Chapter 14: Hellfire

Meanwhile, in the Military Base, Ron and Lenny and Fiona were all working together to try and get the communications machine up and running.

"Jeez, how did this thing break so badly?" Ron asked as he looked inside the machine.

"I don't know!" Lenny cried. "I gave it the most essential care!"

Fiona narrowed her eyes at him. "You banged it with a wrench whenever you thought it was glitching because you thought you knew how to fix it!"

"...And it worked!" Lenny argued back.

"Did you happen to hit on the inside of the machine?" Ron asked as he looked at him.

"Uhh, duh!" Lenny replied as Fiona facepalmed.

"Well, that's the problem. Thankfully, it's fixable! Any of you got any tools?" Ron asked.

Fiona thought for a moment. "Well, neither of us don't, but Wes does. He's pretty tech savvy, and he's also the medic and chief science officer!"

"Sweet! Where is he?" Ron asked as he slowly stood up, since he was still incredibly injured by Dipsy.

"With Pyro in the lab." Lenny said. "Speaking of which, if this 'infected custard' is what's causing all these 'New Borns', maybe we should get him and a team to burn it."

"Alright. Sounds good to me." Ron said simply.

"Guess Connor's gonna get back-up." Fiona said before facing Ron. "Speaking of which, maybe you should check on your friends."

Lenny nodded. "Yeah...They looked pretty spooked. I heard the red one, Po, crying over something earlier, but The Guardian calmed him down."

"Oh, boy...I'll go check on them, and then come back to help fix it. You just get the tools and etc, ok?"

Both Lenny and Fiona nodded as he started to walk away towards Walten and Po's room, or at least the room they were at. They weren't that close to this place yet. Fiona then started walking over to the lab and saw Wes and Pyro just chatting, even seeing Pyro giving his old friend a noogie.

"Hey! Pyro! Quit it!" Wes laughed, managing to escape his grip.

Pyro just laughed with him. "Brought it upon yourself, buddy! I practically raised you, dude!"

"You only taught me most of everything I know, not really raising me." Wes said simply.

Pyro shrugged. "Still the same thing in my eyes."

"Alright, alright, fair." Wes said before seeing Fiona and smiling. "Oh! Hey, Fiona!"

"Hey. Sorry to interrupt, but mind if I borrow the toolbox and Pyro at the same time? We need both for something."

"The distress calls, correct?" Wes asked.

Fiona nodded. "No samples of any soldier just yet for you to analyze. So I guess you can just wait for one."

"Well, alright." Wes said before giving Pyro a fist bump. Pyro waved goodbye before facing Fiona, who grabbed the toolbox and smiled. "Cya, Wes!" Fiona said before facing Pyro.

"So, what do you need me to do?" Pyro asked.

"We need you to take a team and meet up with Connor at the main custard facility. According to The Guardian, Po, and Ron, it's the reason the distress calls even came in. Dutch should be back with my brother and Anne soon. And we need you to burn it all, and with your name being Pyro and all..."

Pyro nodded before grabbing some kind of blaster or gun that shot out fire. "Burning is my specialty. Alright, I'll head out."

Fiona waved as Pyro walked off before looking back at Wes' lab. "Maybe he needs some company...No, wait. The machine gets fixed first. Then chat. Focus, Fiona, focus." She told herself before walking back into the communications center.

Connor looked at the giant vat of glowing custard, and was even a little creeped out. It looked like a huge pool, but with ooze instead of water. "Jeez."

One of the soldiers stepped out. "Well, it's glowing, and I have a feeling it has something to do with those zombie things."

"Probably." Connor said before hearing hissing and his eyes widened before he quickly took out his katana and turned around.

Small groups of New Borns hissed and roared at them, bloodthirsty. They started to walk up to where the soldiers and Connor were, and then more bigger New Borns began to show up as well. One was completely gray and stone like, teleporting in and out of existence. One was giant and had massive claws on their hands and spikes on their back.

"FIRE!" Connor commanded.

The soldiers took out their rocket launchers and then fired it at the ramp The New Borns were walking up, and it exploded, killing some of them off, but not all of them. The giant and spike filled New Born roared and then jumped into the air and landed in front of the group.

Connor then plunged his sword into the beast's stomach before ripping out and slicing their arm off.

The New Born roared in pain, covering it's limb, or what was left of it as it stepped back.

Connor then threw his sword at it's black and lifeless eye before taking out a sniper rifle and blowing it's head off with a shot. He then kicked it's now dead body onto The New Borns that were still trying to get up there. "Boom! Headshot!"

The other soldiers ran over and fired rockets at The New Borns below, killing and blowing them all up.

Connor sighed in relief before looking at the custard. "We need that destroyed. Imagine if they make more of those things-"

"SIR! LOOK OUT!!!" A soldier cried.

Connor turned around and was then grabbed by the neck by the teleporting and stone like New Born, who cackled before showing its claws and lowering them to the visor of Connor's helmet. But then, the New Born was set ablaze and it screamed in pain, dropping Connor before the fire could spread to him.

Pyro grinned and then kicked the New Born down onto the ground as it began to finally die as it's corpse burned to death.

"Thanks." Connor said as he got to his feet.

Pyro smirked. "Anytime, Connor."

Connor took off his very odd like helmet and then the two looked down at the giant vat of custard. "Okay. I take it they sent you to burn this?"

"And to help you out!" Pyro said before grabbing his mini flamethrower and preparing it. "Time to get to work."

"Let's hope no more of those New Borns aren't following us." Connor said as he, Pyro, and all of the soldiers walked down. Pyro then started to set the custard ablaze until something emerged from The Custard, hopping out of it and in front of the group. The custard that splashed due to the figure's landing took out the fire.

Connor took out his sword again and Pyro got ready to burn the face off of whoever this was before they both gasped.

It was Richard, or at least whatever had a hold of him.

"C-Captain Richard?!" Connor cried.

Pyro stepped back a bit. "What happened to you?! And what's with the bracket antenna?"

"IT'S MY NEW LOOK. BUT I'M NOT RICHARD." The demon laughed before roaring, and black tendrils sprouted from his body and then grabbed all the soldiers and tossed them aside, some of them landing into the custard.

Connor growled and sliced his katana at the tendrils, but his wrist was grabbed and a black tendril turned into a blade and sliced Connor in the face, causing him to scream in pain.

Pyro growled and shot out a burst of fire at Richard.

Richard roared in pain, covering his face and letting go of Connor. He then sliced Pyro in the eye and then teleported behind him and punched him against the vat of custard. He cackled, which he seemed to have loved doing. He then tied him up with a black tendril and held Pyro close. "A PYROTECHNICIAN. I LIKE YOU. I COULD USE YOU FOR MY ARMY."

Pyro growled at him. "So, you caused all of this and then took Richard?!"


Then, Laa and a green lizard-like monster walked behind their master, holding an unconscious Miles and Anne, who were both badly injured. But, Miles' right eye had a giant bloody scar over it.

Pyro gasped and he growled at Richard. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Richard smirked. "IT'S ALWAYS UP TO THE 'EYE' OF THE BEHOLDER." He laughed maniacally before slamming Pyro into the custard, no matter how much he screamed in pain.

He just kept grinning a bloody grin.
