|Chapter 27|


There was tons of hotels to pick from. As well as inns, Bed & Breakfasts, and places you could rent. We had gone for a Bed & Breakfast to stay at for our short time in Dublin. Dalton had rented a week out for the two rooms.

We were now hoping this would give us enough time to find Michael before The Hunters did. Sure they could get on an airplane, but this was home to fae. That was a lot of fae to go through. Never more had I been happier for them to be here.

'The fae can buy more time just by attacking one of the hunters for being in their territory.' And knowing that made me feel just a bit safer. But the clock was still ticking. And I knew that. We were in a race against time at this point.

Being able to get to get to Michael before The Organization. My eyes traveled around the city once more as I sighed. Running a hand through my hair I looked around as Dalton stayed at my side. The leather leash felt heavy in my hands attached to Maryse's spiked collar.

"And the next place up on the list that Derik has sent is this bed & breakfast. Not very fancy. It's a low cost one. He thinks it may be a good place for Michael to hide. He is desperate." Dalton said and I nodded at that running it over my head on why it was good.

I could see why Derik saw it to be a good place. Low cost meaning Michael didn't have to pay much and use a credit card. A low budget and he no doubt knew that Dalton came from a family that was well off in the world with money.

So why would Dalton look at a place like that? Dalton may not have if Derik didn't give that piece of information. But Derik saw it before we did. And Derik was someone who was very good at things like this. It was true me and him had been the best hunters.

Derik #1 and I #2 in the best hunter list. 'But you both have your unique traits that make you better and complement your job.' Mine I hadn't quite figured that out. But Derik was an excellent at tracking people down. And that came in use in the former field we had been.

And it was coming in handy quite much as of right now. Running a hand through my hair I looked at the address. Our shoes clicked against the stone streets as I looked at Dalton one more as he held the phone with the address.

"It is at the of Dublin. But we have to be careful when we go there." Dalton said and I raised an eyebrow at that. "Why?" I asked. "It's home to the scavenging Unseelie fae. The more cruel and desperate ones. Tourists like us could go missing with ease and they'd pass it off." Dalton spoke.

I nodded at that. It was an actual problem and I knew that. Never had I been more happier how much I carried on me when I went out. The revolver concealed by jacket. And the dagger in my boot and my pistols hidden in my jacket.

'As long as you have something iron you'll be good.' Well shit. I didn't have iron bullets. But it would still hurt like a bitch. Most of my bullets tended to be silver, wooden bullets or the occasional regular bullet. But maybe my dagger was made of iron.

And I'm sure Dalton mauling them would do some damage for sure. Dalton glanced at me. "You ready to head there?" Dalton asked. Michael had been intelligent by slipping through the fae and leaving us to have to do the same thing. But Dalton couldn't exactly hide from them that well.

He was a werewolf and I had no doubt they'd know he was. But we could handle this. I had confidence that we can. "No choice, but to." I told him and Dalton nodded at that as I sucked in some breath. This was the only option we had. We had to look there no matter what.

It was a good place for Michael to hide. And we couldn't let him get away like that. 'So suck up all that courage left, and keep it tied to you.' I nodded at that as I turned to Dalton and nodded at him "Lets go." And so we walked.
The once lively city seemed to be consumed by darkness. The alleys were full of bottom feeders glowing eyes watching us. And the voices. Honestly it was good Dalton was there considering he wasn't as affected as I was pulling me through. It became clear why they were so deadly.

They took on honey like voices coaxing you to them. It was a fae trait, the most powerful in high ranking fae and I knew that. But they had voices like honey trying to coax you over to them. They sort of reminded me of incubus and succubus.

'That is a bit of an insult to those sex demons considering they are naturally beautiful.' That was true. The bottom feeders weren't. Using glamor they made themselves more appealing to lure their victim in. And were willing to try anything to get their victims at any cost possible. And I had seen it personally.

When Dalton had appeared in the alley trying to get me to come in I almost went. Until the real Dalton grabbed me. But even he became a victim. And this one had done a good job. . . before Maryse had enough and tore it to pieces.

And having a hellhound at a time like this was the best thing ever. Almost everything out there was vulnerable to the fae. . . including immortals apparently. But demons weren't, and because of that our lifeforces weren't drained, he or she got mauled by Maryse for trying to do that.

And I had never been happier as we carried through the streets. "And this the Bed & Breakfast." Dalton spoke catching my attention as I looked over. It defiantly wasn't as magnificent as the ones we had stayed in on our vacations. This one was run down and you could tell with ease.

'And here you arrive in front of the destination. And now to see if Michael was here.' All we had to do was enter, check around let Derik hack the system to see if anyone by that name or what he looked like had checked in. I had a feeling about this place.

Many feelings actually. Something told me we might find something here. And oh we did. But another feeling said not to trust this place and it became obvious the moment we tried to step through the doors and a force threw us back across the streets.

Dalton skidded as his head snapped up eyes burning gold as three fae stepped out as Maryse disappeared the hunt having begun. The first was a female with black hair and the two next to her have snow color hair and they were males all with the fae like look.

"Look a hunter. I heard the rumor that they're making an uprising against us, and they have the dignity to come to our city?" She asked stepping down the steps. "And to our establishment?" She asked. "And a werewolf interesting." She said as Dalton got up quickly as one of the males rushed him.

"Don't kill him, he's an alpha, we don't need a war. The hunter on the other hand, that bitch is mine." I got up feeling for my dagger and out it came and she smiled at me looking at the white male. "Do you know who your messing with?" She asked.

I watched her. "I'm an assassin of the Unseelie court, Verey, and he is an Unseelie knight. You think that dagger will do shit against us." And I watched as their weapons came out. 'Well you might need more weapons to be fighting them, they defiantly aren't low rank.'

I glared as Verey came at me with a poison dagger. And I narrowly dodged it as the male came at me with his sword and I ducked once more rolling. "And I'll happily deliver your head to Queen Nightfall." Verey told me as I smirked at her just a bit.

"That wouldn't be too intelligent." I told her as her powers swirled as did his. "You asked me do I know who you are, but do you know who I am?" I asked as I heard Dalton shift and go after the other knight before he halted when I gave him a look.

"They call me a lot of things. But I promise you your queen knows who I am. But you can call me Isabella, the immortal, but most importantly Satan's vessel." And when she to strike once more I ducked and felt the flames heat up around me blue covering my arm in a bright fiery burst.

And then I sent it to her which ate away at her before going out. And when he came at me. I lit him next as I swung the dagger. "I'm on your side. Well your on mine. So this is needed."

My words were the truth as I watched as they got up. "How do you know Queen Nightfall?" Verey asked. "We can ask her, but I have questions for you on this establishment first. And let me correct you on something you said about me." I said and she watched me closely to make sure I wouldn't attack her.

"I'm not a hunter."

1604. I feel extremely proud of this chapter. The fight was awesome. And it's letting me drag out the book a bit longer and for it not to be boring so I can achieve my word count. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time cute marshmallows.
