|Chapter 20|


The books in the Red Claws library were worn-in and used. Bound in leather written in black ink save for the regular books the pack had purchased. The conversation with Akira was still sharp and fresh on my mind.

"Do you guys have any books on immortals?" Akira had paused. "We might. Mostly tales though. But feel free to check out the library." And so here I was. 'Amongst books and a library way better than the one at our pack house.' But our pack was more based outside of the pack house.

Sure people lived in the pack house, but our pack wasn't recovering. This was a pack rebuilding from the ruins that the rogues had left. The books were organized thankfully all done by the small omega girl who ran the library. She followed me to see if I needed any help.

She was tiny. Short, barely 4'11, small, like most omegas and runts tend to be. 'Andrew is the exception since him being an omega is a default of twins.' Twins were a tricky thing in the werewolf world. It was rare to see a pair of alpha twins, usually one ended up being an omega.

Most of us saw it as natural selection. Siblings fought amongst each other enough when it came to alpha positions. Imagine the damage twins could do if they were both alphas. Twins even if close had very little desire to rule together, even if corruption is kept away.

I loved Andrew. He was my twin, equal, my other half at this point. But would I want to be co-alpha with Andrew? 'Not particularly. Not that Andrew or Midnight was interested in any of that kind of things.' Andrew and Midnight fit quite well with Orchid once they dated and mated.

He liked helping her with the little potion like shop she ran. Now her services were available to the supernatural and she began cutting back with The Organization due to all of the chaos that was going on and the corruption that laid at the core.

"Is there a specific book you are looking for?" The omega asked. I turned towards her. "Anything to do with immortals." I said and she nodded pushing up thick framed glasses before off she went searching. Isabella would be joining me after she finished up her lunch with Derik and Lyric.

While I had gotten a head start on this all to make sure everything went fast and smooth. 'Hopefully we will have at least one book that has something to do with immortals by the time.' That would help quite much. Isabella would also be happy and would be quick to reading.

And then things could become a bit more speedy between us. "Are you looking for like fiction books?" She asked. "No actual books, hand written accounts and all of that." I said. "The Corbin brothers?" She asked. I wasn't surprised that she knew who they were. Practically of the supernatural did.

They were like the supernatural boogeyman to us. 'Scary and supposed to keep kids in line. Little did they know the real immortal was the corrupt one.' I could already see in the future this being the next documentation of immortals to grace the supernatural world. With the lack of their presence this had stirred my world quite much.

Especially when the news that The Organization might be corrupt began to spread. It spread like a wildfire starting from the New York area. And it had reached the other side of the world now as whispers came and hunters were watched like hawks waiting for the wrong move to be made.

Being forced into obeying laws written by humans hadn't made the best relations. But it was the ones at the top that were hated the most. The werewolf council plotted and discussed. The fae courts, well we already had one on our side.

'Now it's to see what the Seelie hold more valuable. The long aged war between the Unseelie and their kingdom. Or the hunters corrupt and working with an immortal.' Fae and hunters never did get along well due to the fact that hunters couldn't enter their plane of reality unlike the rest of the supernatural.

The only way for them to have entered would be a fae bringing them in. Other supernatural could enter, but humans were rarely allowed to enter without another fae. A safety precaution due to all the wondering humans and later hunters trying to abuse that and use it to their advantage.

"Well these are hand written accounts dating back around that era. Feel free to ask me if you need any help." She said as she left and I smiled. Most of the accounts were written in the home language of where they had come from and it varied very much.

'There is so many languages throughout these books that it almost makes my head hurt with as much information that I happened to be taking in.' From French written accounts, Japanese symbols, Chinese symbols, German written accounts. And finally one in English. I gathered anything that said immortal.

Once more we had gone back to the way this had all began. Through books. Each book was written by someone different and we knew that. Meaning there could be thousands of books, maybe millions with tales of immortals hidden throughout the pages. Something told me they'd be hidden unlike Isabella's book.

Keeping the immortal secret had been precious. 'Staying out of the line of the immortals when they fought even more important.' And writing about them no doubt set off Michael and his egotistical ass so I had no doubt that these tales were woven in throughout the books hidden carefully to avoid detection.

A clever way to keep their lives, but for us it made it much more hard to have to combat. Especially considering the fact that we'd have to translate some of these books. But I had a good feeling about this. We'd find something that would be useful and I knew it.

Isabella's hope was to find something out about Michael that he didn't want us to know. "Every man has their weakness." Isabella told me when explaining her plan. 'Of course our weakness happens to be her. . . and silver. Like most werewolves.' I nodded at that.

Now we had to find out what Michael's weakness happened to be. And it'd be better found before we moved in to capture him. The biggest goal here was to capture him before The Organization decided he needed to be moved once more to make sure he didn't risk being detected and hunted.

Little did they know we were all ready on the hunt for him. 'We have the scent is there is no way we are letting go now.' Plans were being set in motion with only the trusted being told of what was happening. Isabella didn't put it past The Organization to try to have a mole here.

So we kept watch. . . as did Akira to make sure his members were loyal. At that moment the library doors opened as Isabella came in with Derik and Lyric who were no doubt here to help us crack some of these books and find the important things in them.

'Stowed away between the pages. An added three makes the process go by way more easier.' I nodded at that as Isabella took her seat next to me and looked at the books and then back at me as Derik and Lyric seated themselves at the other end of the table across from us.

"So what do we have so far?" Isabella asked. 'In my opinion we have a good start to all of this.' "Some are in different languages so we'll have to translate, but I believe the stories are hidden." I told Isabella who nodded. "Well lets get to it." And so we read.
The hours ticked by as the sun rose in the sky. We stared early morning with Lyric running off to get us lunch, drinks and snacks anytime one of us asked at Derik's wish. The two little puppies were here as well.

Currently seated with Maryse as they wrestled each other in a pen that the omega lady had given us for them. To make sure they didn't cause destruction. 'And here we sit reading and translating all of these books.' Halfway through Derik grabbed his computer to translate.

He had this weird state of the art translator he could use for things like this. "Anything?" I asked. Derik looked up. "Not much so far. . . but I think I may of found something." Derik said with a smile as Isabella's head snapped up at the thought of being a step closer to Michael.

"What is it?" Isabella asked. And so he began.

1456. Today is Saturday. Ok. Well hope you enjoyed this chapter, shall I point out how much I hate my chest. It gets in my way and the only bra I have is a stretched out sports bra from my cousin and underneath my left breast is numb and feels terrible. I've been braless for a bit and keep a blanket under so I can be comfortable while writing. Otherwise they just exist and touch my underneath and it feels just wrong. Because the stupid washer literally destroyed my one good bra. I own 0 bras. And I have to wait for my dad to get a stupid paycheck before I can get a bra. But yeah. Until next time bratastic marshmallows.
