Chapter 6: Laa Laa

They were so close to the Satellite Station. Just a little more walking. They couldn't believe how close they already were.

The Guardian narrowed his eyes and then gasped when he saw a satellite dish up ahead. "It's there! We made it!!!"

"Really?! Yay!!!" Po cried out with a cheer. "How far is it?"

"We just have to make it through the outskirts, and we'll be there!" The Guardian said. "But don't worry! It's not like a maze or something! It's sort of a broken stone place. We'll be at The Satellite Station in no time flat."

Po smiled. "Then, this whole mess will be over. Right?"

"Mhm. It will all be over." The Guardian said before seeing the sun coming up. "Oh! The sun's almost up."

"Finally. I think I'm getting scared of the dark now." Po said.

"Makes sense." The Guardian said with a small shrug as they kept walking.

The two kept talking and walking, learning more and more about the other until suddenly, Po spoke up.

"Thank you." She said.

"Huh? For what?"

"For saving my life. You saved me from Tink. You saved me again when he turned into that monster. And you saved me from being turned into tubby toast." She giggled. "You're really good at saving my life!"

The Guardian blushed and chuckled a little. "I guess so! And I suppose you owe me."

"Uhh, well, I..."

"Po, I'm just kidding. You being safe is all that I can ask for." The Guardian said with a smile.

Po felt her face suddenly grow...warm. But she didn't know why. So, she shrugged it off and kept smiling. "So...After everything's normal again. Are you gonna hide from us again? Am I gonna forget you?"

The Guardian was silent for a moment before looking at her. "No. You're not gonna forget me. Erasing memory of me is gonna hurt us both. And it's clear hiding from you guys when I'm supposed to protect you all doesn't work. So, maybe we'll figure out some kind of living situation? I dunno. There's not much to pack in my secret lair anyway."

"Hehe! I guess! Oh! And one more question!" Po said.


"U-Uhh..." Po didn't seem to understand what he meant, and thought he actually meant to shoot a weapon.

"Oh! No! It means to ask it! Sorry!" The Guardian said with a laugh.

Po sighed in relief before facing him. "What's your name?"

"The Guardian."

"No. Your REAL name? The Guardian is kind of just a title. You can't have been called The Guardian when you were a little tiddlytubby!"

The Guardian was about to answer until he was silent and looked down. "I...don't have one. I've only ever known The Guardian for my whole life."

"Oh...That's sad. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. A name doesn't really define who I am and The Guardian isn't an embarrassing one." He said. "But an actual name would've been nice."

"Maybe we could give you a name!"

"What? Like a nickname that's my actual name?"


"I guess it's worth a shot."

"Ok! What do you wanna be called?!" Po said, seeming very excited.

The Guardian thought for a moment. "You know, I always liked the name Wal-"

Talking stopped instantly when the two saw something shocking in front of their eyes. A bowl of custard.

"What the hell?" The Guardian asked. "What would a bowl of custard be doing out here?"

Po knelt down and seemingly knew what to do, grabbing the bowl and smashing it.

The Guardian also knew what to do, burning the custard.

"Call me crazy, but I think there's more around here."

Po gulped. "D-Do you think there's any monster guarding them?"

"No. Unless there's a surprise monster like that Yeti Tubby."

"O-Ok. I'll smash the bowls and you can burn them."

The Guardian nodded and they started heading deeper into the outskirts, searching for custards to destroy until suddenly? They heard a hiss. Po and The Guardian froze before quickly hiding behind a wall. The Guardian slowly peeked out and then gasped.

It was a tall and thin yellow tubby, but with long and almost skeletal arms. Their whole body was shaking and twitching in an uncontrollable manner. They had blood all over their fur, and finally? Their eyes were scratched out.

"Oh, no! It's Laa!!" The Guardian shouted and whispered.

Po gasped and looked at him. "Laa Laa? She's alive?"

"No. She's like Tink. The custard affects the dead somehow."

"L-Laa..." Po said, feeling tears in her eyes before she wiped them. "N-No. This will make i-it easier to save her."

The Guardian nodded before peeking out again and narrowing his eyes. "Tinky Winky scratched her eyes out. She can't see us." He whispered.

"This should be easy then!" Po whispered back.

"She can still hear us."

"I retract my previous statement." Po whispered with a gulp.

The Guardian then turned on his night vision camera to help them look around more easily. While it was about to be daytime, it wasn't light enough yet.

They started walking, or rather, sneaking around the outskirts, trying to find more custards without attracting Laa.

The monstrous Laa suddenly began to walk around, trying to find her first victims.

Po couldn't believe it. Her old friend had returned from the dead and was now a horrible monster. She must've been hurting so much. 'Don't worry, Laa. We'll save you.' She thought.

The Guardian and Po kept looking around until they found a custard and smiled. Po was about to break the bowl until freezing.

"What's the matter?"

"Maybe we should just burn it. Laa Laa will hear us if we break it." Po said.

"Smart plan." The Guardian said as he burned the custard while it was still inside the bowl.

The two then continued to travel around the outskirts while trying to avoid Laa. Until suddenly, a stone moved around.

Laa's head perked up and she turned into their direction and roared.

The Guardian and Po gasped, quickly running away, but Laa chased after them until The Guardian grabbed another stone and threw it behind her.

Laa stopped chasing them and then started chasing the sound of the stone being thrown.

Po and The Guardian sighed quietly in pure relief and continued to look around for more custards.

They eventually found another and burned it. Then, they found another and burned it. And soon, four more were burned.

"Are there any more?" Po asked, tilting her head.

The Guardian shook his head. "No. Now we can leave."

Po nodded and the two started making their way towards the exit until they froze.

Laa was in front of the exit, continuing to twitch and shake uncontrollably.

"She's blocking the exit. We can't go through. And we can't go around either and risk her spotting us." The Guardian whispered.

Po tried to think of a plan, and started to absentmindedly fidget with a rock to try and relieve her of her stress. But it was no scooter. Then, she looked at the rock and then thought of something. "Should I throw this at her?"

"No. She may be skinny now, but she isn't frail." The Guardian said before catching notice of the pillars that Laa was standing under. "Those pillars are about to collapse...Maybe we could trap her under them."

"...Wait. I got an idea!" Po whispered and shouted.

The Guardian faced her before Po slowly stood up and then threw the rock at the pillar next to Laa.

Laa roared and started attacking the pillar, but that was the last point of damage it needed for them to collapse, and the pillars fell on top of her, trapping her. The monster tried to escape, but to no avail.

"We did it!" Po exclaimed before Laa roared and she squeaked.

The Guardian was even a bit startled before they slowly made their way around Laa and through the exit. If there was ever a cure, they could save her. They had to keep her alive for now. They just had to hope she didn't escape.

Their journey was almost over...Or was it?
