Chapter 16: Apocalypse Begins

"I think you just pissed him off." Walten breathed before seeing Fiona run into the base again with a pistol in her hand.

"FIONA!!" Po cried and ran after her.

"PO, DON'T FOLLOW HER!!!" Walten said as he too ran after her, but Richard roared as he finally broke out of his trap of debris and then grabbed Walten and punched him into a helicopter. He roared again and then looked at Ron and black tendrils sprouted from his arm, grabbing Ron by the neck. "THIS DEFIANT BREATH SHALL BE YOUR LAST..."

Meanwhile, Po ran as fast as she could before seeing Fiona shoot down multiple New Borns to make a path. She grabbed her. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm not leaving Wes in here!!" Fiona screamed and forced Po's arm off her shoulder and ran into the lab to see Wes being grabbed by the neck by the fire New Born, or rather, the now infected and mindless Pyro.

Wes choked as he struggled. "P...Pyro...P-Please..."

Pyro just growled and then got his flamethrower and powered it up before Fiona shot him in the arm, causing him to drop Wes and hiss in pain.

"TOUCH HIM AGAIN, AND I BLOW YOUR FRIGGIN' ARM OFF!!!" She shouted and shot again.

Pyro dodged this time and then lunged at Fiona, swatting her to the wall, forcing her to drop her gun. He cackled and started to stomp towards her.

Po didn't know what to do. She couldn't fight! She could hardly shoot a gun without it jumping out of her hands. She looked at Pyro stomping towards Fiona, who was helpless. She growled, grabbed the gun anyway and shot Pyro in the back.

Pyro roared in pain, falling to his knees and hands.

Po ran over and grabbed Fiona, who slowly got up and then went into the now burning lab and grabbed the unconscious Wes and then quickly ran out of the base to see Walten trying to free Ron from Richard's grip. She took a deep breath and then shot one of Richard's tendrils, causing Ron to fall next to Walten.

Richard roared before his eyes and the cracked screen went red and he faced Po. "YOU INSOLENT LITTLE BRAT!!!" He swiped his claws at her, but Po just barely dodged and shot him again before running with Wes in her arms.

They all ran into the helicopter, Po grabbing Walten and Ron's hands and pulling them in, and finally, they all took off.

Richard roared louder than ever and hopped onto the top of the base and then watched the helicopters fly off. He growled. "You may have won for now...BUT NO ONE SURVIVES THE END OF THE WORLD."

Meanwhile, Po breathed heavily as she sat down. "I...I can't believe I just did that..."

"You saved my butt back there." Ron said, and then looked at Walten. "You too. Ok, I need to save your life once."

"You kinda did when you rammed that helicopter into Richard's face." Walten said with a small laugh before looking out the window and seeing the base burn to a crisp, watching Richard and the army of New Borns walk out.

Fiona set Wes on a seat and then looked at her unconscious mentor, friend, and brother. "They'll be ok."

"Thank god." Lenny breathed. "But can anyone explain what happened to Richard? And when he arrived, those three started to have headaches?"

Po looked at the ground. She had a pretty good feeling about the answer of the first question, but she didn't want to see that nightmare again.

Just then, Anne sat up with a groan. "Ugh...My head feels like it broke my own skull. What happened...?"

"Anne!!" Fiona exclaimed as she rushed over. "Oh, thank god."

"Fiona? Wait, why are we in a helicopter? Shouldn't we be at base?"

"Considering that the base is burning to a crisp thanks to Pyro and The New Borns. We should probably go to another one."

Anne's eyes widened before she sighed. "Richard got there, didn't he?"

"You know what happened...?" Ron asked.

Anne shook her head. "No. But I know for certain that whatever that thing was, it wasn't Richard. All I remember is him coming out and with a yellow creature."

Po looked at her. "That...That was one of my friends..."

Fiona looked at Po, tilting her head. "No offense, but you need a better taste in friends."

"Fiona!" Anne said.


Anne then looked at Po, Walten, and Ron. "Do any of you know what could be going on?"

"Well, the only thing we know is that The New Borns were created by Noo Noo and are now killing machines. I don't think Noo Noo said anything about a military captain being one too." His mind then wandered off to that small scene where he saw a shadow looming over Noo Noo back in the Satellite Station. He could hardly remember it since it went by so fast.

Po then spoke up. "I think I do...It was the Shadow Tubby."

Lenny looked at her, confused. "Shadow Tubby?"

"Po, what do you mean?" Ron asked.

"He was a giant monster in my nightmare." Po told them. "He said something about not being able to wait for me to suffer in the real world. And when Richard arrived, his laugh sounded just like his. And those pink tears...That's custard. The infected custard. The thing that started all of this."

"Po...Are you sure?" Walten asked.

Po nodded. "I know this might just be crazy talk, but I think Shadow Tubby is their leader and-"

"Using Richard as a host." Fiona finished.

Anne thought for a moment. "Looks like there's more to this than we thought. Thank you, Po."

Po smiled a little and nodded before Walten spoke up. "Where are we going now? The base is taken down."

"We have more than one base." Anne said with a chuckle. "This one not even Richard knew about. Miles only trusted me and Fiona with it's location. We're going there and making a plan of attack." She then looked at the three of them. "You can rest there if you-"

"We're gonna fight too." Walten said. "If you don't mind training us that is."

Ron nodded.

Po then smiled. "We wanna help. This whole thing started with us."

Anne chuckled. "Alright, rookies. We can do that."
