... In Wonderland

Which Alice in Wonderland characters would The Beatles be?

John: the Caterpillar/the Walrus

Paul: Alice/the Queen of Hearts

George: the Mad Hatter/the Cheshire Cat

Ringo: the March Hare/the Carpenter

What would The Beatles get up to in Wonderland?

John: *plays mind games with anyone who comes across him, while smoking his hookah pipe*

Paul: *plays a crazy game of croquet in the Queen's rose garden*

George: *hosts a mad tea party full of tea, cakes, and riddles*

Ringo: *still chasing that stupid  White Rabbit*


John: "We're all mad here. All the best people are, you know."

Paul: "If I had a world of my own then everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't."

George: "If you don't know where you're going, then any road will take you there."

Ringo: "If you don't think then you shouldn't talk!"

(The reason for the Alice in Wonderland chapter? I've started a new fanfiction called Beatles in Wonderland! Paul falls down the rabbit hole and finds himself in the weird and wonderful world of Wonderland! I've only uploaded the first chapter but there will be regular updates! I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out and told me what you think! Thanks guys! - Macca Sunshine xxxx)

(Sandwich Points go to... VictonieCresta012! Congratulations!)
