|Chapter 3|


Akira sat in the desk of his office. . . waiting, like a patient wolf. His chocolate brown eyes were amused. It wasn't shocking to see Audrey sitting next to him quietly while looking at him as it seeking a command on what to do next.

He looked at me his eyes accessing me. 'Has been a few years since he last saw you. You look different.' He seemed interested by my eyes. The immortal silver in them. He then shifted his gaze to Dalton and then to his cousin; Derik who watched him.

Curiosity entered his gaze at the sight of Lyric hidden behind Derik holding his hand for comfort. She went to him for most comfort things. He was like her emotional support werewolf at this point. Most humans tended to be frightened of werewolf forms even uneasy if they happened to be mates.

I mean they are huge wolves and when you don't grow up around them it's a hard thing to adjust to. But Lyric was the opposite she was fascinated by Derik's wolf form. . . and Aki of course. But Akira was curious on Lyric, a human with his cousin, hiding behind him.

'He probably has a lot of questions running through his mind at this point. He just has to figure out the right ones to ask.' I watched as Akira ran the ideas through his had, the gears turning on what he should do next.

"Seems I don't have enough chairs. Song! I need an extra chair for this lovely human." Akira said going straight to the point. Audrey looked at him. "You didn't bring a chair for your fucking luna, what kind of alpha are you?" Song asked storming in and Akira gave her this look as she went silent.

"It's not for Audrey." Akira said as Song's eyes landed on Lyric. She had a chair at least. 'Last time you saw her was after the big ole' fight you guys had with each other.' Where pillows were tossed and wolves asses were kicked and defeated thankfully.

And a deal struck. Audrey didn't look different besides a bit more. . . mature? I guess being one of the first human luna to exist helped with that. She had to be proper and ready to help Akira; her mate and alpha with anything he needed with in his pack.

Being a luna seemed lame in my opinion. But a luna was apparently the glue that held the pack together, or an alpha female. Male alphas were just too. . . man. Lunas were soft. They were kind. 'You know Dalton probably wants you as his luna when he becomes alpha.'

I chose to ignore that. I didn't need to deal with that. Song set the fourth chair down next to the five ones before leaving without a word leaving her mouth which I was thankful for. No need to start shit when I first get here. I could manage not doing that.

'Just start shit later, but shit that's legal.' 'As long as she isn't a bitch who wants to try her luck we'll be fine.' Satan smiled at that as we took our seats. Dalton sat next to me with Derik on the other side and Lyric on the end as Akira watched us.

"Long time no see huh? You look taller." Akira said jabbing at my height and I narrowed my eyes at him but said nothing. I mean last time I saw them I threw every Asian insult I could think of them. Akira then looked at Derik and smiled.

"And you, my cousin." Akira said and Derik nodded. 'There is a slight tension in the air. Like the tenseness can be sliced with a butter knife.' I nodded at that. The tension from being former enemies and Derik giving up the alpha role of the newly formed Red Claws.

Hopefully he didn't change his mind about that and was still against being an alpha. Because something told me Akira was comfy as the alpha and wouldn't give it up with ease. If Derik took it back then it might of been different, but now Akira was comfy as the alpha of Red Claws.

'And he probably has no desire to give it up. I don't blame him. He's tasted the fruit of power now.' If Derik took the position it'd be a domino effect. Derik helped a lot in my opinion and he wouldn't of have met Lyric just yet.

He could of met her if he went back to America in the NYC area since that's where Lyric was- well is when we go back. She was in Asia now. But we would of never met and she'd be unaware of the supernatural world that moved around in her and living a mundane life.

Without Derik. But Derik didn't want to be the alpha. He was a late shifter no less, quite late. 'It's all believed to be due to the amnesia he got from the rogue attack.' I ran a hand through my hair as I took in a deep breath.

"Dalton, soon-to-be alpha or next-in-line alpha whatever you prefer." Akira said addressing Dalton. "Next-in-line." Dalton said and Akira nodded at that. "And this human, I don't believe we've met, anyone mind introducing Audrey and I?" Akira asked as Audrey sat silently at his side her hand on his as he waited.

"This is Lyric, my mate." Derik said. "Your mate, interesting. Nice to meet you Lyric. I'm Akira. Derik's cousin, and this lovely one is Audrey, my mate." Akira said. Audrey smiled. 'She seems quite sweet and not a psycho turned Lycan.'  

Audrey sat next to Akira with a smile on her face. And there was no tissues around or bloody tissues from her coughs. She seemed fine for a person whom had stage 2 lung cancer at what point. I guess the bite worked for what it was for.

As much as I wanted to ask about it I didn't. 'You have bigger things to worry about than a tumor in her lungs. Well it's a worrisome matter, but for Akira it would be.' I ran a hand through my hair. Akira watched us as he leaned back in his leather chair.

"So, I was quite surprised when Alpha Jackson called me saying he had four that would need a place to stay. I didn't understand on why you guys would come to Asia. I mean it's not like I expected you to just stop in and say hey." Akira said.

Derik nodded at that. "But I welcome you guys to Red Claws. We have two bedrooms, well sort of like suites picked out for you at the pack house." Akira said and Audrey smiled at that. 'Suites, in a pack house, now I'm interested on what is inside this pack house.'

"Suites?" I asked. Akira smiled. "We wanted a secure and comfy pack house. This pack house has a panic basement that shuts down with silver doors in case of an attack." Akira stated proudly with a smile. I wasn't surprised of this considering the last rogue attack completely destroyed Red Claws.

"But this place has exactly 50 rooms, 10 per floor, and a few suites on the sixth floor, there is a training room, the room for the pack chefs, a kitchen, very large, a dining room, a meeting hall and of course a few other things to go with." Akira said.

'Well there pack house does sound like quite a lovely place to stay. Michael would be an idiot to attack here. All these werewolves and precautions would give him hell if he survived it.' That was a reassuring comment from Satan considering he was the king of hell.

Now to hope Michael wasn't retarded enough to attack here. Because if he did. . . there was hell to pay and that I could promise. Akira looked at us. "Alpha Jackson said you would explain why your here." Akira stated. It was his way of saying tell me now before I ask.

"I'm sure you can see the silver in my eyes." I said and Akira nodded. 'He seems pretty calm and calculating. I'll leave you to it.' Satan's presence diminished. Akira nodded at that. "Interesting color." Akira said playing dumb and I knew it. He knew exactly what the color meant.

"Silver is for immortals." I said. Akira smiled. "Let me guess, your an immortal?" Akira asked. He was front on it. I nodded. "I heard the rumors, that apparently an immortal rose up. I didn't expect it to be you though." Akira said with a smile and I nodded at that.

"But are you here to make an alliance, that we already have should I add. Enhancing it?" Akira asked. Dalton looked at me. "No, I'm not here for pack reasons. Last time I checked I'm an immortal not a werewolf. . . I'm here for another immortal." I said.

"And the plot thickens, another immortal, a competition? Is it one of those this world isn't big enough for the two of us?" Akira asked. "No, Corbin, ring a bell?" I asked. Akira went quiet. "Corbin, as in the Corbin brothers?" Akira asked and I nodded at that biting my lip.

"Specifically Michael Corbin, he isn't the hero you may think he may be and I promise you this." I told him. "Song, clear my schedule, I have a lot to talk about."

"Do I look like your fucking assistant?"

1580. And we end it on a funny note. Forensics is still a douche, didn't even send me back anything. Bitch. Until next time epic marshmallows.
