|Chapter 2|


Damien saved his money well. I guess all the years he had been alive he saved and invested quite well. How old he was? Damien and Lucian never answered that question, but implied they were very old. After all they created vampires and werewolves.

'And this is one of the things he put his money into. I guess it was money well spent.' He had a private airplane. It was too large to be considered a private jet, so a private airplane was it was. Since they wanted us in Asia hunting down Michael they pitched in some effort.

There was the money Lucian threw in for food and other needed things. But this private plane was quite a plus. Derik and Isabella got all their weapons on with no problem. I was the first one to the plane and waited for Isabella.

She seemed less than pleased as her, Derik, and Lyric came on the plane with Derik carrying most of the baggage with Isabella having all the weapons. They went with the black case full of weapons similar to how they did in college as well for they always had their weapons on them.

'She doesn't seem too pleased about this.' 'More of unpleased that Derik is next to her and just so excited about it.' Derik was more than happy to meet his family and former pack now that it was on his terms. And not being kidnapped and kept in a hotel room.

And now Lyric was with him as well which increased how excited he was. Back when they kidnapped him Derik didn't have a mate. Well he had a mate. The two just hadn't met yet. They met in college and had quite the introduction to each other from what we've heard.

'Yes because they met in the library and then ended up having sex with each other right after that.' Lyric had no idea why she had been so impulsive to sleep with Derik. She of course at the time had no idea Derik was a werewolf and the mate bond at work.

Now she was completely aware. And the two were quite sexually active, I swear they made up for Isabella and I. I was glad there was two bedrooms on this plane and not one. Because if we had to sleep in the same bedroom as them, there would be problems.

'I bet they're planning to join the mile high club no doubt.' 'Don't even.' Ash smirked. Headphones would be used tonight. Isabella and I were currently in the bedroom we'd be sharing. And it had a very large queen sized bed that Damien no doubt expected us to share.

And then a couch. Isabella was going through all of her weapons, cleaning them out, and then reloading the ammo and putting the clips back to their respective place. "You seem nervous." I told her and Isabella glanced at me. "Well we didn't exactly have the best experience with them, and I have no idea about Audrey." Isabella said.

"I'm sure Audrey is fine or Akira would of sent out a bill by now. As far as I know, Red Claws is one of the first packs to announce that they had a human luna. Humans and werewolves mating wasn't an unknown subject.

'Most werewolves just tend to keep it to themselves and not announce it. But Akira obviously had no qualms that his mate was human.' Werewolves most commonly mated with werewolves, but obviously sometimes werewolves weren't our mates and rejection was rare. Most werewolves weren't stupid enough to reject their mate because of species.

The moon goddess was kind when she wanted to be, but not kind enough to provide second chances mates. Sure you could fall in love again. But it would never be your mate. And if you rejected your mate it'd be a cold day in all of hell when the moon goddess gave you a new mate.

There was no backup mates. 'She just doesn't do this and has her reasons for it.' She was most likely a big romantic person on the inside. Mates were supposedly a soul cut in half or you know missing half the soul who completed each other.

But the point was completion. 'When with your mate you feel the most complete. It's just a feeling very few people understand until they themselves feel it.' Isabella adjusted herself on the bed as she set her revolver down nd brushed some hair from her face.

"Is that the only thing your worried about or are you using that as an excuse to cover up what is exactly worrying you?" I asked Isabella. She glanced at me, her eyes spoke lengths. She didn't have to answer the question, her eyes betrayed her for me. It wasn't Red Claws she was worried about.

I knew that just by asking her the question and the storm brewing in those blue silver swirled eyes of hers. Now came the next question of the night: would she answer what was wrong herself or would I have to fish it out of her?

With cleverly asked questions and just the slight pressure to get her to crack and crumbled under the pressure. 'Just make sure not to piss her off and make her hostile instead of nervous. We don't need a hostile Isabella on this plane.' I nodded at that as I looked at Isabella.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm here if you want to." I told her with a small smile. Being friendly to Isabella went long ways when I wanted her to open up and talk to me and I knew that so I planned to use it to my full advantage.

Isabella glanced at me. "Akira is the least of my worries. Sure Damien and Lucian were a problem, but now they aren't the villains; Michael is. And now we're hunting him down. And knowing that makes me just a tad bit nervous." Isabella said and I nodded at that knowing where she was coming from.

'I'd be nervous too. Michael. . . he is old and an immortal. He knows more than Isabella does.' But Damien and Lucian were teaching Isabella everything they could. And the two were teaming up with Storm to write a journal based on immortals for Isabella.

And then they'd ship it off to Asia. I had to admit the fact that The Organization put Michael in Asia was a bit surprising. But then again, Asia was a country most of us thought about. The only time Asia was big for us was Red Claws going under attack by the rogues.

But now they might have an immortal hiding near their territory. 'And we fully intent to capture that bastard and bust him red handed before he can cause' any damage while he was there.' And that's what we were going to do once we found him in Asia.

But the first thing to do was to find the bastard's ass in Asia. "Don't worry about it too much, I have a good feeling that things are going to go our way." I told her with a smile as Isabella took the rag to a dagger she held in her hands.

It was a silver dagger with a wolf on the hilt. 'A pretty dagger that has no doubt stabbed people that got in Isabella's way when she went hunting.' Once the blade was cleaned to the point a reflection could be seen in the silver Isabella put it away with the rest of the weapons.

Isabella had a lot of weapons and it was hard to believe I was caught in the middle of all of this, but I would believe it. . . for Isabella. "Thanks Dalton." Isabella said and I couldn't help but shoot her a smile as we sat on the bed together.

I welcomed the half hug she gave me. 'She's warm and nice.' I smiled at her as we separated. "Everything will be fine. I promise you." I told her with a smile and Isabella nodded as she got on the bed. "I'm gonna sleep some." Isabella said.

After adjusting herself on the memory foam lavender infused bed Isabella went under the blankets and pulled them up and over her and up to her chest as I smiled at her. Slowly she fell asleep as I laid back and let myself drift off as well as the airplane shot off to Asia.
The pack house of Red Claws was nice. . . and still undergoing construction. But a nice amount of rooms wee made. We were welcomed in and went through the hallways of Asian red wolves and soon came upon an office and we all sucked in some breath.

'Well they are defiantly a bit old school and like to keep it that way for sure.' It didn't take us long to find Akira's office room. It was on the second floor at the end and read on a gold plate Akira Claws, work room. I looked at Derik who nodded.

We were on their territory now, it wasn't like back at Greenburg. Hell they beat us at Greenburg but it made it easier for them while being here. Derik smiled just a bit as I looked back at the door and sucked in some breath.

And then I knocked.

1541. So. . . we had to put down our dog Caesar tonight. He had 8 tumors, one which was in his brain and inoperable. The vet believes he had cancer. I miss him. He may of been an aggressive dog to most, but he was a sweetheart to us. I hope he's in a better place now running around with Artemis in the fields they're in for the animal afterlife. And I'm irritated as my forensics teacher is accusing me of cheating. Like she doesn't want to start anything with me right now since my mom's dog just died. But I'm doing the best I can. I feel emotionally drained inside. But I'm hanging on. Until next time sad marshmallows.
