... In "The Hunger Games"

Which Hunger Games characters would The Beatles be?

John: Peeta Mellark (bold, smart, willing to go to extremes for Paul/Katniss)

Paul: Katniss Everdeen (strong, pretty, determined, responsible)

George: Gale Hawthorne (quiet, irritable, likes to have a good laugh)

Ringo: Primrose Everdeen (gentle, kind, loves animals and helping others)

What would The Beatles get up to in the Hunger Games?

John: *sometimes bakes bread, but mostly goes out to cause mischief*

Paul: *hangs out at the lake with John/Peeta and George/Gale*

George: *goes out hunting and practices his sharpshooting*

Ringo: *spends a lot of time making things to trade at the Hob*


John: "I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now, and live in it forever."

Paul: "Fire is catching. If we burn then you burn with us!"

George: "Maybe I'll be like that man at the Hanging Tree: still waiting for an answer."

Ringo: "I don't care if we're rich. I just want you to come home. You will try, won't you?"

(I don't know a lot about The Hunger Games, so a big thank you to my friend MrsLennon1964 for helping me compile this list!)

(Thanks to kheizzanie for suggesting this chapter! I'm sorry it took so long.)

(Sandwich Points go to... pmk2002! Congratulations!)
