Kurapika X Reader {it was nice meeting you}

This was requested by: UminekoMARIA hope you enjoy!

Your P.O.V
There he was. My drunk father was standing before me, making a 'tch' sound. I was scared. I always was when it came to him. He would hit me, kick, and sometimes even touch me. "D-dad..." I stammered out. I could barely speak.
"Shut up. Trash doesn't talk." He angrily said. That was it. I stood up slowly, making sure not to touch him. "What the hell do you think your doing?"
"Leaving." I darted past him right before he went to pull back. I swept his legs out from under him, and he fell face first into the wall I was leaning on. I went straight to my room, started packing a little, and I left that house. The house my rather murdered my mother in.
"Never going back... Never going back... Never going back..." I repeated until I knew I was a safe distance away. Where could I go now?
"Hey, are you lost?" a voice said. It was male.
I turned, only to be greeted by a boy. He looked 17, my age. He had shoulder length blonde hair and grey eyes. He was extremely handsome. "Um, actually, I ran from home." I didn't even stutter. Usually when I'm around new people, I stutter and get all flustered. But when I'm around him, I feel... Safe.
"Really? What for?"
I looked at the floor. "My dad."
The boy shook his head in disapproval. "Its crazy how people changed. You need a place to stay?"
I blushed but nodded. "Follow me."

Boy's P.O.V

The girl was beautiful. The way the moon reflected off of her H/C hair, the way her E/C eyes sparkled. I wanted to hold her and never let her go.
We had walked for minutes in complete silence, until I got curious. "What is your name?" she seemed shocked at my sudden urge to speak, for she yelped and jumped a bit. I chuckled at her.
"Y/N. Y/N L/N." the name suited her.
"I am called Kurapika." I smiled.

Ok, it's not the best, but I hope you enjoyed it.
