... Doctors

How would The Beatles act towards their patients?

John: *flirts with all of the nurses and lady patients*

Paul: *chats to his patients and sings them lullabies*

George: *makes his patients tea and toast then eats it himself*

Ringo: *tells his younger patients silly jokes to make them smile*

A normal day at the clinic:

John: *encouraging his patients with a Shia LeBouf type speech*

Paul: *working behind the desk, sorting out paperwork and keeping an ear out to make sure John's not doing anything too crazy*

George: *making coffee in the cafetiere and snaffling biscuits* 

Ringo: *handing out lollipops to his especially brave patients*

What can you expect to hear?

John: "Do it! Just do it! Don't let your illnesses be illnesses!" 

Paul: "Right, that's your daughter's exam done. She's all set for flu season and... Say, are you still married, Mrs Robert?"

George: "What do you mean your tooth hurts?! I'm a doctor! Not a flipping dentist!" *sips tea*

Ringo: "Don't worry, darling. It won't hurt. You can sit on your mummy's lap if it makes you feel better. Listen, I've got a special treat all ready for you afterwards." *smiles*

(Thanks to xOutrageous for suggesting this chapter!)

(Sandwich Points go to... MZLloyd! Congratulations!)
