Chapter 9: New Borns

Po was furious. She was literally BOILING with nothing and nothing but rage. She wanted to hurt Noo Noo for what he did! She wanted to...kill him. She never wanted to KILL anyone before. But he deserved doom. She wanted him to pay!

The Guardian was also boiling with fury, wanting to take his chainsaw and slam the blade into Noo Noo. He was just as angry as Po, but not as angry with Noo Noo as he was with himself. In a way, he lied to Po.

The infected custard killed the victim and turned their body into a monster.

There wasn't a cure for death. He just hoped Po would realize that after this was all over.

They all ran over to Noo Noo, who was rolling across the desert ground. Ron started to scream. "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" He screamed.

Noo Noo turned around and then became baffled, or at least an emotionless version of baffled. "Why are you here? You should be dead."

"I'm not letting you get away with what you've done!!" The Guardian snarled as he revved up the chainsaw, gripping it tightly.

"No, things have just begun." Noo Noo told him. "The machines are creating an army of New Borns. They're flooding the lands, infecting all life as we speak."

The Guardian raised an eye at him. "New Borns-"

"I'M GONNA HURT YOU, NOO NOO!!!!" Po screamed suddenly, shocking both The Guardian and Ron.

Noo Noo seemed amused by Po, but continued to answer The Guardian's confusion about New Borns. "They are my creations. Infecting the custard is only one step of my plan. I have also injected my virus into the machines that create your kind. Now when a new one is made? They already have the virus in their bodies. The only side affect to this is that they are unable to grow fur, but that does not matter to the undead."

"But that's impossible." Ron breathed. An army of unstoppable undead tubbies? It would surely mean the end of the world.

Noo Noo would have smirked if he had a mouth. "I've underestimated you, Guardian. By defeating The Announcer, you have proved to me that you hold great value. You are smarter and stronger than the others. You are different." He said. "If you join me, then together, we can make this world a better place. Ron and Po are unlike you. They are the same. Especially Po. That is why she should've been killed."

The Guardian already felt like slamming his chainsaw into his body, but now he wanted to do it even more, because trying to kill him was one thing, but trying to kill Po crossed the line. "Join you? NEVER. You killed my friends!!! They were the only family I've ever had!!"


Noo Noo cackled a bit. "Like them, you won't understand unless you're dead. I see that The Guardian doesn't understand either. And like him, you will all meet the PAINFUL release of death. You will not stop me." His voice became demonic. "YOU WILL PERISH."

Suddenly, they heard a hiss. The Guardian, Po, and Ron all turned around and then their eyes widened.

It was a giant monster, with pale peach skin and blades for arms. It had four legs, similar to an insect. Finally, it's eyes were black and it's chest was crooked and showed the monster's bones.

"Kill them." Noo Noo commanded.

"I think that's a New Born." Ron said, stepping back when Po and The Guardian refused.

The Scorpion New Born roared and then lunges at the tubbies, ready to slash their blades at them.

Po and The Guardian gasped before The Guardian turned to Po. "PO! GET BACK!" He cried as he revved his chainsaw and counted the swinging blades of The Scorpion.

Po stepped back, having no ability to help her friend fight the monster. She looked towards Noo Noo and felt her nervousness turn back into rage. She may not have been able to fight the Scorpion, but she could easily fight something else.

She began to run towards Noo Noo, but the Scorpion swung its blade at her, and she gasped before The Guardian blocked the attack.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" The Guardian screamed before using the chainsaw to slash off the blade.

The Scorpion screamed in pain before slashing with the blade it still had, managing to hit The Guardian in the chest, but that did not keep him down.

Po quickly then ran over to Noo Noo and screamed before kicking him.

Noo Noo grunted in pain before he was picked up. "Foolish Po. Your world is-"

Po growled at him before throwing him on the ground and smashing him with her bare hands until he was in pieces. She kept going, even when Noo Noo was dead. She had so much anger and hate!

Meanwhile, it looked like the fight would end rather shortly. The Guardian front flipped over the Scorpion and then plunged his chainsaw's blade into the New Born's stomach.

The Scorpion choked for a minute before finally falling to the ground and dying.

The Guardian breathed heavily before facing Ron. "You okay?"

Ron nodded and walked over before they both looked at Po and walked over. "It's over, Po. We did it." Ron said.

Po sniffled and wiped her eyes before facing them. She was crying.

"Po...?" The Guardian said, taking a step closer before getting a sudden hug from her.

Po began to bawl, her eyes streaming tears. She felt her anger disappear along with her worry, and only felt sadness and realization. Sadness that now the world wasn't going to go back to normal and her realization that the family she loved so dearly....wasn't ever coming back.

And The Guardian could do nothing but be there for her and hug her. "Shhh," he whispered. "Just let it all out." He said, feeling tears of his own fall down his face. This was all because of his failure, he thought. If he had just shown himself, maybe things would be different.

Ron felt guilt and sadness as well, and began to cry a little as well. His friends and coworkers were all dead and now his saviors no longer had hope for the future safety of their family. He looked at the dismantled Noo Noo and sighed. "At least he can't hurt anyone anymore. The world is safe."

That's when they heard the sound of rescue. The Guardian and Ron looked up, and Po sniffled as she too looked up.

It was a helicopter! Or some kind of version. It looked more like a jet and helicopter at the same time.

"It's The Military!" Ron realized.

The helicopter eventually landed and four tubbies came out of it along with a bunch of other green tubbies. One particular dark green tubby walked over to the group.

"I'm Sergeant Miles." He said. "We received a distress call."

Po sniffled. "Are these your friends...?"

The Guardian nodded before facing Sergeant Miles. "We sent that call."

Miles looked and saw some of the soldiers looking at the dead Scorpion and Noo Noo. "What the hell happened?"

"...They're all dead." The Guardian said, feeling Po hug him tighter.

Miles seemingly gave a look of sympathy under his helmet before facing Ron and then looking back at the three tubbies that followed him. "Dutch! Get the injured one to the copter!"

The black tubby with the black and yellow helmet saluted to him for a sec. "Sir! Yes sir!" He then walked over to Ron and helped him inside the helicopter.

Miles then faced the two again. "I'm sorry this all happened. But it's ok. You two are safe now. Come with us and you can explain everything that happened."

The Guardian nodded before looking at Po. "Po, we're gonna go with them. Ok?"

Po wiped her eyes and nodded before seeing a pink tubby walked over.

"So who sent the-" Anne then saw Po crying and gave a look of both sympathy and concern. "Are you ok, ma'am?"

Po sniffled and shook her head. "N-No..."

"Oh, I'm sorry...If there's anything we can do. Just tell us." The pink tubby told her kindly.

Miles nodded. "Anne is right. Now follow us. We'll take you three back to base-"

"SIR!! YOU SHOULD COME LOOK AT THIS!!!" A soldier cried.

Miles and The Guardian perked up and Miles started walking over. The Guardian slowly let go of Po and made a quiet promise that he would be back before following Miles...and seeing a horrible sight.

There were New Borns EVERYWHERE. An army of hundreds? Thousands? Maybe even millions?

"Dear god..." Miles breathed. "What are those things?"

"New Borns..." The Guardian breathed.

Miles leaned into his two way radio. "Sergeant Miles to base! Prepare all units for an invasion!"

The Guardian gritted his teeth as The New Borns marched to destroy.

"We must fight."
