|Chapter 32|


Isabella was on the bed asleep while I sat there in wolf form. She had requested halfway through the flight if I could shift. And I did coming up on the bed for her which she was more than happy about before she fell asleep once more.

Except this time she had her arms around me with her face softly pushes against my fur as her hands held pieces. Her head rested gently near our neck with an arm around pulling at the fur near my chest. But I let her. She was stressed and she didn't have Maryse to do it.

'So here we are playing service werewolf to make sure she feels comfortable. Which I am willing to do.' My eyes glanced back at Isabella as she breathed heavily in her sleep her hand tightening on the fistful of black fur she had but I didn't complain.

My eyes focused outside where the landscape was as I adjusted myself feeling her leg go up over me as she hugged me tighter. And I looked over at her. She was peaceful and I refused to disturb her for this. She deserved a nice peaceful sleep just for once.

And so I let her have it. The sun rose up slowly gracing us with morning as Isabella rolled over and I looked at her sitting on my haunches before sniffing her and then licking her face. Her eyes opened as she wiped her face off instantly looking at me.

I tilted my head to the side as I watched her. "You actually stayed in wolf form." Isabella noted as I felt my tail thump against the bed silently. "You can go shift back." Isabella said and I got off the bed feeling fur give into skin as I stood up stretching human limbs.

Isabella had turned away her cheeks slightly red as I shook my head. She was so cute. The fact that she was embarrassed about me being naked right here. It was cute and I liked it. Grabbing my clothes I got dressed as she kept her head the other way.

'I wonder when she'll be calm about it and not red like she is right now?' 'Well she doesn't blush much when we kiss and hug her so that's an improvement.' To most this would see as overkill being near her naked, but nudity was nothing to werewolves. It didn't matter to us.

We were used to it. The only time we didn't like it was when someone was staring at our mate intensely after a shift. But since we shifted so much and shifting with clothes wasn't an option we were used to it by now. But staring was a whole different thing.

Especially when it was someone's mate after all. Then the nudity became a problem and fights could break out. But it was just Isabella and I and I doubt Isabella would be stripping in front of anyone. So I didn't have to worry about that one bit.

"How close are we?" Isabella asked and I smiled at her. "Real close. My dad wants us to meet him at the pack house when we arrive there." I told her sitting on the bed and she nodded at that. Since the hunters, well former hunters were working with the pack they were used to be called in.

'And it's a public meeting and not just with the pack. I hear Damien and Lucian are going to be there as well.' Meaning something big was happening no doubt. And we had a lot to discuss. We were the last ones they'd be waiting on.

"I'm hoping everything's good but I just have this feeling building inside me that something bad is happening or coming. Like the calm before the storm." I told her and Isabella nodded. "I know what you mean." Isabella said running a hand through her hair as I looked at her.

"Satan isn't speaking to me. I can't even feel his presence. I know he had something to do in hell, but this isn't like him." Isabella said. I knew nothing about hell so I couldn't assure her about that. All I could do was smile at her and gently squeeze her leg.

"Well we're not too far from New York. Everyone has made it to Greenburg including my brothers and their mates. We just have to get their and the meeting will start." I told her and she nodded at that as we sat on the bed. She blew black strands from her face.

'The interest and pang of worry is making me on guard on what this could be about.' I nodded as I laid back on the bed and Isabella smiled at me. "You hungry?" I finally asked pushing myself up and she nodded at that and I smiled at her.

"I'll go make some breakfast for us." I told her leaving her in here. And then into the kitchen we went. The slight muffled moans from Derik's room told me exactly how Derik was comforting Lyric after what happened as I went to the makeshift kitchen to go make some breakfast.

French Toast sounded nice. And so I got down the bread as well as the other ingredients and a pan setting it on the stove as I got to making the milk and egg mixture before dipping each piece of bread in it and putting it on the pan as I got to frying.

And while it fried I looked through the fridge for a drink. Finally finding some orange juice I poured us both a glass of it before flipping the French toast over as it cooked and I smiled taking down the plates before putting the cooked piece on the plate.

Balancing the glass and plates I returned to the room. 'It's been a bit since we've had some French toast I'm sure she'll love this surprise.' I nodded at that as I opened the door and closed it with my foot and set the plates and glasses down.

"Orange juice with some French toast, sound good?" I asked and Isabella nodded at it picking up the plates and going to cutting up the French toast to eat. "Thanks Dalton." Isabella said taking a bite and closing her eyes with a smile on her face at the food.

"Good?" I asked and Isabella nodded at that a smile on her face. "Yeah, very. It's good to see that you can make food almost as good as Flimur's is." Isabella said and I smiled at that. "Well that's good." I told her with a smile on her face.

"Yeah means you can cook for me when Flimur isn't around." Isabella said with a laugh. 'It's nice to see her so at ease despite the fact that a war is about to unfurl around us.' Yeah with that smile on her face and laughter that sounds like the best music to my ears. It was peaceful.

"I actually don't mind it." I told her and she nodded at that running a hand through her raven locks as she finished up her French toast before grabbing her orange juice and taking a sip out of it as we sat there as the pilot alerted us.

"We'll be landing soon." I looked at Isabella and gave her a bit of a smile. "Looks like we'll be touching down soon." I told her and Isabella nodded at that crossing her arms across her chest her silver swirled eyes staring forward out the window as New York came into our path.

"Are you nervous?" Isabella asked looking at me and I nodded at that. "Of course I am. I mean there is a war brewing especially since The Organization no doubt knows what we are doing." I told her and she nodded at that her eyes on the outside.

'And knowing there is a war coming isn't much reassuring much either.' I nodded at that. "Now we just wait to touch down and we have a meeting to attend." I told her and Isabella nodded at that as we leaned back on the bed to let the flight take it's path home.
We all stood in front of the pack house. "Ready?" Derik asked and I nodded as we went in as Isabella's eyes focused on the door where they were all waiting for us. Derik held the door open for us as we entered the room where eyes shot to us.

All the important people were speaking of just how many important people were here and it wasn't just anyone. Even the Corbin's stood in the background eyes on Isabella as she walked in.

"And the meeting is now starting."

1434. Just the epilogue and then Immortal Ends starts. . . until next time cool marshmallows.
