Uvogin X Reader

"Y/N. Wanna hang?" Uvogin and the rest of the Phantom Brigade had returned from a special mission.

Of course, Uvo went straight to Y/N's house. He always did that when finished with a mission.

"Sure. Why not?" she stood up from her bed and walked over to her window, where Uvo was at. "What will we do, Uvo?"

The broad man smiled. "A movie. We're watching a movie." he laughed loudly.

Y/N was slightly confused but wondered what movie. "Which genre?" she hoped it wasn't horror. She despised horror due to her faint heart.

He smirked. "Horror." he knew she didn't like horror movies. He was only doing that to make her annoyed.

She sent him a glare and a question came to her mind. "Where are we watching it at? We can't go to the movie theatre. They'll get scared."

"From what?" he raised an eyebrow and frowned.

"They would know you are part of the Phantom Troupe. Its obvious, really." she replied bluntly.

He sighed, but soon perked up. "How about... At the hideout? We can ask the others to leave us alone."

She was thinking for a moment, but answered. "Sure. I wanted to see the rest anyways."

.:timeskip cuz I'm lazy AF:.

After arriving at the hideout, only Chrollo, Machi, and Shalnark greeted her.

"Hey, guys." She waved to them, but Uvo spoke before they could.

"Do you guys mind leaving for... An hour or so? Me and Y/N are watching a movie." they all looked at him, but Chrollo gave them a closed eye smile.

"Of course we can. You two have your fun. C'mon, you guys. Lets leave them." he gestured for them to leave the room, which they did.

"So, I picked out the movie." in his hands was "Conjuring 2".

Y/N's eyes widened. "That one? I heard it was really scary."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." he winked at her and she melted in her shoes.

At random parts, Y/N would jump and Uvogin would quickly hug her. "Don't worry." his soothing words would glide gently in her ears and calm her down.

After the movie, Uvogin stood up. But when he looked down, he saw a peaceful sleeping Y/N. He smiled to himself and bent over to give her a quick peck on the forehead.

"I love you."

For: NCCarter
