Chapter 13: The End of The World

Meanwhile, Miles and Anne were readying themselves to fight with some soldiers behind them.

Miles gripped his machine gun and strapped his rocket launcher to his back just in case he ever needed it. He then squinted his eyes before he saw the massive army begin to march and limp over. "They're coming! Prepare to fire!" He cried.

Everyone grabbed their various guns and rocket launchers before Miles began to scream.

"FIRE!!!" He shouted, pointing at the army.

Bullets fired from guns, shooting down the New Borns while rockets flew and zoomed through the air and caused The New Borns to explode.

Anne sighed with relief once all of them were dead and some of them were burning or on fire due to the explosions from the rockets. "I think that's all of them."

Miles stepped forward and looked through the desert before hearing and seeing something begin to crawl over before his eyes widened. It was a giant New Born with a metal mask and blades for hands, along with bladed insect legs.

The Scorpion had returned. Or at least, another one did.

"WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Miles shouted as he grabbed his rocket launcher and fired it at The Scorpion.

It hissed and slashed at the rocket, causing it to explode in front of him, but not harm him.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE, SHOOT IT!!!" Anne commanded the other soldiers as they all stepped back, firing their rocket launchers.

Everyone fired at The Scorpion, but all the rockets and gunfire seemed to be doing was slowing it down from them as they all moved back. The Scorpion roared and then swung it's massive blade arm at one of the soldiers, hitting them clear in the face, making them scream out in pain. The Scorpion then did the same to another.

Anne growled and then fired one more rocket at the beast.

The rocket hit The Scorpion's arm, making it hiss in pain before facing Anne and then running towards her.

"ANNE!!!" Miles screamed out.

The Scorpion roared one last time before slashing Anne in the chest, making her cry out in tremendous pain as she began to bleed and she fell to her knees. The Scorpion let out a beastly cackle before raising its blade again, but then Miles hopped onto the beast's shoulder.

Miles then ripped off the beast's metal mask with all his strength, ripped out the pin of a grenade and then shoved it down the monster's throat. "EAT GRENADE, YOU MONSTER!!!" He then hopped off the monster's shoulders and got in front of Anne, picking her up and running away just as the explosion commenced, and The Scorpion blew up.

The sergeant sighed in relief before setting Anne down and ripping off his helmet and tossing it aside. "Anne?! Anne, are you ok?! Please! Say something! Say anything!"

Anne groaned as she held her bleeding stomach, there was going to be a scar there for a while. Thankfully, the blade only cut her, and she wouldn't die. She would be hurt for a while though. "I...I think I'm ok."

"Thank god." Miles whispered as he knelt down.

"T-That thing hit me...r-really good. I'm hurt, but I'll be ok." Anne told him.

Miles nodded and then grabbed his two way radio. "Sergeant Miles to base. Do you copy? Over."

No response.

"Come in base! Do you read me? Over."

Once again, there was no response.

Miles swore under his breath before facing Anne. "That isn't working. I guess we better find some other way to contact them." He then saw the Satellite Station and then looked at Anne. "Ok, we can contact them through there. Can you walk..?"

Anne slowly got to her feet, shaking a little as if she were about to fall. "F-For a little bit."

Miles then faced those other soldiers and went over to check their pulse, and thankfully, they were all still breathing, just hurt very badly. After helping them get over near the door, the two walked inside. As the two walked inside the station and then Miles helped Anne sit down. "You stay here. I'll find the secret center."

Anne nodded. "Be careful. Ok?"

Miles nodded as well before walking deeper into the center, but as he walked deeper into the darkness and away from Anne, he began to see...horrifying sights. Blue tubby after blue tubby. They were all dead and bloody, their bodies cold. The sergeant tried very desperately to cover his eyes until coming across a green tubby corpse, but it had no head and it's fur was covered in blood. He looked away from the bloody thing and then managed to find the secret center.

But inside, he saw the burning remains of what seemed to be a giant robot of some sort.

"What the hell did The Guardian and his friends do here...?" Miles asked before finding the computer and about to contact the military before hearing footsteps. He turned around and saw nothing. "Calm down, Miles. You're just being paranoid. Anne's ok too. There isn't anything to worry about."

He then pressed the record button.

"This is Sergeant Miles to base! All of us are injured and hurt, we need you to send a- AGH!!!" Miles was then slammed against the computer, but the message continued to send out.

Miles tried to turn his head so he could see his mysterious attacker, but his green eyes widened when he saw who had grabbed his neck and slammed him onto the computer.

It was Richard. Captain Richard. But his eyes were black and completely devoid of anything that once defined him. His skin was pale and gray, black and glowing pink tears coming down from his eyes, but he for sure wasn't crying.

"R-RICHARD-?!" Miles cried before he was thrown against the wall.

Richard cackled an evil and wicked cackle. "HELLO, SERGEANT! I HOPE YOU DIDN'T SEND SO MANY TEAMS LOOKING FOR ME~"

"RICHARD, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Miles asked before finally getting it through his head. Richard was infected, or at least something having to do with The New Borns had a hold of him. He grabbed his machine gun and pointed it at Richard. "Take a single step, and I'll blow your limbs off."

Richard cackled and raised his arms into the air, but it was more of a playful gesture instead of a gesture of surrender.

"You're not Richard..." Miles breathed.


"Anne..?" Miles whispered before loading the gun, as if he were about to blow Richard's head out. "WHERE'S ANNE?!"

Richard lowered his arms and then snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a skinny yellow creature walked out. It's fur was bloody and it had a curly antenna. And it was holding Anne by the neck, and Anne was unconscious, but even if she were conscious, she wouldn't have been able to fight back because of her injury.

"ANNE!" Miles cried out before aiming the gun at the yellow creature, but a black tendril suddenly sprouted from Richard's hand and grabbed the gun. Miles gasped before the tendril grabbed ahold of his neck.

Richard smirked before he began to stomp over, but his form began to change. His hat fell off, showing a strange black antenna. His arms grew longer, a black substance separating the halves of his arms, which made them longer. The same went for his legs. Then, his screen turned into jaws, snapping rapidly.

Miles was horrified by the sight as Richard walked closer and revealed he now had bloody fangs, now being able to see the black and glowing pink tears.

