, if Lyla won't let us have the Dominators' tech, then we are gonna break into ARGUS, and we're gonna steal it." Barry told us straight up, holding onto me tighter, not ready for my reaction, "Wally and I will phase through the walls. We'll be in and out of there before anyone even gets off a shot.

I stay silent as Cisco stares at Barry, "Uh, hello? No, you won't."

"What is that?" HR looks at what's on the screen of Cisco's monitor.

"That is a meta-human power dampener." Cisco answers, "And it's all over the building, so you can't use your powers inside."

"Can we use anything else to power this Speed Force gun?" Joe asks.

"Speed Force bazooka." HR corrects.

"Nothing else." Cisco answers, "Manipulating extra-dimensional energy requires, well, a ridiculous of energy, and the Dominator tech's the only thing that can do that."

"Hey, I have an idea, gang." HR spoke up, "What if we just put you- put Iris on a plane to Paris,
or somewhere far away?"

"There's nowhere on Earth that Savitar wouldn't find her." Barry says. "Stealing this Dominators' tech is our only option, all right?"

"Barry." I look up at him, "ARGUS is more secure than the pentagon. If your powers don't work in there, how are you gonna get past security?"

Cisco inhaled deeply, "This is what we're dealing with: surveillance cameras, eye scans, palm prints, heat sensors, laser sensors-"

"They really thought of everything, didn't they?" questioned HR.

Cisco sighed, "That's just the first floor."

"So, you're saying this is the most fortified structure in the history of fortified structures, they can't use their superpowers, and we have less than 14 hours to steal the thing." Joe confirms, "And none of us are master thieves."

"No," Barry mumbles, "No we're not."

"But I think we all know someone who is-" I look up at him, my eyes hinting the person that was on my mind.


Barry had went along and went back in time, grabbing and convincing Leonard Snart that he should come and help him steal the only power source capable to start the bazooka.

They eventually got caught, but Lyla has given it up, knowing that she couldn't stop them from having it if it could save Iris' life.

We had sent Wally, Joe and Iris to Earth Two for safe keeping, without telling Barry. Soon, Savitar had gone old school with a duplicate Flash suit of Barry's and tricked us into telling him where Iris was. He had taken Iris. We stood in the cortex, trying to figure out what to do.

"B.A.,I'm so sorry." HR apologies as Barry walked in by all of us.

"It's okay." Barry dismisses.

"I screwed up. I'm so sorry." HR repeated, true guilt in his tone.

"So, what now?" I quietly question.

"Now we go to Infantino Street." Barry spoke, "We know exactly where Savitar's gonna be and when.
Is the bazooka ready?"

"I've loaded the power source into the device, which should deliver the necessary amount of energy to trap Savitar in the speed force." Tracy explained. "We'll be on standby in case it fails."

"It won't fail." HR reassured her, "It won't fail.
It's ready."

"You didn't have that the last time, so we have the upper hand now." Joe said.

"You guys figure out what your plan is. I can't be here to know any of it. You know where I'll be." Barry leaves the cortex.

Cisco, HR and I move down to Cisco's workshop as I helped Cisco shove things in his bag, "Gauntlets, check."

"Goggles, check." I place them in his bag.

"Super powers?" Cisco looks at me and inhaled, "Check. Locked and loaded."

Cisco pulls out something from his bag, holding it up, a blue serum existing in a small tube, a needle at the end of it, "We need to inject right now."

I nod, slipping off my leather jacket, pulling up my sleeve, letting him inject the serum into me. I slip my jacket back on, as he spoke, "It's going to take at least five minutes to work."

I nod, zipping Cisco's bag, as he turns, looking at HR who was seated silently, "Don't stress. Tracy's bazooka, it's gonna work."

"Tracy's bazooka?" HR sighs, standing up.

"Yeah, you helped." Cisco adds, causing me to turn and look at HR also.

HR huffs, knocking things over, something Harry Wells would do, "I didn't- I didn't help."

"Yes, you did." Cisco argued.

"You inspired her." I backed Cisco up.

"I didn't inspire her. I didn't do anything inspiring." HR shot at us, " You know what's inspiring? Barry. A hero among heroes. You're all heroes. And you've all given me so so much, you know? You've given me a home, you've given me a purpose. Now you've led me to the woman that I adore, that I wanna spend my future with, and through it all, what have I done What have I done? What have I contributed except some fair-to-middling drumming, and lead Savitar directly to Iris."

"HR-" I stare at him, "That's not fair."

"It's not fair?" HR questions.

"It's not fair for you to say." Cisco spoke for me, "Savitar tricked us."

"Us? Me." HR hits his drum sticks against the desk, "I'm the one who opened his big, fat mouth, and now we're all in trouble, and especially Iris, 'cause I couldn't keep my mouth shut!"

"Hey! That coulda happened to me, okay? Easy.
I mean it." Cisco stops him.

"That coulda happened to me too- that could happen to any of us." I spoke, "Don't blame yourself."

"HR- you gonna hold down the fort?" Cisco asks.

HR puts on his jacket and punches his hat lightly, "Yeah."

"Of course you are." Cisco throws his bag over his shoulder, "'Cause that's what you do. You show up.
You're ready. Dependable when we need you the most. You hear me?"

"I hear you." HR nods, "Till next time."

He tips his hat at us, as I shot him a small nod, heading out with Cisco.


"Everybody, stay on alert." Barry's voice came through the comms, as we were all in position, scattered around the spot on Infantino Street where Iris West would soon be murdered. Cisco was currently gone, dealing with Killer Frost, that meant I had to find my own way to get Reign in the pipeline.

"No suit?" I heard a voice from behind me, her voice immediately clicking to who she was, as I slowly turn, facing Reign, "Jeans and a sweater- those aren't exactly the fighting attire."

I press my hand to my comm, "Well, my problems here."

"Let's make this short and sweet, shall we?" Reign smirks at me, slowly walking towards me, her hand resting on the holster that held some sort of knife.

"You're trying to replace me, that's what this is. Right?" I ask, staring at her, keeping my ground, "That's why you tried to kill me with that poison. That's why you helped Peter try to kill me. That's why you're here to kill me now."

"Savitar knows the future, Zee." Reign smiles, "He lived it. It's history to him. You will die tonight."

"Well, let's see about that." I mutter, as her hand forms into a fist, coming in contact with my jaw. From the corner of my eye, I could see Savitar running around, Barry trying to get a clear shot at him with the bazooka, and Iris laying on the floor, watching.

And then it started.

My leg swung up, as it comes in contact with the side of her face, knocking her to the ground. She gets up, her teeth gritted, shoving me to the ground, throwing punches at my face. My legs behind up as I kick her off with full force, standing to my feet. She quickly gets onto her feet, shooting her blasts right at me, as I did the same. Our powers met right at the center, each one of us trying to overpower the other.

I clench my jaw, squeezing my eyes shut, pushing to my full capacity, as she pushed to her full capability also, the entire center where our powers met exploding, sending us both flying backwards, my body landing on a car windshield, her landing against the bus stop pole.

I struggle to my feet, as she decides to take this to the air, grabbing me by my shoulders, using her flying abilities to fly high enough, dropping me, my body hitting the cement with a hard smack, a whimper leaving my mouth.

My body was shaking in pain, as I felt myself not being able to fight back anymore. She sends her blasts right at me from the sky, my body unintentionally forcing out some sort of force field, blocking the attack on me.

She lands onto her feet, as I forced myself up. There was a cut on the side of my forehead, blood oozing out of it, a cut on my lip, and a bruise on my cheek. She had a few similar injuries, but stood fine, my body shaking.

I let out a breath, before using one of my blasts, unexpectedly knocking her off her feet, as I got on top of her, throwing punches, weakening her. It was almost as it was too easy.

I grip her collar, "Leave- or I'll be the one doing some killing."

I slowly got up, stepping away from her, breathing heavily. She hesitantly got up to her feet, turning around, opening a breach, jumping right through it.

I slowly turn, hope filled in my chest, hoping that the bazooka had worked, and that we had saved Iris, but it was entirely crushed when my eyes landed on Savitar holding Iris. Tears filled my eyes, watching as Savitar killed Iris West.

Barry scream echoed through the night as he rushed toward his best friend, catching her, cradling her in his arms, tears streaming down his cheeks.

I slowly walked toward him, standing a foot or two away, my body feeling weak after Savitar had disappeared, fresh tears streaming down my cheeks.

My eyes land on the bleeding Iris West that Barry held, sobs leaving him as he held his dying best friend. I just stared. I was frozen. I didn't know what else to do.

It should've been me.

Before I could even do or think anything else, the sound of a breach opening came from behind me, my head turning at the sound, Reign wasting no time to using the knife she had held onto before, stabbing it deep and right through my chest.

A quiet gasp leaves my mouth, the sound of Barry's scream echoing through the dark night becoming distant as I fell to the ground, Reign pulling the knife out of me, disappearing into another breach.

Leaving Barry Allen to mourn over the loss of his best friend, and who was soon to be his wife.
