... Parents

(A follow-up from the previous chapter.)

What parents would The Beatles be to babies?

John: *happily plays with his baby but leaves all the yucky things for Paul to do*

Paul: *always cuddling his baby and sending it to sleep with soft, pretty lullabies*

George: *feeds his very hungry baby about six times a day*

Ringo: *treats his baby like a real little person and is always willing to play with it*

What parents would The Beatles be to children?

John: *the manipulative parent who imitates his kid when it throws a tantrum*

Paul: *the tender parent who is never short of hugs and kisses*

George: *the creative parent who does fun projects and creates art with his kid* 

Ringo: *the fun parent who plays with his kid all the time and showers it with love*

What parents would The Beatles be like to teenagers?

John: *complains about the silly clothes and dumb hairstyles that his kid has*

Paul: *cries when he realizes his kid is all grown up*

George: *trying to mold his kid into a guitar god like himself*

Ringo: *still showering his kid with love but still babies it like crazy*

(Thanks to MrsNesmith for suggesting this chapter!)
