Chapter 29: Birth of Hell

Shadow watched the world beneath him burn with an evil grin. His plan for never ending destruction wasn't complete yet, but it would be done soon. He walked back onto his throne made of scrap metal and relaxed as his army marched through the dead and burning city. He then began to think back what inspired him to even make his plan.

Become reborn, gain physical form, and then destroy every living thing. Simple as that. It's what he was made for, to destroy. Or rather, to keep balance, but since when did humans have control over anything? It's what brought their end.

Hundreds of years ago...

"Are you sure this is a good idea? This thing might go crazy and prevent them from repopulating."

One of the creators rolled their eyes. "I've told you and Victor this thousands of times. It's just meant to kill a few so we don't have too much and cause more and more deaths. If we don't have enough resources for these millions of tubbies, then they won't be able to live. Think of it like a sick dog being put out if it's misery."

"I still think it's a bad idea on HOW we're bringing it to life, especially without Victor's knowledge, Dan."

Dan groaned before finally finishing the drawing and closing the book he had in his hand. "Victor doesn't need to know everything about the creation of the tubbies. The machine creates thousands every day and you don't see him supervising each one."

"Actually he does. He says it's quite beautiful to bring new ones to life."

Dan rolled his eyes before opening the book again and then placing the bowl of the oozing pink liquid in front of the giant symbol drawn on the ground. He then began reading from the book, doing some kind of chant.

The other creator stepped back the moment he saw the pink liquid, the custard, turn black. Then, a shadowy hand that was just barely visible suddenly emerged from it, but it was gooey and almost transparent.

Dan's eyes widened for a moment before he finished the last part of the chant and then closed the book to watch his creation come to life. He then saw the now small black and shadowy creature fall to it's knees. Suddenly, it grew a bracket antenna and ears like a tubby, but it didn't grow a face.

"It's...Holy shit, it worked." The other creator breathed.

The shadowy creature looked from side to side before facing it's creators.

"I think you just summoned a demon from Hell, Dan!"

"I think I just MADE one. But remember, it's not meant to kill everything. Just what we need it too."

"Then, we better chain it-"

Suddenly, the creature grew a mouth filled with razor sharp fangs, and it grew a giant wicked grin before lunging at the two, causing them to scream. And with that, blood splattered everywhere as Shadow slashed his claws against his creator's face and then bit his arm off before ripping out their heart and eating it.

The other creator tried to run, but a tendril sprouted from the ground and grabbed him by the leg and then he screamed in pure agony as Shadow began to rip him apart.

The Shadow Tubby breathed heavily as he felt his transparent body slowly become more and more visible. He then cackled. "That was fun." He laughed as he stood. He then looked at himself before looking at the ground and suddenly turning himself taller and less skinny and frail.

He laughed as his creator's blood dripped down from his teeth and down his jaw. He then smashed the door open and tore it off its hinges and threw it into the room he was once in.

Suddenly, another man in a lab coat ran over. "Dan? John? What the hell is all your screaming-" He then froze and stepped back.

Shadow cackled. "You're the famous Victor, eh? I WONDER WHAT YOUR HEART TASTES LIKE." He then got on all fours like a beast and charged at the human.

Victor grabbed some kind of rod like weapon and jammed it into the demon's neck, causing it to shock him as the beast screamed in pain.

Shadow then grabbed the rod and snapped it in half before roaring.

Victor quickly grabbed the remains of the rod and then stabbed it into the beast's stomach before running.

Shadow growled and then absorbed the rod into his gooey and shadowy body before grinning and running after Victor. "I THOUGHT YOU LIKED SEEING TUBBIES BEING BROUGHT TO LIFE, VIC!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Victor kept running and running before sliding into some kind of testing facility and then grabbing an axe. He then turned around to see Shadow at the door and lunging at him. Just in time, he swung the axe DIRECTLY into the beast's face.

Shadow tumbled against the floor, the axe still in his face. The black demon then stood and ripped the axe out of the side of his face and then faced Victor with an evil cackle. "Weapons game, eh? LEMME HAVE A TURN." He suddenly grew blades from his arms and swung them at Victor, but the scientist dodged, the blades hitting the wall instead.

"WHAT ARE YOU?!" Victor cried.

Shadow ripped out his blades and then faced Victor as he backed up. "I am your colleagues' creation. I am The Shadow Tubby. But do call me your race's NEW SATAN." He then lunged at him again, roaring.

He managed to hit him in the arm, which Shadow then bounced off a wall and bit into Victor's arm, the one that he hit. He then tugged on it, and ripped it off.

Victor screamed in tremendous pain as he fell to the ground. He held his now bloody arm before seeing a now bloody book next to him and Dan's now dead body.

Shadow cackled and then a giant glowing red eye emerged from his face. "ANY LAST WORDS?"

Victor managed to see what the spell that Dan so foolishly used and saw a reversal to it.

'If the demon ever betrays it's programming, seal it back into the item it emerged from.'

Victor then slowly whispered the chant, causing Shadow to tilt his head.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a snarl.

Then, Victor finished the chant and kicked Shadow in the screen, causing him to stumble backwards and roar.

"Goodbye." Victor said as he watched Shadow began to become transparent again.

"WHAT...? WHAT DID YOU- AHHHHHHH!!!!!" He began to roar as his very body began to drift back into the custard. "NO!!!! I WILL RETURN!!! AND WHEN I DO, I'LL KILL YOU!!! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU-"

Before he could finish, he drifted back into the custard, now nothing but a bowl of infected and demonic ooze.

Victor slowly got up before passing out.

Other scientists saw Victor and then quickly rushed him to the medical bay, and that's what began Shadow's century filled prison.


The Tubby Devil then began to laugh as his armies continued to destroy and march. Destroying the machine only slowed him down.
