|Chapter 21|


Life could be hard but it also can be peaceful. The time of peace was something I lavished in knowing nothing hard was there. Since Pexhar's defeat I thought peace would rain down on me. . . and it did, but only for a year.

And then my secret was out. People pursued me before finally I met Damien and then Lucian. And then the cold ugly truth was bared before me. The real enemy had never been those two, but their brother. Some would question it, I mean hell I did until I found something out.

That he was working with The Organization. The one place I was supposed to trust. But no they were working with Michael of all people. And the peace I thought I might acquire back was shattered into pieces like glass hitting a stone floor with a loud bang as the pieces scattered.

But now I had some peace that I knew would be temporary. Dalton and I were back in town and somehow we made it to a jewelry store. Full of lavish stones, diamonds, crystals, gems, and things native to Asia and only Asia. It was beautiful.

How we ended up here? It was hard to recall as I looked at a ring. "This ring is the space lovers ring. When you purchase it you record a message to your lover and it's sent into space." The employee spoke as I continued with Maryse at my side.

Dalton came over running a hand through his dark locks as his blue eyes flecked in gold stared up at me. He had dressed up a bit for this and convinced me to just a bit. He was lucky Orchid was a sneaky little bitch at times having hidden a skirt in my luggage.

Dalton was in a silk button up shirt made of black silk that shimmered in the light. And a black material jacket and last of all his black slacks and then the odd thing was his converse sneakers that I found amusing for him to be wearing here.

But he said we'd be going somewhere nice and he had meant it. He had got reservations at the finest dinner here in town. But first he wanted to get me a gift for some unknown reason. "I made the money for this myself." Dalton said with a proud smile when announcing it.

"Really how?" I had asked in curiosity before he went into detail on how he did some work for Akira landing him a nice amount of money. He could of saved that money. . . and I knew it but for some reason he wanted to spend it on us. . . me in a way.

The dinner was for us though. He told me that. "It's a really nice restaurant according to all of the pack I've talked to. So I made us reservations there. I think we're gonna have a lovely night." Dalton proposed with a smile before surprising me once more.

While I had the skirt and a pair of my dragon tights that I did love I didn't have shoes that were dressy and fancy. I had my Converse, my Vans and my combat boots. But Dalton had that all figured out the moment he came in with a shopping bag.

Heels had never been my thing. Even with the balls and dance The Organization threw I never wore heels. Heels were terrible. They were the devil. 'That is slightly offensive considering that I am the devil. . . but Lilith is always in heels.'

Point made. But Dalton had bought me boots with a small heel. It wasn't big to the point it irritated me. But it was still there and made of suede with the black laces and it was pretty. That I could admit for sure.

"Find anything you like yet?" Dalton asked just as we stopped in front of another glass full of bracelets this time. I had to admit bracelets had always been my thing next to necklaces as well. Those were my type of jewelry and I didn't care the gem on it or even if there was one or if it was real.

They were my type of jewelry so my eyes scanned the section with a bit of a smile on my face as I ran a hand through my hair. Dalton smiled at me as we looked over the section of jewelry.

"See anything you like?" The employee asked as I looked over. And then went back to looking as Dalton remained next to me before finally a bracelet caught my eye and I smiled just a bit at it. It wasn't a charm bracelet, but it was very beautiful with its charms.

It was a stainless steel bracelet with two wolf charms molded together. It was very pretty and had a forest design for the rest of it along with tiny diamonds for the wolves eyes and I pointed at the bracelet. "I want that one." I said and the employee took it out.

'Well that is a very pretty bracelet if I say so myself.' I smiled as Dalton put it on my wrist before paying in cash for it as we walked out and I admired it. "Thank you Dalton considering you got me something for my birthday." I told him.

Dalton smiled as he hugged me and considering he bought my this bracelet I hugged him back. "No problem Isabella. Your my girlfriend and you liked it. It's normal for couples to buy each other things." Dalton said unlocking the sports car as he smiled at me and opened the butterfly door.

And then we were in the car as I admired the bracelet with a smile as the sports car thrummed to life with a roar before Dalton pulled out of the parking lot and towards the restaurant that we would be dining in tonight as a smile lit my face.

Tonight seemed to be the best day so far and I knew good things were going to happen. I had a new bracelet bought by no other than my boyfriend Dalton. And now here we were in this car heading off the best restaurant in town to go on a date and dine together.

There was this giddy happy inside of me as Dalton turned to me with a smile. A perfect fancy date with new shoes and a brand new spanking beautiful bracelet. And all because of the certain werewolf sitting next to me. All I could do was smile as we went on.
"As you can see they have a wide variety of food." Dalton said with a smile as he took a sip of the weird herbal blend of tea he had ordered. "I can see." I said looking over the menu.

"But if I say so myself some of this does look quite scrumptious." Dalton said with a wink towards me. Before he noticed the pink in my cheeks I put the menu up as I looked over the menu ignoring the heat building in my cheeks from his wink. Damn I was softening.

'Seems to be that know that your barriers are down his actions are a lot more workable on you lately. He has blushes on your face. And he made out with you.' Satan was never going to let me live that down. 'Never.' I shook my head.

The menu did look good as I found some American food and to surprise mac and cheese with a cheese choice which I decided would be my side as I looked back over. Finally I found the main course that I wanted and I smiled as I look over the meal with a smile. Asian Spaghetti.

And it looked quite good from the picture they put with it. The waiter came over with the name tag on, Arata. "Have you guys figured it out?" Arata asked and we both nodded and Dalton being polite as ever let me order first.

"Ah I'll have the white cheddar mac and cheese for a side and the Spaghetti." I said and the waiter nodded as he wrote it down on his pad his pen furiously scribbling across the yellow lined paper. And then he looked over at Dalton. 'Your meal does sound good.' I nodded.

"I'll have the mashed potatoes and the Asian Steak." Dalton said and the waiter nodded before walking away to go give the chefs our order. Dalton turned towards me with a smile as I drank my tea as well. "I have to admit this tea is quite good." Dalton said and I nodded at that.

I didn't get the same tea that Dalton had, but I did get a good tea. Now I couldn't exactly recall what they did to it, but it smelled amazing and Maryse approved of it as well confirming it wasn't drugged or poisoned or anything of that degree.

So we drank the tea. And if we drank all of it Arata, the waiter came back and refilled our respective teas. And then went back to waiting the tables as Dalton looked up at me and then the bracelet before reaching across the table and grabbing my wrist.

And then he looked at the bracelet. I let him. . . he did buy it after all. "It's really pretty." Dalton said before his warm hand let go of my wrist and I withdrew it back and took a sip of my tea as Dalton smiled at me once more and I ran a hand through my hair.

"So enjoying tonight so far?" Dalton asked tilting his head to the side in a cute way making his hair fall across his forehead. "Yeah, it's been nice. Thank you Dalton." I told him and he nodded at that drumming his fingers across the table.

"No problem. I thought we could enjoy our peace while it lasted before you know we have to go get Michael and potentially kickstart a war." Dalton said and I nodded that. Knowing that hung in the balance it was like the weight of the war wrested upon my shoulders.

Like I was that stupid titan cursed to uphold the world as punishment and all I could do was take it. Because Michael had to be brought down. There was no ifs ands or buts about it when it came to this. They wanted a fight, I knew that. I could feel it.

They wanted a fight. . . I'd give them war. And this was the last bit of peace that Dalton and I could lavish in. The world was about to go to war and something told me the secret of the supernatural may not be much of a secret after this.

Could we really preserve it with the biggest war known to history having started. But it wasn't the supernatural raging war against humans. It was against the widespread organization that seemed to have Michael at the top tier whispering in their ear like the devil. 'But even worse than I am. He wants to destroy an entire species.'

It was the only thing we had come up with. Michael wanted to eradicate the supernatural. Something that would not happen no matter what. Not one person could bring that many people crashing down. . . no matter what happened. His power was being an immortal.

Something that had never once been challenged. And Michael wanted to bring the supernatural race itself crashing down. But he had so many flaws to this plan. There was so much supernatural and he was one man which was no doubt why he needed The Organization to stand behind him.

And the fae. . . they had their own fucking dimension parallel to earth. Only able to be accessed by ones of fae blood or being let in by a fae. And the fae were a cruel race when wanted to be and the Unseelie and Seelie had huge armies and the entire court knew how to fight.

It'd be suicide to launch an attack on them and considering the Unseelie sided with us. The war would not be pretty. And we knew this deep inside of us that it would get bloody. I looked up as our food was served. Dalton smiled at me.

"To our short amount of peace."

2052. Does anyone want Isabella to get a big betrayal? I feel it would make her grow, now it won't be the supernatural of course cause' you know they'd be asking for suicide. But I feel I should give Isabella a betrayal. A big death I probably mentally couldn't handle. But they're will be death in the next book. I'll introduce characters and kill them off because of the war. The will be bloody but no worries certain ones are safe. You should know who they are, they might get severely injured but I can't kill them off. But I think Isabella needs a big betrayal. And it'll make the Immortal Lies title really work. Comment what you think. Until next time my loyal marshmallows.
