|Chapter 26|


The city was pretty. That I could admit. As much as it would be lovely to just hang around this city. . . we couldn't. Right after our first and last night out we slept. For as long as possible catching up on all the sleep we needed.

With time ticking over our heads we needed to be as well rested as possible and we all knew this. So we slept in before we were up late in the morning. When we awoke up Derik had come to the room and whipped his laptop out.

"So the plane that Michael was on, was Delta Airline. This is the plane. It touched in Dublin last night." Derik said pointing at an airplane on a security camera. "I have hacked into all the security cameras. This was a rushed panic escape and you can tell." Derik said.

"How?" Isabella asked. "Ireland is home to many fae. Unseelie and Seelie alike. The Irish based fae are all over Ireland. Dublin is high activity for them. But because of that The Organization can't work well here." Derik said and we all nodded at that watching him closely.

"The last attempt to come here ended in a massacre of hunters. They tried to get the Unseelie to let them build. And when they didn't submit they tried to use force, and the Unseelie did not react well." Derik said and Isabella nodded at this while I glanced back at her.

"And Queen Nightfall rules all of them?" Isabella asked. "Yes, the Unseelie kingdom is huge with many different parts. As is the Seelie. Just her army is only 1/6 of the actual Unseelie population, and her army is huge." Derik said and I could see the hesitant nature in Isabella's eyes.

"So it's like hell in a way?" Isabella asked and Derik nodded. "Having the Unseelie on our side gives a huge advantage. And since your brother happens to be mates with an Unseelie Knights daughter gave us a better access than before." Derik said and I nodded knowing what he meant.

Greenburg was just only one of thousands of portal entries to the fae realm. It was a mere chance that the Unseelie Queen agreed to fight. But that chance could be a huge table turner when the war came. An entire kingdom at our side. And if Queen Nightfall convinced the Seelie.

Well The Organization would be getting one hell of a fight. "But Ireland and especially Dublin is crawling with fae. Just turning down a street and you could encounter one. But if you see one in an ally don't confront it." Derik instructed as Isabella and I shared a look at that.

"They're bottom feeder fae. They feed from people's lifeforce to keep themselves alive. I doubt the word of us being allies has reached them. So be careful with that." Derik said and we nodded at that as I memorized that into my head before taking a deep breath.

'So I'm going to run this over. Dublin is home to many fae making it a terrible place for Michael to hide. But he's desperate. And stay away from the ally fae as they feed on lifeforce and probably haven't heard much of the whole we are allies to them. But one thing is on my mind about all of this.' 'And what is that?' 'Michael is desperate. But why is he so desperate. He's supposed to be this all powerful immortal. And he's running from Isabella. . . and using guns. It doesn't seem very good. As if something else is at play.'

And now Ash had that idea in my head. Something was defiantly up with Michael. He was almost. . . scared of Isabella in a way. Was there a chance she could become more powerful than him? These were all questions that would be answered. I knew it.

We just had to wait for when the answers would unfold. Something told me this immortal business was defiantly not going to be easy on any of us. 'This is going to be a long battle and trip.' But right now we could all admit this one thing that was of most importance.

Finding Michael before he ended up causing more destruction than we could deal with. He was a bad person and it had never been more obvious. And we needed to find him before some bottom feeder found him. Something told me immortal or not he still had life forced.

Meaning those bottom feeders could suck the life force right out of him. And yes that could answer a lot of what we needed. But we did need him alive. . . his brothers needed him alive. This war was no longer just a squabble or fight between 3 brothers anymore.

No he; Michael had turned it into something much more worse and we all were realizing it. He had joined up with The Organization of all people. And it became more clear on why he was doing it. Evil he was, but he was sneaky and intelligent as I saw his ways.

'The Organization knows how to hunt supernatural. Or the weak feral, rogue, Forsaken ones who disobey law. So he doesn't even have to train anybody.' It made it easier for what he wanted to do. He didn't have to take time out to train them. . . no they were all ready.

He wanted to wage war against the supernatural to eliminate them. His brothers had started two species. Werewolves and vampires. Two of the most dominant species out there. And now he was trying to end them.  This wasn't just some rid the supernatural of the world mission like the hunters may think.

For Michael this was personal. The lines were blurred between who was better. But it was becoming obvious Damien and Lucian were. They weren't trying to exterminate humans. It was true there was very destructive humans out there. And humans defiantly were not the best species out there considering what some of them do.

But there were good ones out there. And eliminating them was useless. Vampires used them as a main food source, and some of them are mates of werewolves. It was a complicated process. Sure some may deserve death, others were just innocent beings trying to live their lives.

Every species had the bad ones that ruined it. But it was about finding the good ones buried deep. The obsidian ones amongst charcoal. I'd say diamonds, but diamonds would be easily spotted in a pile of coal. Clear on black. An obsidian was the same color as coal making it harder to find.

But it was obvious Michael planned to obliterate the supernatural. But he needed an army. "And I have some bad news." Derik said looking up as Lyric sat on the floor with the puppies playing with them. "How bad?" Isabella asked an annoyed look in her eyes.

"The recent files on The Organization, they're pulling in tons of recruits. Replacing the ones they cut supplies off of, and more." Derik said. 'They're building they're army for when it is time.' I locked my jaw a bit at that. New recruits. Fucking Christ. This was just great.

Running a hand through my hair I looked back at Derik. "But don't worry too much. We have allies growing as they recruit. And ours don't need as much training as these new hunters will. Most packs have been giving regular wolves they're fighting training by now." Derik said and we nodded at that.

Every single wolf out there had a basic form of self defense. A wolf would not go down without a fight. Now it was true a warrior would fight even harder and most likely win but any wolf can slide up the ranks. But the bloodlines were more powerful.

But now all of them were getting training, right down to the omegas of the packs. The omegas got a different from of training. Something that made their small size better to their advantage. I had no idea how it would work since Andrew wasn't omega sized despite being one.

But he did come from pure alpha bloodlines after all. This was all quite overwhelming news for us to be receiving. But it was now or never. 'Either roll over and submit and accept death. Or fight for what you want to happen. What you believe in.' And we planned to fight this.

"So where will we be looking for Michael?" I asked Derik. "Hotels and places that you can rent out. Anything to that degree. I'll be tracking credit cards to see if he paid in cash or not. But you two need to be out in those streets looking." Derik said and we both nodded at that.

"If Lyric and I's trail comes up cold on this we'll come join you. But you two defiantly need to begin looking. Remember to keep in contact, text once an hour on progress and call every two hours. You don't do that and I'll be out looking for you." Derik said and we nodded at that.

"Ok to the streets we go." Isabella said whistling for Maryse to follow her. This time no vest just a little ID hanging from her neck. "Ready?" Isabella asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." And then into the streets we went.
Ireland was a lovely and lively place for sure. Especially Dublin. And I didn't mind it. It was actually a nice atmosphere despite what was going to happen. Music filled the streets. 'Keeps us relaxed despite the high stakes on what we are doing.' Ash said the truth right there.

"So hotels." Isabella said taking her phone out. "Turns out there is a bunch of them. Since I have my laptop on me I can check security cameras to see if Michael appeared on any of them. We'll be searching for a bit no doubt." Isabella said and I nodded at that.

Honestly I didn't care how long we searched. As long as Michael was found. That was all that mattered at this point. So I looked back at Isabella and gave her a small smile. 'High hopes, we'll find something eventually.' Isabella returned it we stood in the streets of Dublin with a  weight resting on shoulders.

"Lets go."

1700. I like how this went. I have a rant, but I'm listening to happy partying music so I'm good for now. We'll see how long it lasts. Until next time curious marshmallows.
