... On Sports Teams

What kind of sports teams would The Beatles be in?

John: baseball

Paul: cheer leading

George: basketball

Ringo: swimming

How good are they at their chosen sports?

John: *hits the ball every time and dashes around the diamond like crazy*

Paul: *makes up for his lack of physical ability with his enthusiasm*

George: *simply reaches up and dunks the ball*

Ringo: *swims like a little fish as soon as he hits the water*

Likely to hear?

John: *starts singing* "Hey, batter batter! Hey, batter batter, swing!"

Paul: "Gimme a P! Gimme an A! Gimme a U! Gimme an L! What's that spell?! PERFECTION!!" *cheers like a deranged bird*

George: "This is so stereotypical... Getting a tall guy to play basketball..."

Ringo: "Look at me! I'm an octopus!" *splashes around*

(Sandwich Points go to... cleminaX2xk! Congratulations!)
