Chapter 5: The Yeti Tubby

The mission was simple. Go through the mountains, find the outskirts, and then go to The Satellite Station. Just a lot of traveling, right?

No. It was much more than that. The mountains were inhabited because of it's extreme winter and snow. It's so cold that no one had been up there for years.

Po was holding onto The Guardian the whole time, shivering despite her fur keeping her from freezing.

The Guardian was cold too, even holding back onto Po while walking through the snow. "I-"

"I'm so cold..." She whispered.

The Guardian looked down at her. "Don't worry. E-Everything's gonna be ok. The gates should be up ahead."

Po nodded and held onto him tighter. "I-I just w-wish it wasn't so c-cold."

The Guardian felt his face warm up in the cold. One, he had never been held onto by a girl. Two, that girl was Po. He shook it off and they started heading deeper into the mountains.

Then, suddenly, something was heard. The Guardian's head perked up.

"Huh...? W-What is it, G-Guardian?"

"I...thought I heard something. Someone."

"H-Huh? Who c-could be up here?"

"That's what I'm wondering. This place is so cold that no one's been-"

"You're my bestest friend!" A voice cried out with a giggle. The voice was echoey, most likely because of the wind.

The Guardian and Po froze, not just because of the cold, but because of the shock. Po eventually let go of The Guardian and started heading deeper. "Hello?!" She called out. "Can you hear us?!"

"Who would be up here...?" The Guardian asked himself before they started walking deeper into the cold and saw...stumps. Stumps were the bottom half of trees. When you see a stump, it usually means the tree has been cut down.

The Guardian tilted his head. "Who could be cutting these things down...? Maybe it's this voice...?"

The voice, as if on cue, spoke again. "Where are you?"

Po turned to The Guardian. "Someone is up here. They might need our help!"

The Guardian nodded and started calling out too. "Over here!!!"

Then, they heard the snow begin to crunch, Most definitely being the voice. But then, the voice giggled, but the giggle turned into a cackle.

Suddenly, a giant creature ran from the shadows and lunged at both The Guardian and Po.

The two screamed before suddenly? Everything went black.

The creature grabbed the two of them by the legs and started dragging them back to where he was. His campfire.

Po awoke several minutes later and sat up to see where she was. She then gasped when she saw she was in a circle of blood and raw meat. She covered her mouth, looking like she was about to throw up.

The Guardian awoke too and then looked at Po. "Are...Actually, that answers it."

Po uncovered her mouth, trying to ride it out as she stood up and then felt the urge to throw up go away. "Where are we??"

The Guardian stood up. "Wherever that...thing took us." He narrowed his eyes and then saw...a campfire!

"Fire! Warmth!!" Po cried out as she ran over to the fire and sat down next to it, slowly feeling her body warm up.

The Guardian smiled a bit before hearing something begin to chop down trees. He turned around and saw a security droid cutting down trees.

Security droids were just that, guards. Like the tubbies, they were created by the machines as security guards of sorts. The Guardian had seen them more times than once, but never really interacted with them.

The Guardian walked over to the robot. "Uh...Hello?"

The robot turned over to him. "Greetings."

"Who are you?"

"I am Unit 437. A security droid created by the machines. My original directive was to kill the master and prevent it from escaping the main land." The robot spoke. "However, once I encountered the master, I knew I was incapable of defeating him....I'm not very good at my job."

"I...can see." The Guardian said.

"At that point, I knew I had two options. To serve or be destroyed. I chose to serve. Now my directive is to build fires for the master to keep him warm. I also cook the master meals. I keep the master alive."

The Guardian thought for a moment. "The that the thing that took us?"

"That is correct."

"Why were we brought here...?" The Guardian asked, feeling nervous of the answer.

"Tomorrow? You two will be chopped up and cooked for the master to eat." Unit 437 said.

The Guardian's eyes widened and he was incredibly thankful Po didn't hear that, or she would've panicked and made things worse. "What?!"

"You will be food, I'm afraid. But don't worry! I can make a very nice salsa. You will die, but you will taste very good."

The Guardian slowly turned around and let Unit 437 continue to chop down wood for the fire. He slowly made his way over to Po. "We need to go."

"H-Huh? But why?" Po asked.

The Guardian looked from side to side before whispering. "We gotta go or that thing is gonna have dinner. WE'RE the dinner." He whispered and shouted.

Po was about to cry out, but The Guardian stopped her by covering her mouth.

"We can't risk it hearing us. We'll leave before it gets back."

Po nodded before her mouth was uncovered. "D-Do you at l-least have your night vision camera?"

The Guardian looked under his hat and then grabbed the camera. "Never lost it."

Po sighed with relief before standing up. "Then, let's go."

The two then started to sneak their way away from the fire and Unit 437 until the robot stopped them.

"Halt! Where do you two think you're going? I'm meant to chop you up and cool you for the master to eat tomorrow!"

"I don't wanna be food!!" Po cried out.

"If you leave, I'll have to inform the master that death is an inconvenience for you. The master will be VERY angry...Please, the master will destroy me if he found out I let you two go."

The Guardian offered his hand out. "Come with us! You're a slave!"

Unit 437 took that in for a moment. "Come...with you? The master will not like that at all. I failed my directives once, I will not fail them again. Once the master returns and finds out you're gone, it will hunt you both down and kill you."

Po whimpered and grabbed ahold of The Guardian again.

The Guardian growled a bit at Unit 437 and then started to head deeper, taking out his night vision camera.

"W-Will...Will that thing kill us...?"

"No, Po. I'm not gonna let it hurt us. I'm not gonna let it hurt you."

Po nodded and then slowly let go of him, and the two started walking deeper into the mountains. But then? They heard it.

A roar from the master.

"He knows we're gone!!" The Guardian cried out.

"Run!!!" Po shouted and once again, the two started running away.

The two kept running and running and running and running until they knew they were very far away from the master. This creature that lived in the winter. A Yeti Tubby.

They took many rights and lefts until they were very far away and then eventually? Made it to the gate.

"We made it!" Po cried out with relief.

The Guardian smiled and walked over to the gate before seeing it was locked. "Damnit."

"What is it? And what's 'Damnit'?" She asked, obviously not knowing what a swear word was.

The Guardian chuckled nervously before turning to Po. "Well, the gate's locked. And there's no way we can find a key."

"Guess we have find something to break it." Po said.

The Guardian nodded and the two started to look around for anything. Until the two came across a house. Po went inside and then came back out with a pipe. "Will this work?"

"It will work perfectly! Thanks, Po!" The Guardian said as he was handed the pipe.

The Guardian then walked over to the gate and bashed the lock open, and the gate opened. "Let's go."

Po was about to say something until there was a roar from the distance.

"RIGHT NOW." The Guardian said as he quickly grabbed Po's hand and the two ran off.
