|Chapter 11|


"Good puppy." Lyric said patting the black puppies head as he sat down for her. Derik was with her looking a bit amused at everything. The brindle puppy was seated in Derik's lap watching her friend with interest as Lyric hugged the male puppy.

"He's so cute." Lyric said with a smile. "He is. It's why I picked him for you. It was caught between him and a grey one. But this one was just sweet." Derik said. 'Puppies. The greatest thing in the world even hellhound puppies who grow up to drag the damned to hell.'

But this puppy wouldn't be doing that. "Derik thank you." Lyric said once more getting up and hugging him. And then Lyric went back to playing with the puppy in front of her before I got up and moved next to Derik as he glanced at me.

"So where were the places that you found to be high spots for Michael to be hiding?" I asked. 'I knew you weren't here to just play nice with them and watch Lyric play with her new puppy.' No I was here because Derik had promised me information and I had gone to collect it.

Derik ran a hand through his red hair as he grabbed his bag and took out his brand new HP laptop and opened it. While The Organization preferred Apple, Derik preferred the HP brand. . . and a laptop that didn't have a chip in it.

Or a tracker. Derik and I agreed that we wouldn't put it past The Organization to be tracking our given laptops. Dalton had bought me a new MacBook to use. It was one of the bigger ones as well and I was happy to have that bigger screen. But I still looked.

'And of course when it's convenient you pretend to use the other one to keep their eyes off you.' To believe we hadn't taken a job in a long time. We actually got called about it and Derik came up with the flooding of college classes and the little time you had.

They believed it though and it bought us all the time we needed in Asia. Our online class had come with and we made sure to stay ahead so we could dedicate our time to this. It took Derik's computer about two minutes to power up since it had to update itself.

"So there is a total of ten safehouses around here. The closest being right on the border about two miles out from it. None of them are in use and a lot are under construction." Derik said 'Well that is defiantly suspicious for sure. Not a single one in use.'

"My theory is they cleared them out to prevent the chance of Michael being caught and exposed. We still don't know the reasoning behind their alliance, but we have no idea how long it's been at play." Derik said and the very thought of them watching me all this time frightened me.

Watching my brothers and I. 'To keep tabs on you. Something tells me Michael is a bit jealous. I don't know why, but I have a feeling.' And I went with Satan's feeling. "I say we start out at the farthest, Michael may be at the closest one, but we should draw it out." Derik said.

"Draw it out?" I asked. "He is no doubt on edge so if we rushed in he might expect it. I suggest we take some time finding him to give him the allusion that he's safe, like the one he gave you." Derik said.

'Well it seems Derik has a sadistic side as well. That would be something I would do as payback.' And it sounded nice. "Allusion of safety got it." I told him and Derik smiled at that. "But we can still look around, but we have to be careful about it." Derik said.

I nodded at that. "The last thing we need to do is tip off The Organization that we're in Asia, much less looking for their precious immortal that they are hiding." Derik said and once more I nodded. "But I feel good about this. We're gonna get him." Derik said.

I nodded at him. 'And then the bastard will be caught with nowhere to go and you can deliver him to Damien and Lucian.' I nodded. "Thanks Derik." I told him and he smiled at me a bit. "No problem Isabella." Derik said as Lyric looked over at him.

"I don't feel good Derik." Lyric said. And with that Derik picked up both puppies. "Ok come on Lyric you can go to rest for a bit." Derik said helping her up. "I'll talk to you later Isabella." Derik said and I nodded at that as he left with a slightly sick Lyric at his side.

She wasn't puking everywhere, but she defiantly didn't look good. 'Man I hate sick people. When the damned who died sick came it creeps me out. Because fate is sometimes sadistic and keeps the sickness.' With a sigh I got up and exited the room to go find Dalton.

I found him with Akira. Akira had papers he was showing Dalton. They were in Akira's office which I entered. Audrey was up making tea as she glanced at me. And smiled. Dalton glanced at me. And waved a bit as I went over to Audrey. "Hi Isabella." Audrey said setting the teabag in.

"Hey. . " I trailed off staring at her. She waited patiently for the hot water to soak in all of the tea. "So. . . do you still have cancer?" I asked. Audrey glanced at me and smiled just a little as she set another bag of tea in the other cup.

"No, the doctors said it was all gone." Audrey said. 'Seems like the bite worked for the reason it was given. Sort of like a cure for cancer.' Not the best cure for cancer though. "So do you?" I asked and Audrey shook her head.

"No. I mean I like my steaks rare." Audrey said with a bit of a blush. So the most she had done was develop some wolfish tendencies. Which I guess was a fair trade to be cancer free and not shift into a giant beast like my brothers did.

Audrey then walked away setting the tea down for Akira and Dalton. Akira smiled at her before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to him. "This is all you really have to sign, your dad and I talked over the phone. He'll be getting his own papers as well." Akira said.

Dalton nodded. 'Seems like he is doing some alpha things for his dad and being mature for when he has to take over the pack.' I nodded at that as I stood in the back like a silent shadow watching them. Dalton read over the papers before signing.

Smart of him to do that. Signing things without reading it no matter who it was from wasn't the smartest thing to do so at least Dalton used his brain before doing that. Something not a lot of men were famous for. I happened to be a lucky girl with a boyfriend who operated his brain more than his dick.

'Well at least of what you know. I have no doubt Dalton has quite the amount of sexual feelings for you.' 'Shut up Satan, we aren't talking about sexual feelings.' 'Maybe because you have the-' And I ignored him cutting him off after that.

Once Dalton was done signing he handed over the papers. "I'll call you if I need you back. You can go now." Akira said and Dalton stood up as he drank his tea before following me out the door and I looked over at him and he smiled at me.

"So what were you doing in there?" I asked. "Oh my dad and Akira are strengthening their alliance. That was just the signoff of the new alliance between Black Crescent Moon and Red Claws. We're doing trades and things like that. And some training of warriors and vice versa." Dalton said.

I sort of got what he said, but then again I wasn't a werewolf and defiantly wasn't adjusting to this so called pack life. I was a hunter, although right now I was an immortal more than anything. Being a hunter I wasn't so sure if was a great idea.

Not with all that corruption going on in there and what not. "So what have you been doing today?" Dalton asked. "Talking with Derik. He found some safehouses and wants to go with it slow to make Michael feel like he's secure and safe and then strike when he believes he is." I said.

Dalton nodded at that. "Sounds like fun." Dalton said and I smiled at that. "I consider it payback at this point in time. I got a personal agenda against that bitch." I said and Dalton nodded at that as we continued through the pack house and back to our suite on the top floor.

"Well I'm sure things will go well and maybe we'll have him captured and bring him back to Lucian and just maybe our lives will return to normal." Dalton said and I smiled at his wishful thinking. Maybe we would capture him sooner than later.

But I had no idea the chase Michael and I would go through against each other.

1556. Foreshadowing much? Until next time foreshadowed marshmallows.
