"We have to wait how long before we can use the meta-human cure?" Barry questions from next to me.

"Not even that long." Cisco stalls from telling us.

"Cisco." I clear my throat, staring at him.

"It's gonna go by-" Cisco snaps his fingers, "-like that."

"Cisco." I repeat, folding my hands together.

Cisco purses his lips, "29 days."

Sherloque chokes on his tea, the number catching us all off guard.

"29 days?" I repeated his words.

"A month?" Nora questions.

"I know, right?" Cisco chuckles nervously, "Just one, teeny, tiny, month until we stop Cicada's purge. You know, historically speaking, this is way faster than we've ever stopped a big bad so-"

"We can't wait that long, Cisco." I cut him off, "If he finds another meta or comes after us-"

Barry nods, "Zee's right, we have to speed this up somehow."

"We have to wait for the compound to fully synthesize or it won't be able to effectively neutralize the dark matter in a meta-human's pituitary gland." Caitlin explained, "Without any way to expedite the exotic evolution-"

"Guys, we're gonna have to wait." Cisco cuts in.

Caitlin agreed, "I think we have to wait."

Sherloque sipped his tea, "Unless you took it into the Speed Force."

"Huh?" I looked at him, "You want him to go into the Speed Force for a month and then, what, come out the same day that he left?"

"Oh, no, no, I'm not saying you manipulate time." Sherloque looks at me, "I'm saying you manipulate dark matter."

"So very simple." Sherloque presents, "It's simple chemistry, right? When you are synthesizing a compound, you use a commodity, uh, substrate, uh-"

Caitlin suggests, "A catalyst?"

"Catalyst, right." Sherloque points at her, "And the most efficient catalyst you can use when synthesizing a compound that negates dark matter is superluminal particles."

"Tachyons?" Nora spoke up.

Sherloque nods, "Tachyons, and the place where tachyons are the most dense?"

Barry exhales, "Speed Force."

"And voila." Sherloque nods.

"That might actually work." Caitlin looks at us.

"Yeah, it will." Cisco nods, "It'll be like nuking it in a pan-dimensional microwave.

I looked at Caitlin, "How much time would this save?"

Caitlin types, then looks at her screen, "From 29 days down to 60 minutes."

"An hour-" I looked up, "That's better than waiting 29 days."

"Yeah, it's gonna be faster." Cisco nods, pursing his lips.

"And also since Cicada has been quiet since your last encounter, maybe there's no time like the present." Sherloque adds in.

Barry looks at me for approval, inhaling deeply.

I nod, "Go for it."

"All right. I'll see you in an hour." Barry nods, pecking my lips, whooshing, changing into his suit and running down to the pipeline with the cure.

Nora's voice fills my ears as I neared the pipeline, "And what happened to Mom because of Cicada-"

"Speaking for myself- I'm fine, Nora." I walked into the pipeline, catching Nora and Barry's attention, "You guys aren't the only ones that can heal."

"Mom-" Nora huffs quietly in defeat, looking at me.

I place my hands on my hips, over the soft fabric of the plaid dress I had on, the only cooling feeling at my legs due to their bareness, black boots on my feet.

"Nora, this is the key to stopping Cicada." Barry held the cure, "I gotta go."

"Wait- before you go-" I jog over, pointing at me, "We're doing Thai tonight, right?"

"Really?" Barry stares at me, "I have to go into the Speed Force for an hour to help speed up this process and you're asking me about dinner?"

"Yes-" I drag out, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yes, we're doing Thai." Barry playfully rolls his eyes and pecks my lips, "I gotta go now."

"Fine-" I step away from him, standing next to Nora.

"If anything happens, just do what I've trained you to do: slow down and think clearly." Barry told Nora, "I trust you, you just gotta trust yourself."

"You'll be fine." Barry nods, then whooshes, disappearing.

"60 minutes." Nora says to herself, letting out a shaky breath.

"You'll be fine." I wrap an arm around her, smiling towards her, walking back up to the cortex with her.


[ nora's pov ]

"Hey, Nora- Zee, Cisco hasn't left for his date yet, has he?" Ralph asked my mom and I when we walked into the hall towards the cortex.

"Uh, I don't think so." I honestly told him.

"Great, we get another chance at this." Ralph smiles, starting to walk into the cortex with the Book of Ralph.

"Uh, Ralph, maybe this isn't a good idea-" My mom grabs onto the book, stopping him.

"What? Why?" Ralph questions.

"I mean- why not just let Cisco be himself-" She reasoned, "That's what she has to like him for-"

"He needs the Book of Ralph." Ralph pulls her along with the book, despite her slipping along with him no matter how much she tried to pull back, dropping the book onto Cisco's desk, it making a loud thud, catching everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?" Sherloque asks me when I sit down in silence.

"Nothing." I looked up at him, then look over to my mother, Ralph and Cisco.

"Oh, God." Cisco dramatically said, "Not the "Book of Ralph" again-"

"I'm sorry, I tried-" My mom said quietly, shooting him a crooked smile of guilt, pressing her palms together.

"Yeah, buddy." Ralph slaps his hand against the book, "You successfully completed my 27 steps to getting over the love of your life. Gypsy is in the past. You have a new siren, so now it's time for- The Art of Love."

"Um, Caitlin?" Cisco looks at her for help.

"I've gotta finish working on the device to inject the cure." Caitlin comes up with an excuse, leaving the room.

"Also- I have to inject the device for the cure." Sherloque mutters, following Caitlin.

My mom starts to back away, Cisco looking at her instantly, "Zee- z- hey Zee? Zee-"

"Oh- man- I-" She grabbed her bag, "I actually have to go work on a few cases- there's a lot I can get done in an hour-"

"Help? Help please?" Cisco's voice ranged high, practically begging for help in his tone.

"Let me know when Barry gets back." She calls out, running out of the cortex.

"Help me." Cisco mouths towards me.

"Chapter one: Initial Planning." Ralph read.

"Initial planning?" Cisco repeats, "It's a first date, Sun Tzu, not an incursion."

"Trust me, Grasshopper, love is war, but, fine, if you wanna skip to chapter six, Know Your Terrain." Ralph continued.

"We're meeting at Jitters." Cisco stares at him as if he had gone insane.

"Ah, familiar territory." Ralph nods, "You are learning."

I step up, walking over, "Uh, you know, he really should be going."

Cisco jumps up, "I really should."

"Hang on, hang on- one second. This one's really important." Ralph turns the page, "Chapter thirteen, Intelligence and Reconnaissance."

I stammer, "You cyber-stalked Kamilla?"

"No, no, no, no, of course not. That's her public profile." Ralph spoke, "But it did happen to have some info on the types of guys that she might be into.l

"The types of guys that she's into?" Cisco repeats.

"Yes, and, unfortunately, you are nothing like them, but, hey, if you don't wanna get a second date, be my guest." Ralph starts to walk away, "Just don't come crying to me when everything inevitably goes horribly, horribly wrong and you die alone."

"See, now he's in my head." Cisco stares at the photos after Ralph leaves, then sets them down, walking away, "Okay, no thank you."

Cisco halts, turns and grabs the photos quickly, looking at me, "I didn't take these. You saw nothing."

"Nothing." I nod instantly, sitting down in his chair, looking at the time, as it read 8:07 pm.


[ zee's pov ]

I sigh deeply, setting down the last case in the pile I had, running a hand through my hair.

My hand was sore from how much I wrote, my head starting to pound from the amount of stress I had gotten from the stack.

I stood up, walking over to the coffee machine, deciding to just grab a cup of the cheap coffee served by CCPD.

I grab a cup, before making my way back up to Barry's Lab, where I had decided to work without any disturbance from anyone downstairs.

I took a sip of the bitter liquid, blinking hard at the taste.

I look up, noticing a shadow coming from behind me, the outline making me piece together that it was Cicada.

I grabbed my phone, tapping the distress signal right before he walked in.

Suddenly, a sharp pain erupts in my head, after being hit with something in the back of the head, my entire vision going black, the last thing I remember being the coffee cup hit the ground and spill everywhere.


"You're not the only one who does their research." Cicada paces in front of me, holding his dagger, having me tied up completely, on some sort of roof I couldn't recognize right away, my head pounding with pain, "I know who you are, Zee Allen."

"I'm married." I stupidly joke, "You didn't need to do the research to find that out."

Cicada steps closer to me, "You're a Detective. You're 27 years old. You work at CCPD and spend your mean time at Star Labs."

This shuts me up quick, as he went on, "I know you work with the Flash and the other heroes."

He looks at me, "You came into my home and hurt me. Today- I will hurt you."

"I know- you have a daughter." I call out, "What would she think if you were hurting innocent people?"

"You're a meta." He raises his voice, "She would be happy that I'm ridding this city of them- for her! I'm doing this for her!"

"Get away from her." Nora's voice sounds, a shaky breath leaving my lips, Killer Frost stood right next to her, "She's not who you want."

"No, she's not, but you are." Cicada's attention turns toward Nora.

"Then come and get us." Killer Frost said, ice daggers forming in her hands.

Cicada throws his dagger forward, and suddenly a sharp pain pierced into my back, my eyes widening.

"Mom!" Nora shouts, running over to me, tearing up quickly.

"Zee-" Killer Frost comes by Nora, her eyes wide as ever.

Cicada calls upon his dagger, jumping into the air, as my entire vision goes black and I take my last breath.


[ nora's pov ]

"Hey, Nora- Zee, Cisco hasn't left for his date yet, has he?" Ralph comes up to my mother and I, my eyes wide as ever.

''Mom-" I stare at her, her arm wrapped around me, breathing heavy because I had just watched her die.

"Uh- yeah?" She looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh my god-" I hugged her instantly and tightly, "I thought-"

She hugs back, "Nora- your dad left like ten seconds ago. Nothing has happened to me- are you okay?"

"Yeah- I-" I pull away, giving her a weak smile, "I'm fine now-"

Ralph looks at us, "Guys?"

I clear my throat and look at Ralph, "Uh, I don't think so."

"Great, we get another chance at this." Ralph smiles, starting to walk into the cortex with the Book of Ralph.

"Uh, Ralph, maybe this isn't a good idea-" My mom grabs onto the book, stopping him.

"What? Why?" Ralph questions.

"I mean- why not just let Cisco be himself-" She reasoned, "That's what she has to like him for-"

"He needs the Book of Ralph." Ralph pulls her along with the book, despite her slipping along with him no matter how much she tried to pull back, dropping the book onto Cisco's desk, it making a loud thud, catching everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?" Sherloque asks me when I sit down in silence.

"Nothing." I looked down at my journal, muttering to myself while flipping through pages, "I just have to fix this-"

"Oh, God." Cisco dramatically said, "Not the "Book of Ralph" again-"

"Book of Ralph-" I whisper in unison with Cisco, letting out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I tried-" My mom said quietly, shooting him a crooked smile of guilt, pressing her palms together.

"Yeah, buddy." Ralph slaps his hand against the book, "You successfully completed my 27 steps to getting over the love of your life. Gypsy is in the past. You have a new siren, so now it's time for- The Art of Love."

"Um, Caitlin?" Cisco looks at her for help.

"I've gotta finish working on the device to inject the cure." Caitlin comes up with an excuse, leaving the room.

"Also- I have to inject the device for the cure." Sherloque mutters, following Caitlin.

My mom starts to back away, Cisco looking at her instantly, "Zee- z- hey Zee? Zee-"

"Oh- man- I-" She grabbed her bag, "I actually have to go work on a few cases- there's a lot I can get done in an hour-"

"Help? Help please?" Cisco's voice ranged high, practically begging for help in his tone.

"Let me know when Barry gets back." She calls out, running out of the cortex.

I drop everything, running after her, stopping in front of her in the hall, a gasp leaving her lips as she jerks to a stop, "Uh, you can't leave."

"Huh?" She blurts out, "What?"

"I mean, you just shouldn't go to CCPD- not right now." My breathing quickened, "It's late and-"

"It's okay- I stay there late anyway." She shrugs, starting to walk past me.

I stop her quickly, "Because Dad is gonna be back, like, any minute and by the time that you get there, you're just gonna have to turn around anyway."

"Nora- I got to finish up the rest of these cases tonight. I've been pushing these off for a while-" She began.

I cut her off, "Yeah, but, I mean, you have your files with you, right?"

"No- they're in my desk-" She shook her head.

I run out quickly, grabbing her cases from CCPD, coming back and handing them to her, "Here- here they are. Why don't you just do it here in the lounge where it's safe?"

"Safe?" Her eyebrows furrow at my words.

"I mean cozy." I sigh deeply, "It's cozy."

"Um, yeah-" She shrugs, "I guess I could-"

"Great, I'll make you coffee." I break out in a relived smile, sighing.

"Okay-" She gives me a sweet smile, heading into the Lounge, setting up her things on the counter, sitting on the stool, beginning to work on the cases.

I follow her, making her a cup of coffee, setting it in front of her.

Suddenly, the alarm started to blare loudly, Ralph's location zooming in on the screen that hung off the wall.

I huff, "Ralph?"

"Get Caitlin." My mom got up, as I nod, grabbing Caitlin, rushing over to where Ralph was, Caitlin turning into Killer Frost on the way.

"Move!" Ralph shouts the minute we got there, as I grab Caitlin, moving to the side quickly, the dagger piercing into Ralph.

"Ralph?" Killer Frost squeaks, her eyes wide with shock at Ralph; who was now dead.

I stressfully exhale, running off again, everything turning white as my speed increased, as I was back at Star Labs, my mother's arm around me.

"Hey, Nora- Zee, Cisco hasn't left for his date yet, has he?" Ralph asked my mom and I when we walked into the hall towards the cortex.

"Uh, no- I'm pretty sure he hasn't." I told him.

"Great, we get another chance at this." Ralph smiles, starting to walk into the cortex with the Book of Ralph.

"Yeah- we do." I let out a breath.

"Uh, Ralph, maybe this isn't a good idea-" My mom grabs onto the book, stopping him.

"What? Why?" Ralph questions.

"I mean- why not just let Cisco be himself-" She reasoned, "That's what she has to like him for-"

"He needs the Book of Ralph." Ralph pulls her along with the book, despite her slipping along with him no matter how much she tried to pull back, dropping the book onto Cisco's desk, it making a loud thud, catching everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?" Sherloque asks me when I sit down, opening my journal, "Nora?"

"Nothing." I looked up at him, then turn away and start to write on my journal, muttering to myself, "Come on- I have to figure this out-"

"Oh, God." Cisco dramatically said, "Not the "Book of Ralph" again-"

"I'm sorry, I tried-" My mom said quietly, shooting him a crooked smile of guilt, pressing her palms together.

"Yeah, buddy." Ralph slaps his hand against the book, "You successfully completed my 27 steps to getting over the love of your life. Gypsy is in the past. You have a new siren, so now it's time for- The Art of Love."

"Um, Caitlin?" Cisco looks at her for help.

"I've gotta finish working on the device to inject the cure." Caitlin comes up with an excuse, leaving the room.

"Also- I have to inject the device for the cure." Sherloque mutters, following Caitlin.

My mom starts to back away, Cisco looking at her instantly, "Zee- z- hey Zee? Zee-"

"Oh- man- I-" She grabbed her bag, "I actually have to go work on a few cases- there's a lot I can get done in an hour-"

"Help? Help please?" Cisco's voice ranged high, practically begging for help in his tone.

"Let me know when Barry gets back." She calls out, running out of the cortex.

"Uh, no, you know what?" I jump up, my mother halting at my voice, "Don't go."

She opens her mouth to speak, only for me to cut her off, "Uh, why don't you get them done here? I can bring over your cases-"

I rush, grabbing the cases from her desk and running back, handing them to her, "Uh, I can make you coffee."

"I mean, I know that there's coffee over there-" I stammer, "But- I just think it's really important for the Team Leader to stay here until Dad gets back just in case something happens, okay?"

"Uh- huh." She nods suspiciously, holding the cases, worrying me for a second.

She shrugs, shooting me another sweet smile, "Okay, lounge it is."

She walks away, Ralph speaking to Cisco, "All right, Chapter one: Initial Planning."

"It's a first date, Sun Tzu, not an incursion." Cisco sat up, sighing dramatically.

"Trust me, Grasshopper, love is war-" Ralph began.

I walk over, stopping him, grabbing a pile of it, handing it to Cisco, "Yeah, and I couldn't agree more so read these. They'll help you, and you'll know what to do."

"Wait, wait, how-" Ralph started.

I continued, "And if anything goes wrong, just give us a call." I turn towards Ralph, "You and I are gonna stay here and have our own coffees in the lounge."

Ralph opens his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it, "There's brownies."

"Brownies?" Ralph repeats, instantly giving in, following me down to the Lounge.

I place a few brownies onto a plate, setting it in front of Ralph as he was seated next to my mom, who was working on her cases.

I made coffee for the both of them, setting it in front of them.

My mother reaches over and steals a brownie from Ralph's plate, taking a bite, blinking hard, "Those are so good-"

"And mine-" Ralph pokes her arm.

She looks at him, "I took one- calm yourself."

"You have a lot of cases to work on-" Ralph eats a brownie, "Do you want any help?"

"Actually-" She eats the rest of her brownie, dramatically exhaling, "That would be great. This has been stressing the hell out of me- I mean- I could get grey hairs. That's not good."

"Can't have that-" Ralph grabs a file, opening it, looking through the documents.

The alarm starts to blare, as I stomp my foot lightly, "Come on!"

My mother looks at the screen, "It's Sherloque-"

"What?" I stare at her, "I thought he was here with Caitlin."

"We gotta get Frost." Ralph began.

I stop him, "No, no, I got this. You guys just stay here."

I rush out, running to the same place, stopping, my eyes widening at the sight, "Cisco!"

Cisco was on the ground, dead, Sherloque still tied up, suspicion in his eyes.

"Why can't I fix this?" I cry out, running back, everything flashing white, before I was back in the hall with my mother.

"Ugh!" I step away, throwing my mask on the ground, tearing up, "Why can't I go back any further?"

"What?" She stared at me, stepping back.

"Nora, Zee-" Ralph began.

"Cisco hasn't left yet." I breath deeply.

"Great." He nods.

"So we get another chance at this." I continue, breathing heavy.

"We do." He smiles, walking into the cortex.

"Nora- hey, honey-" My mother puts her hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine." I nod quickly.

"Are you sure?" She asks again.

"Yes-" I shot her a weak smile, nodding quickly once more.

She gave me a small nod, before chasing after Ralph, "Ralph- I don't think that's a good idea!"

I walk into the cortex, putting my hand up before Sherloque even spoke, "I'm fine, Sherloque."

"I have to fix this." I whisper to myself, before rushing everyone into the Lounge.

They all shot me a confused look, as I swallow hard, "Okay, you guys have to stay here."

"Why?" Ralph questions.

"Because Dad put his trust in me that I would protect all of you and I'm the only speedster here for the first time and if something were to go wrong," I ramble, "I don't know if I could fix it, in fact, I'm pretty sure that I couldn't fix it, so just, for one hour, stay here."

Everyone but my mother starts to ramble about how they need to go and do things, as I immediately stop them, "No, no!"

"Kamilla." Cisco whispers out, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

"Oh, I got some details on- the kinds of guys she's into." Ralph spoke up.

"Wait, were you cyber-stalking her?" Caitlin questions.

"No, I'm not stalking her." Ralph shook his head, "It's her public profile."

"Guys!" I caught their attention, "I'm sorry, but you're just gonna have to stay here."

"Nora-" My mother stepped up, "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine, Mom." I huff, "I'm fine."


A breath of relief leaves my lips, as the time read 8:52 pm, and there was no blaring alarm.

"You got the first one." Caitlin spoke, cards on their foreheads.

"I got the next one." Sherloque said right after her.

"I think we all got one-" Caitlin started, only for everyone to jump up at the sound of the alarm blaring loudly.

"It's Iris-" My mother dropped everything she was doing, getting up, "We need to go, now-"

"Guys, um, just stay here." I stop them, and rush out myself, running to the same place for what felt like the tenth time, only to see the dagger in Aunt Iris' back.

I run off once more, tears pooling my eyes, every death flashing before me, a flash of white following, and I was back at Star Labs.

"Nora- Zee-" Ralph began.

"I was supposed to protect you, but I can't." I cry out, "I don't know how to."

"Nora-" My mom started, her eyebrows furrowed.

"But my dad does." I say to myself, before running off to the particle accelerator, running as fast as I could, the wormhole beginning to open but shutting instantly, as I ran back into the hall, huffing, "I can't get into the Speed Force either?"

I took a deep breath, tearing up, walking into the cortex, only for everyone to be gathered around the console.

My mom spins in her chair, facing me, "You're reversing time."

I nod slowly, the tears slipping from my eyes in stress and fear, "And I can't fix it."

"Nora-" She got up instantly.

I start to make my way over to her, a sob leaving my lips, as she jogs over to me quick, wrapping her arms around me tight, hugging me close, as I held onto her, crying into her shoulder, "I don't know what to do-"

"Hey- it's okay. I'm right here." She rubs my back, "It's fine- we're gonna figure this out."

I sniffle, pulling away, looking at her.

She wipes my tears, "Tell us what's going on."

"At exactly 8:52 the alarm goes off because Cicada kidnaps at least one of you- and then every time- someone dies." I told them, sniffling once more.

"So all of us die?" She questions.

"Sometimes, or just one of you." I spoke, "Sometimes Iris, but every time, there's at least one."

"I thought I was having deja vu." Cisco spoke up, "I keep seeing my date with Kamilla again and again, me failing miserably every time by using these. I'm not having deja vu. I'm vibing the past hour over and over."

"How many times has this happened?" Sherloque questioned.

"52." I quietly said.

"52?" Caitlin questions, a shocked look on everyone's face.

"This is one of those fixed points the Legends theorized, isn't it?" Ralph questions, "There's no way to keep one of us from dying."

"We have to get Barry." My mom began, running a hand through her curled hair, "He can work on speeding up the meta human cure process another day-"

"No, I tried that, but there's something wrong with me." I told her, "I can't get into the Speed Force."

"Well, then we'll just wait here until he gets back." Caitlin suggests.

"No, if we do that, Cicada will kill Iris." I spoke.

"So- just reverse time and go back to before he left." Ralph spoke up.

"No, I've tried that too, but I can't control it."
I huff, "It doesn't matter what I try to do."

"Nothing works!" I shout, running into the hall and down the pipeline, sitting alone.


"Believe it or not, this ain't the first time I've died in a past timeline." Cisco walked over, sitting across from me, "Ah, I once got a vibrating hand through the chest courtesy of- Eobard Thawne."

I look down, as he continued, "Thawne's done a lot of screwed up things actually- he once threw Zee off a building- when she first started to become part of the team."

My head snaps up, "He threw my mom off a building?"

"Yeah-" Cisco looks away, "Besides the point- it was more than once. I actually kept vibing that moment until I realized that it actually happened. I guess I should have known the same thing was happening now, huh?"

"I keep trying my absolute hardest to change the outcome, but I end up failing every time." I mutter, "What if we can't fix this, Cisco?"

"Nora, sometimes we fail because all we worry about is not failing." Cisco spoke, "I'm so worried about my first date since Cynthia that I don't feel free to be myself around Kamilla, and then I'll just end up screwing it up even more. This-this intelligence and reconnaissance mess, I don't need this. All I need is to be myself. Duh-"

"And I sure as hell don't need to dress up like Ozone just to impress Kamilla." Cisco help the paper in front of his face then puts it down, "Sorry, that is an outdated reference."

"No, from the movie Breakin'." I nod, "Yeah, I've seen "Electric Boogaloo" too. I've seen them both, like, a hundred times. I know every move."

"Wow, fangirl." Cisco laughs.

"Wait, that's it." I stop, "Every time I fail, I take notes in my journal so I can do something different the next time. We know every move."

"So all you need to do is just tell us everything you've done and how it went wrong." Cisco followed.

I nod, "So we can figure out how to make it right."


"52 kidnappings, 52 combinations leading to 52 deaths." I wrote on clear board.

"None of them were Cicada's?" Sherloque questions.

"Exactly." I confirm and hand him the marker.

"Yes, exactly." He nods.

"Wait, does that mean you want to use Cicada's dagger against him by having Nora reverse time?" Caitlin asks.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting." Sherloque nods.

"Yeah, but how are we gonna do that?" My mom questioned, "I mean, Nora can't control it when she reverses time."

"She could control her abilities if we help her slow down." Sherloque circles some writing on the board.

I look down, recalling what my father had said, "Slowing it down."

"If she can do that, we bring the fight to him." Ralph nods.

"And we all live through the night." Cisco looks at us, "I like the sound of that."

Sherloque stares at the board, "Well, we have everything we need."


[ zee's pov ]

"Looking for me?" I had my hand on my hip, my head tilted to the side slightly, a daring smile on my lips as I watched Cicada turn and face me, as we both stood on the roof that Nora had been to 52 times.

"Hey-" I trail off, letting out a weak laugh, "I'm Zee Allen. But- you did your research. You already know who I am, that I work with the Flash and the other heroes."

He stayed silent, only the sound of his breathing through his mask filling my ears.

"You know- I don't think Gracie would approve." I grab out my phone, pressing the button on my phone, letting the others know about my location, "So- that is why- we're gonna beat you."

Cicada throws his dagger, Killer Frost, Ralph, and Cisco coming out of a breach, firing their powers at him.

Right as the dagger was about to hit Ralph, time reversed, Nora stepping in, moving through the blasts right in time, going through the breach, the dagger flinging back and piercing right through Cicada, Cisco, Ralph and Killer Frost going back into the breach.

Nora stops next to Cicada, as he let out a loud scream in pain, falling to his knees.

Cisco, Killer Frost and Ralph come through a breach, their eyes landing on Cicada.

Cicada breathes heavily, jumping into the air, disappearing.


"No dark matter anywhere." I round the console, placing my hands on my hips, "Dwyer's gone, again."

"Maybe after the ass kicking he just got, he'll think twice before coming after us again." Ralph walks over to Cisco's desk.

"And if he doesn't think twice, now you can make him." Cisco leans on his elbows.

"Thanks for helping me slow it down." Nora thanked, "Now that I've experienced a sense of control, maybe next time, I can do it on my own."

"Thank you for saving us, all of us." Caitlin stepped up.

"I didn't save everything." Nora looks at Cisco, "Maybe you can now?"

"No, no, that date is over." Cisco shook his head, "There's no way Kamilla's still at Jitters."

"Well, if she is still there, there might be some stuff in here that can help you smooth things over-" Ralph held up the Book of Ralph.

I rush over, coming to his side, "Ralph."

"But, you can handle it." Ralph looks at me, then at Cisco, "You're Cisco Ramon."

"Come on, you gotta get a move on." Caitlin nudges him lightly.

"Okay." Cisco gives in, walking around us.

I cup my hands around my mouth, "Giddyap, Romeo!"

"I'm moving!" He shot right back, jogging out the cortex.

Barry runs in right after Cisco leaves, holding the cure, "Sherloque was right. One hour, it's cooked."

The same look was on all of our faces, as we had all completely forgotten about the cure.

"Something happen while I was gone?" Barry's eyebrows furrow.

I facepalm, shoving my face into Ralph's arm.


"52 times?" Barry quietly asked Nora, as they were seated at the island, having coffee, trying not to wake me.

I was laying on the couch in the Lounge, on my side, Barry's hoodie over my dress, ankle socks on my feet.

"53, if you include now." Nora sighs.

"That's a lot." Barry honestly told her, running a hand through his hair.

"What was I supposed to do, let one of them die?" Nora looks at him, "Seeing mom get skewered so many times- it hurt."

"The thing is, Nora, there are consequences to time travel." Barry began.

"Oh, I know." She simply said.

"No, you don't, not like I do." Barry shook his head, "Let me show you something."

I rub my eyes, sitting up, running a hand through my messy hair.

"Imagine this coffee cup is the space/time continuum." Barry held his mug, phasing, a piece breaking off, "Whenever you go back in time, it breaks."

"Now, you can try and reset the timeline, try and fix it, but no matter how hard you try, it's never gonna be exactly how it was." Barry places the mug down, putting the broken piece where it belonged.

I got up, walking over to them, leaving my shoes behind, standing on my tippy toes, wrapping my arms around Barry's shoulders, "Your Dad learned that the hard way."

"Hey-" Barry smiles, kissing my cheek.

Nora looks at me, "Did you enjoy your nap?"

"Oh yeah-" I nod, taking this as an opportunity to make a joke, "Getting skewered multiple times probably really sucked for me- it got exhausting."

Nora and Barry laughs quietly, as I looked at Barry, sharing a fist bump with him, "Jay Garrick, huh?"

"Yeah-" Barry grins at me.

"And then the student became the teacher." I fell off my tippy toes and to my normal height, "Anyway- proceed."

Barry picks me up, setting me onto the counter next to him, holding my hand, looking at Nora, "It seems like things worked out this time, but that's not always gonna be true, and it's impossible to know how these changes are gonna unfold, the ripples you'll cause, whose life you're gonna affect. No one can do that."

"No one?" She questions.

"No one." Barry confirmed, "We're not gods, Nora. We've just been given extraordinary abilities."

Nora nods slowly, sipping her coffee, Barry looking up at him.

"Okay-" I look at them, "Enough speedster talk, I think I'm starting to understand more than I intend to-"

Barry chuckles lightly, "And now I realize that I missed you."

"You were gone for an hour-" I place my hand on his shoulder, "But- I missed you too."

Barry leans up, giving me a small kiss.

"I think me wearing dresses is a curse." I brought up randomly.

Nora looks at me, "Why? You look nice in them."

"Whenever I wear a dress- I get kidnapped and almost killed." I look at Barry, "I feel like that's what happens now-"

"Zee- it's not cursed." Barry picked me up, setting me down on the ground, standing up.

"Yeah- sure, whatever you say-" I point at him.

"We're doing Thai tonight, right?" I look between Nora and Barry, "I was told we were doing Thai tonight."

"We're doing Thai tonight." Barry kisses my head, as I smile, pecking his lips repeatedly, before rushing over to the couch and grabbing my boots.

Nora quietly whispers to Barry, "Careful- you're blushing."

"Nora- stop-" Barry shyly covers his face, "I love her so much-"

I bit my lip, trying to hold back a smile, putting on my boots, heading back over, grabbing both their hands, "Come on- you guys are slow for speedsters."

"Oh yeah?" Barry throws me over his shoulder, a squeal leaving my lips, Nora watching us, a smile on her lips, as he whooshes off, Nora following right after.

authors note:

hiiii, i'm sorry for the late update, but i really love the ending and how zee and nora acted like mother and daughter here :)

also, when should i post the jace herondale book ? i've already written the first chapter and i don't know when to actually post it, so, pleaseeee comment when so i can take a vote and figure it out.

comment and vote pls !
