Chapter 22: Ignorance

Po shot her gun at Fiona, but the crimson tubby swiftly dodged and fired hers at Po, but Po quickly hid behind a tree and then fired multiple paintballs without even looking.

"OOF!" Fiona cried and then looked and saw paint on the armor and laughed. "Nice shot!"

Po giggled as she came out. "I wasn't exactly trying to aim!"

"Oh. Then I take that back." Fiona said with a snort before they both walked out. "So, what now?"

"I dunno. I haven't reached the point where I can go on a mission involving New Borns yet." Po said simply.

Fiona nodded. "Yeah. I can't exactly go on too many missions either. I freak out and was demoted from a soldier to a communications officer when I went a little crazy with a gun."

Po snorted as she sat down on a fallen log. "I'm glad I haven't done that yet!"

"Me neither. You're actually a pretty cool person." Fiona said.

Po smiled and then tilted her head. "Does this make us friends?"

"I guess so, friend!" She said back with a smile.

Po smiled before looking down at the ground. "You know, I didn't know there was a lot to this world before Walten showed up and Tink became a giant hulk."

Fiona tilted her head. "Whaddya mean?"

"Well, according to Walten, my home wasn't exactly real. My friends and I were, but we were living in a place filled with fake things."

"Ohh...I'm sorry..."

"No, no! It's alright! Fake or not, it's still home!" Her smile then softened. "I might not wanna go back to it for a while though. Not only because of what happened, but because of all these New Borns. Maybe me, Walten, and Ron can get our own house!."

Fiona nodded. "Makes sense. He'd seem like he'd want that. The blue guy- I mean, Ron too."

Po smiled before becoming confused. "Wait, whaddya mean?"

"You haven't seen the way that guy looks at you?" Fiona asked, referring to The Guardian himself.

Po shook her head. "We're super duper ultra best friends, but I don't think he's given me any looks."

"Really? I think you may be blind then." Fiona said simply.

Po shook her head, confused again. "How so?"

"The dude has a crush on you." She said with a smile before her expression became confused when she saw Po's horrified face.


"No, no, no, no!! I didn't mean that!!" Fiona cried out.

Po sighed in relief. "Then what do you mean?"

Fiona snorted. "You seriously don't know what that means?"

Po shook her head.

"It means he wants to be with you."

"He is with me though!" Po said.

Fiona shook her head. "No. Like, be with you in the romantic way."

Po's mind went blank for a second. She had no idea what that meant. Romantic? What kind of word was that? It sounded like a bad Italian Restaurant that only served two breadsticks. What was Italian? And what was a restaurant? And what were breadsticks?

Fiona's purple eyes widened for a moment. "You're kidding. HOW LONG WERE YOU IN THAT FAKE LAND WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT LOVE IS?!?"

"Love...?" Po asked, tilting her head.

Fiona's jaw dropped for a moment before she shut her own jaw, set her gun aside, and placed both hands on her shoulders. "WHAT. THE ACTUAL. FU-" She stopped herself from swearing. She probably didn't know what the F-Word meant either.

"Fudge?" Po asked.

"Yeah....Yeah, that's what I was gonna say." Fiona said. "Wait, how old are you?"

Po shrugged.

"How long were you in that fake home?"

"Oh! Easy! My whole life! I was the youngest out of all my friends!"

"By how much?"

"2 years." She said.

Fiona nodded. "And your birthday...?"

"March 31st." She said simply.

"Okay, so you know months and your birthday." Fiona said before looking at her companion again. "Honey, it's time I teach you some things."



Shadow stomped over to the burnt remains of the base. "FINALLY FREE...NEW BORNS!"

The twins ran over to their master and bowed before him quickly.

"How are the attacks on cities and living beings going?" Shadow asked as he looked out into the bright blue sky, which he would soon make dark.

"Cities are taken over and almost destroyed. But the military is defending some we can't reach. Survivors are always being evacuated." The first twin said.

Shadow cackled. "Very well...Then, we'll demolish every single military base until the armies don't have anywhere to go too. They'll be hopeless."

The twins nodded before the second spoke up. "And the survivors?"

"We'll find them and corrupt them in due time."

"Of course...How shall we find the other bases?"

Shadow cackled again before turning to the unconscious Richard. "I already dug into the fool's mind. I know the location of every base."

The twins nodded before standing.

Shadow then sprouted tendrils from his back, which latched onto the top of the base, and then he sprung onto there. He began to laugh once again before snapping his fingers, and suddenly: Laa Laa and Dipsy spawned in.

The mindless monsters growled and hissed, but didn't move.

"Find Tinky Tank and then report back to me." The Tubby Devil commanded.

The monsters nodded and then started to walk away before Shadow teleported them to The Mainland. He then looked back at the sky and then pressed against his forehead. "NEW BORNS. IGNORE THE INVASION AND DESTROY ALL MILITARY BASES. LET NO ONE LIVE."

He then stopped and a glowing red eye emerged from his black void of a face.

"N O  O N E."
